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Posts posted by Biziut.3594

  1. Isn't lege armor about to come in the last SotO update? This update is supposed to reveal the last armor with the question mark and perhaps the precursor right?

    Edit: Ohh. It's Obsidian Legendary Armor tier 1. And next updade have the tier 2. Any idea as to what does it mean? 

    Edit2: nvm. Checked the wiki. Tier 2 is something akin to variants. Silly me. Here I was thinking I'll have to wait another few months for the armor. ^^

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  2. I would love to see it's return at some point. Along with the desert/portal part.

    I wish the desert area with this portal and starry sky could be linked with the nayos map with the Kormir sanctum working as merchants hub. In a similar fashion as the islands in archipelago works, just bigger. ^^


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  3. 1 minute ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    Yeah but you're thinking too narrowly imo. My solution also allows you to mix and match rather than just one option, which is what outfits are. You have to think broader so you can sell it to more people. What if someone else wants to wear boots combined with undies? You can't do that with an outfit.

    ... it is not narrow thinking. I gave idea based on what op wants. And what op wants is dyeable underwear that "Do not give You statistics". There is NOTHING in the opening post that suggests that main poster want to mix and match it. He wants to be naked (as wierd as it sounds, but no judging). Since I doubt Devs will want to delve into labrynth of spagetti coding, I think the outfit is the only solution.

    Creating armor pieces that do not give You any statistics is pointless since outfit slot is already here, I am all for adding armor skins instead of outfits, but it just won't match the op wish to run without any stat ups.

    I am perfectly aware that it would work better as seperate piece for me, and if this post would be about my wish/suggestion (If I would even want to play only in my undies, that is), I would have told Author to just wear reskinned lvl1 gear. But it isn't my post, it's Authors idea, so my suggestions aim to fit His expectations, not mine, and most certainly not Yours. So please do think twice before You call someone for "Narrow Thinking" when it is You who try force change OP's idea and call it His.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Sugar Min.5834 said:

    Period. End of discussion 🚫

    Omegalul. But it is You whos calling. You started quoting me. Xd

    5 hours ago, Sugar Min.5834 said:

    PS You gave the impression that you know something about coding but that doesn't make you an expert, a pro coder and you are always right? :classic_sleep: 

    I gave my opinion, and the most logical answer to Your question that lies in my abilities, as such is my right and You asked for it by quoting me. You may disagree with me, but heed my words.

    Thing You are asking for, is not happening. Not in this form. If Devs wouldn't have problems tinkering with the stuff from the release, You think the game would look like it looks now? We would have tons of new classes, races, weapons ect. Becouse this would give them money. And if company do not touch something, despite the possibility of getting money from it, it means that it's not worth the hassle. And the thing with You is that You ask for a thing that wouldn't even benefit a large part of the playerbase. And a thing that can be made in a way easier way, avoiding all the hassle.

    So Yeah. You may belive my words, You may not, God knows I couldn't care less. But no matter how many times You say...

    5 hours ago, Sugar Min.5834 said:



    5 hours ago, Sugar Min.5834 said:

    End of discussion 

    ... it won't change a fact that company have to earn money, and therefor spend resources responsibly. So if there are two ways to implement a thing, one way being easier/cheaper than the other, and both are bearing the same resoult...

    5 hours ago, Sugar Min.5834 said:

    No. It is not the same thing, psychologically.

    ...(and this is not an argument, physically xd) than company will go for the easier way. And all of that judging that they will decide the idea to be good to begin with. You speaking about underwear and linking it to psychological aspect is unsettling to say the least, so it makes me feel even less about this idea, plus I'd like to remind You that this game is rated 13, Sugar...

    • Like 4
  5. 30 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    Sure, but I was thinking of a way to make it dyable. Anet doesn't have to put any stats on it afaic. I'm sure that's easier for them to do then to make a core element of a character model dyable.

    Well, thats basicly outfits for You. An armor like slot that don't give You any stat benefits. I don't think there is a reason to create a piece of armor that don't give any stats, like what would even be the reason to do it.

    But I may be wierd since I don't really understand the hype of running naked in WvW to begin with. Peoples will hardly respect it since You can just as well toggle off all possible armor pieces, get invisible boots and just take off chest and leggings, accessories are not visible, so I really don't think that all this GoB camp farmers will be amazed if You kill them with Your armor off.

    53 minutes ago, Sugar Min.5834 said:

    Of course not. Didn't claim that I know. But still hard as it may be, does it takes a whole team to do that? How can it be not worthy of time and of resources if it could bring in decent revenues for ANet? Huh? Huh?

    Perhaps it takes a whole team, It's not about just dumping a new skin into game, You ask for implementing a new part of UI. And how do You know it will bring in decent revenues for ANet huh? Well You don't.

