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Posts posted by Biziut.3594

  1. 2 hours ago, Zeph.9180 said:

    Hi all,

    Do we know of any additional information about the obsidian armor? Has Anet spoken about when we will know more about the precursor, the look of it, variants, etc? 


    Sadly as far as I know there are no other info about this armor apperance other than the single concept art.

    Until I know how it looks for certain on charr, I am just gonna collect all materials but I will keep them in the state where I can always sell them or craft other things with them.

    • Like 3
  2. 6 hours ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

    It was your point 😆. It was that activity is in wizard's vault and raids are not with activity being completly dead and raids kind of dead. So from that point of view it would make more sense to have raids in vault and not activity

     I tried to explain that it is about resources. You need tasks for vault and adding activity cost you nothing as dev with almost zero complains since you can do nothing and finish it. Raids on other hand highlight issue with LFG tool, raid sellers, toxic ppl and so on.

    I think you might have misunderstood me. I am all in for adding more content and more variations of already existing content to the daily system.

    The thing You might've misunderstood was my comparison of Activities to Raids in my conversation with other guy. This guy was opposing the idea of adding raids, becouse they are dead, I said that Activities are even more dead and they are still implementes into WV daily system. Which is a good thing of course becouse new daily sestem is in my opinion a perfect tool to bring players attencion into more forgotten parts of guild wars, like Dungeons, Raids, Activities, ect.

    As for resources, and costs in complains, I think it's fair to say that the whole separate daily tab for PvP already highlights the "toxic ppl" you mentioned. Should ANet now delete this part of a daily becouse some peoples in the playerbase might not behave and give them a bad name? Belive it or not but You can meet toxic peoples everywhere, I personally met most of them on Fractals not Raids, but I am aware but it's rather subjective matter, and by all means shouldn't be taken seriously when considering the eventual addition of the Raids into WV system. Apart from that, learning and Raiding in general have been a great and pleasant adventure for me personally, and I belive that it really should be advertised more by adding it to the WV system.

    LFG tool is fine in my personal opinion. Never had the problem using it and it always allows me to hop into any content at any time, so I don't really understand your issue with it, and how it should not be highlighted, especially that like in the case of your "toxic ppl" it already is highlighted by Strikes, Fractals and metas that are inside WV system already.

    Raid Sellers are not the problem of WV nor are the Raids, it's the problem of the ANet policy. ANet allows peoples to sell runs in this game, altho they do not take responsibility for eventual scams (at least as far as I know). If they would be concerned about Run Selling giving them a bad name, they would simply ban it. It have nothing to do with adding Raids or any content into the WV system.

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  3. 16 minutes ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

    I worked in SW development and I think that I know why activities are there and other stuff not. You want to add "content" without any additional work and it needs to be easy to finish for everyone. You can "wait out" activity and get credit. I switched to PvP/WvW tasks only, cuz extra 500/500 points for rewards tracks daily and I can finish daily in 15 mins max and all weekly in 2 hours.

    And what is Your point exactly? Coz I kinda lost track of it.

    Do You mean that ANet shouldn't be adding any content to WV, that takes longer than finishing activity coz it would be too long? Or is there some other point I don't see?

    • Like 5
  4. 28 minutes ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

    You are correct that MMOs were meant for group play and cooperation/interaction between players. I do not know when, but at one point it became "play next to other ppl". From that point we are going to that direction.

    I know I'am, glad You agree, my feelings are mutual.

    28 minutes ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

    Did we get any new "activity" in last 7-8 years? I don't think so.

    What do You mean by this? I am perfectly aware of the state "activities" are in. Astral was making a point that raids don't deserve WV objective becouse they are dead. "Activities" are even more dead and even smaller piece of content and they still have their own objective, and thus, in my opinion, not only raids but also dungeons, JP's and mini dungeons that are not in WV already and all the other forgotten stuff, should have their place in WV as well. Someone made a topic some time ago, about putting Serpent Ire meta into it. This is imo example and a great idea, since almost no one does it and it is required for some achivments and unlocks. Plus, the more variety of stuff we have in WV, the less boring and tedious it will be and will make more forgotten but still fun parts of the game, a little more alive, and thats what I wish for this game. To be fully alive.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    For Strikes there's Shiverpeaks. For Fractals there are T1s. There's nothing comparable for Raids however. Now, if there was a true easy mode...