    So if there are two ways to accomplish the same goal, one harder and one easier. Company obviously should go for the easier one.

    Why it even make You such a diffrence if this underwear were to be in form of an outfit/legging skin instead of some tedious to implement new UI. It's all the same thing.

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  6. 2 hours ago, dfin.2807 said:


    perhaps even linking underwear colour to the accessory colour that normally edits the keck and hair items when you first make your toon it may be less coding but it would be a set once or makeover kit deal 

    biziut you seem to know something about coding would that be a massive undertaking 

    Way more work than making an outfit or an armor piece. Devs do armors and outfits on a regular basis. Underwear is the thing that is just there from the release, devs who were implementing it are gone, so making a brand new system to dye it would be a quite tedious work for current developers, especually when they can get the exact same outcome by just doing what they usually do, which is outfit or armor piece.

    Take a look on the Dragon helmet for example. It is basicly the closest we can get to implementing a new race, becouse making a skin is way easier and bear similar resoults than trying to figure out 11 year old code to make a totally new race. 

    Skin You can just create and add into a game.

    Messing with underwear is, messing with character creation, dye slot creation (do not confuse with adding dye slots as they usually do with armors, adding them here is adding a new slots which would be tidious to say the least), basic character mesh, and probably more things that would all bear the risk of bugs, plus it would take insanely more time and resources than just creating an outfit/armor piece.

  7. 7 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    My solution: make a leg armour piece that looks exactly like the underwear underneath it and make that dyeable. 

    Hah. Ye, I actually edited the post You quoted to delete the idea of leg armour piece actually, since peoples here were asking for a way to look naked without having any pieces that gives You stats on, cuz PvP hardtries or something. Thus the single idea of an outfit.

    • Haha 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Sugar Min.5834 said:

    How much resources needed to make a dyable channel? The whole team? And, not everyone likes tatoos on their bodies. What's wrong with just having a simple dyeable undies or a normal piece of swimwear? I guess all those slutty outfits look more decent than normal undies or swimwear 🤷‍♀️

    It's not a matter of simply adding a dye channel. Do You know anything about coding? As I stated in my second post here, it would be way easier to make an outfit of dyeable underwear than to make a whole system that would make underwear dyeable, system that is not worth time and resources.  Plus effect would ne the same.

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  9. 6 hours ago, dfin.2807 said:

    sort of defeats the purpose of a naked roamer in wvw making the tryhards cry naked and alive 

    You are never truly naked if You have Your underwear on. So purpose was defeated even before it started I imagine. xd

    But jokes aside, I don't think there are this many "naked roamers" in the game to justify all the fuss that coding such a thing would create. Watch the old backpieces. Peoples were asking for them to be dyeable for ages to no avail, becouse as devs stated it would be insanely annoying/hard to do. I can only imagine that a piece that wasn't an armor to begin with would be even more tidious.

    But since I don't want to be a total nay sayer, heres my solution: Outfit that would be composed only from underwear with dyeable slots. I am not a fan of all this swimsuits/underwear only skins in games, but if I were, I would rather ask for this than what op wants.

    • Like 3
  10. Enjoying reading what everyone of You wrote. Curious, funny thread. Here's my 5 cents from favourite to most favourite. Altho I think that point 1 and 2 are equally important to me.

    5. Professions and Specializations. Especially thief. I am absoultly in love with this profession. From evasion focused gameplay on daredevil that gives every boss fight a hint of Soulslike taste, through stealth themed Deadeye, and ending at Specter and his shroud that turns You into a kitten sorcerer, all in one profession. But most of all I love my shadowsteps, the moments  when I teleport to some place and thus skip and save myself and my group a few minutes are just priceless. Being able to perform most roles with a single character is something I also treasure in this game.

    4. Races. Charr in particular. In previous MMOs I was always playing humans, becouse it was eighter the only race or every non human race looked just like reskinned humans. Charr are exactly how I would imagine "beast" race to look like. From running on all fours, to their unique apperance, I love them to the point of playing  only my charr thief for last 11 years.

    3. Fashion Wars. There are so many skins to choose from, and so many awesome dyes I can use to customize my character, it's just insane. Ton of beautiful infusions and effects that gives You even more opportunities for a perfect look that will make peoples whisper You with praises and ave.

    2. Super Adventure Box. 8-bit wibed game inside of a game was a BLAST for me. I absolutly LOVE every single ounce of this festival so madly that I have to use up some of my holiday days every year just so I can spend more time there. I really hope it get's finished at some point. And I really hope to get a Bee Dog skyscale at some point.