    Escort and River of Souls are there as well. Apart from that it would't take place of the Fractal/Strike, it would be totally new objective, one that you can, but do not have to do. Last but not least, the guys problem, and the answer to it You quoted was, not wanting to do ANY content that required other players, becouse he apperently things that all dailies should be soloable. So I wasn't talking about skill issue or difficulty but about the social aspect that both raids and fractals/strikes have.

    5 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    I'd say that more important question is why should they cater to group of players they have already decided to stop catering to long ago, when they abandoned further raid developments due to said group being way too small for their liking?

    Didn't know there were so many players playing "activities" than raids. But thats beyond the point, the point is, that You missed the topic of my conversation with this guy. I wasn't there screaming "RAID part of community is big and deserve their own daily", I was saying that this game is a multiplayer game, and as much as I like to solo stuff myself, in my opinion the main target of MMO are players that like to play "together" instead of solo, be it raids, fractals, metas, dungeons, no matter. We were discussing totally diffrent thing than You try to force twist here. Don't know if it's on purpose, so please before quoting me, do read my conversations twice.

    Lastly I'll just say that WV goal was probably not (judging from other objectives) only to bring peoples to already popular content, to encourage them to dip into fractals, strikes and various metas. It was also made with intention to pump some blood into abandoned content that not much players play anymore, like less known JP's, minidungeons and activities I mentioned before. And just as You said...

    5 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    when they abandoned further raid developments due to said group being way too small 

    ... so if they are so abandoned, than raids are too a perfect objective to put into Wizard Vault.

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  6. @Artemis.8034: Asks politely for one more objective for raids inside WV, so peoples have reason to go there again.


    On 12/7/2023 at 10:42 PM, Albadaran.1283 said:

    No, not for PvE. Very annoying for solo players.

    Also @Albadaran.1283

    12 hours ago, Albadaran.1283 said:

    But I don't need to do all objectives. It's a big world, enough to do for solo players 🙂

    So "no", becouse... "no", very clever answer, worthy of a person who have at least 30 years past them...



    Please remind me...

    Why there are no IQ tests before giving peoples voting rights? /O\

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  7. 1 hour ago, Albadaran.1283 said:

    Because it would not be an additional objective, it would replace an existing objective. Anet already added one more objective after complaints, they wont add another.

    And why do You think ANet wouldn't be willing to add another objective? The fact that they already added one is not really a viable argument.

    Edit: There is Strikes/Fractals dailies/weeklies already. Is this annoying for the solo players as well? 

    Other important question is that should devs cater more to solo players in a multiplayer game instead of the (idk how to call them... normal players?)

    • Like 11
  8. 3 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

    The so self called elitists ruin their own content with this practise. They should welcome new players because more ppl will play, anet sees a reason to create more new content. But they are just stew pitt. Also the elitists want an challange but here they destroy their challange with asking other high dps. 
    Ridiculous that these kind of players ruin content. And they just say create your own group. Imagine a player starting new/fresh on strikes or raids. This wont happen without a guild. There should be a ingame report option for elitists. For low effort fights. 

    its always about the dps. But dps numbers are much higher now. Ppl should get a chance to prove themself first. 

    as the person said. Battle 2,5 minutes vs 48 seconds. This time is so less. 

    Thanks to You I have finally understood the errors of my ways. From now on I will not care if I spend 20 minutes on a run or 2 hours. I will welcome all 1k dps players, and I will willingfully donate all my loot (if we even manage to kill anything of course) to the freshest sweeting in our run.

    Hahahahahahah. I wasn't laughing so hard in days, thank you. Report button, for asking kp to make sure no lazies joins, omegalul.

    1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Seems like someone wasn't allowed into a group for not having experience. People are entitled to play the way they want, if they don't want to carry it's up to them. I've done enough pug trainings to know the difference between people with no experience, people with a few clears and the "250LI" people.

    In Strikes it's often 5-10 more minutes to clear the boss, in Raids the difference is wipes. People ask for KP, because they don't want to wipe 2 times on Gorseval, because 2-3 "everyone welcome" DPS deals the same amount of damage as a person who has even a bit of experience.

    Here's an anonymous log of a Kaineng Overlook run from a few months back I joined as Heal Mech, no KP requirement, everyone welcome: Anonymous Log
    Here's another log, not anonymous this time, Kaineng Overlook from earlier this week for my weekly EoD Strike FC, this was still a no KP run, but, I left it at that, "AH, XJJ, KO, HT | <roles>": Log
    That summarizes why a lot of people ask for KP.

    Respect for Your patience. KO is long enough even with organized roles, if I would be a top dps as a healer I would flee from the run before even finishing a first phase.

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  9. Peoples play as peoples like to play. Be it tryhard or casual. No one is forcing you to go full tryhard balanced meta composition or whatever, but do not expect to clear content in the same time and with the same ease they do.

    Make content even easier, and it will become even more boring and trivial for the part of the playerbase, and I personally don't think it is good for the game.


    • Like 1
  10. 16 minutes ago, Etaiver.9781 said:

    I don't see any point in moving this topic, the two subjects are completely different.

    Great idea that could make raid more alive. I personally do not raid anymore cuz it do not have anything more to offer. Getting something for LI would be a great way to make me intrested in raiding again.

    And don't bother with Healerkiellersomething guy, hes basicly a meme on the forums, getting bitter at everyone that want something to benefit raids and not Him (the gimme everything for free syndrome guy). Not to mention His posts are usually super confusing like the one sending you to completly diffrent topic, implaying it's about the same thing. Unless he meant for it to mean something else. But thats the thing with Him. I can never understand what His deal is. ^^

    So as much as I don't belive ANet will do something useful with LI, I really like your idea. For what it's worth.

    • Thanks 1
  11. Do You peoples saying about skipping being bad actually know them? I was already called God Gamer twice for skipping and turning off all platforms in aetherblade fractal, which takes definitly more than 20 seconds to complete normally.

    Skipping harpies jp on uncategorised with one jump as Vinc mentioned is pretty sick too, I thankfully can't even remember when I had to run this jp thanks to this skip.

    Molten Boss, one tp thas skips you like 4 waves of enemies.

    Trap skips on cliffside

    Engi skip on solid ocean that let your whole pt basicly tp to the boss without someone messing the jump and thus stalling for time.

    Deepstone pit skip to the last wisp by jumping on the wall, like I don't think I ever saw any pt doing it normal way.

    Choya tonic in snowblind run to the boss may not be much, but after making it 1000 times you just want to get it done fast, and it's not like I have seen anyone killing this mobs like ever.

    Thaumanova, not saving the prisoners and doing other rooms while they burn is massive time saver as well. 

    There are probably much more, as I have written only ones from the top of my head. One skip may save you 1-3 minutes, few of this skips in one run can save you way more time.

    Ohh The ascalon city one, where no matter how long way it will roll for you, you can just climb the rooftop, jump building to building, assassins creed style and get to the checkpoint in 30 seconds. Saved me lot of time while running with pugs or newbies.

    • Like 4
  12. 1 hour ago, Kiki.9450 said:

    I'd like one that looks like Kralkatorrik. No, not the branded skyscale, I mean Kralky, miniaturized, and with a saddle on his back. Bonus points for custom branded breath visual effect.

    Or Shatterer! kitten ANet could make so much cash on it, and they wouldn't even have to bother with comming up with something new.

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  13. 6 hours ago, SpyderArachnid.5619 said:

    I'm the OP, and I already know about the WvW stuff. I've always known about it. I never said anything needed to be removed.

    I don't speak for everyone, I never did. I just made a post about it giving my own opinion on this. Please don't put words in my mouth and act like you know me.

    I just brought up this discussion to see what others felt about it, and it derailed into P2W drama and then I think it got merged with another thread.

    Yes, becouse threads were merged coz someone is averse to the search function. I meant @Tanuki.4603 who stated that ANet by selling hp on gemstore is "Disgrace for community" or something like that, and was op in amother thread...

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  14. (Whisperimg mode enabled) oy! WvW players out there. Just keep quiet about your Hero Points skip. If @Tanuki.4603 finds out he will make another topic, and belive me, this dude speaks for the whole COMMUNITY. So his word is your word and if he will want your skip to not exist, you will want it too. So ANet will have to bend the knee and delete it.

    First rule of the WvW club, there is no testomonies currency. xd

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  15. Just wanted to say, thank you and good job at making staff skill #3 useful. It is not only a sweet cc but also have this new super funny BONK animation. So again, thanks. ^^

    Edit: Just noticed 4th staff skill have awesome animation as well. I wish it will have some use on Matthias.

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