    1. (Please cover Your eyes dear Mods ^^) Map breaking. I absolutly love getting outside of the maps. Discovering the cut content, map design, it's history and funny gimmicks, and most of all, getting to this insanely high places. The wonedrful views and the feeling of being in the place barely anyone knows about, is what keeps me in this game for so long. 

    Oh and heres a special place that is above all else actually. Bee Dogs. Bumblepugs. Bee dressed pugs. No matter the name, I LOVE THEM. Everything related to this cute, adorable flying doggos is an instant get/buy from me. Even made a "water for insects" thingie, with the image of a bee dog carved in the block of wood once. It fills the carvings of the image with water, and nerby bees and butterflies come to drink from it during hot summer days. (Ok wasps are comming too xd ).

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  11. 1 hour ago, Angesombre.4630 said:

     had passed here in the bug section I had already posted 2 years ago and still no correction, so I tested here.

    I still encourage to give it a try. Bigger chance for someone to notice a bug issue in the topic about the bug in the bug subforum, than in the general subforum crowded with the random topics. ^^

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  12. It won't resolve the Your issue for all the leges, (if any) but I'll give it a try anyways.

    So in the case of Frostfang, since it's one handed weapon, for the other hand I tend to use a gen 3 weapon with Jormag variant. Would do the same for other weapons with elemental themes (or the ones that kinda match and/or ones I like) so the effect from the other weapon is similar and therefor match/upgrade the effect of the older one.

    • Thanks 1
  13. I would like that. I am using arc most of the time, and it's not like this numbers gives You much insight anyway.

    We have some tolggles in options to hide parts of the HUD already. They even have presets You can choose from, one of this presets is named "Immersive". I wasn't toying with it, but You might give it a try if You haven't already. Maybe the feature You want is already there. I certainly can't imagine "Immersive" HUD that shows You big floating numbers on screen. So might be worth a try. xd

  14. 1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

    Aint that their hair?

    Nope. On charr this helmet is streached to cover their whole neck. It's 100% the issue of missing mesh on the neck. Saw someone on the map chat having the same issue that seemed to be caused by holographic chestpiece, op is using the same chest, so I am assuming that this is the culprit. ^^

    Had the same looking bug with the rascal armor and some newer helmet, but it fixed itself instantly once I restarted the game.

    As for You, @Angesombre.4630, I recommend to look for this issue on Bug subforum, and if there is no topic on it already, You should open Your own. It will be easier for players with the same issue to find it and maybe someone will post how to resolve it temporaryly until proper fix comes.

    • Thanks 2
  15. I don't even remember the names of the guilds I am currently in. And I am with them for few years already. Try finding comfort in that if You can. I don't think many peoples cares about the name of the guild, I certainly don't.

    It's not a worldwide company that is making millions $. It's just a silly group in a game. Move on.

    • Like 1
  16. 11 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    I'm really glad you all are liking this helm so much, and I'm making sure to pass the feedback on to the team!

    Thank You so much Rubi! This helmet is truly an amazing piece of art. Can't wait for more pieces or other new skins like these. 

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  17. 19 minutes ago, Gorani.7205 said:

    On a Charr, it really gives you "D&D Dragonborn" vibes. Has someone tried it with Infusions that replace "skin", like the Deldrimor Stoneskin ?

    Yes, it is affected by armor altering effects and infusions like Deldrimor stone, Haloween revarbrating infusions and Juggernut metallic effects. It is not altered by skin changing infusions tho, like Khan-Ur, Mystic, Crystal, Cosmic etc. infusions. In this matter it works like a normal equipment piece rather than part of Your character. ^^

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  18. On 2/1/2024 at 10:16 AM, Biziut.3594 said:

    And there is one not working dye slot

    Correcting myself, dye slot is not bugged. Just amazing. ANet went for so much details that this slot actually dyes the whole interior of Your mouth, and slightly dyes nostrils, gums and eye shades.

    Again big kudos from me, amazing skin. Begging for more with the wallet in my hands.

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  19. 50 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

     especially as it tends to be more for one race than the others.  I'd rather Anet work on other things in the game that would benefit what would most likely be a larger portion of the player base.

    How exactlty skin that all races can wear is benefitting one race more than the other?

    Charr tails? Oh my gush. Charr have a tails that are part of their model, let's forget about it and God forbid never tinker with it becouse other players may feel not benefitted enough. Or maybe let's delete charr tails, than races will be even more equal. Oh wait, Rebel Long Boots already exist and are enjoyed by both charr and not charr players, and they decorate the charr tail. 

    Also as others already said, it's not like ANet can't make a tail for non charr races as well, like they already did with the cat outfit.

    And how are You even sure Your opinion is the one represented by the lerger portion of the playerbase. You are not stuck to one character in this game dear. You can have characters of many diffrent races.

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