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Posts posted by Biziut.3594

  1. 24 minutes ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

    I saw only HT CM Voidwalker seller and that was only "one group" in raid LFG it is like 5-6 raid sellers. Someone even took time and posted screen on reddit on somewhere where they showed that you have more raid seller groups than actuall real raid groups.

    LFG system update needed update for years. Issue is that adding raids to WV without proper LFG system is contraproductive. It would be similar to having SOTO's OP leggy armor at launch, but you could not get necessary items for it till Update 2 so 6 months after that.

    Adding raid to WV Special tab could be interesting to devs only from stats point of view. Like how many ppl actually went to any raid based on that, but sometimes it is data you do not want to know as dev.

    Twelve days, took You long enough. Man I don't even remember what we were talking about. xd

    Well I saw more than one and sometimes none sellers on Strikes LFG. Recently they started even recruiting. I saw one for HT cm, one for multi content and one recruting. So sometimes it is more than one.

    Still doesn't change a thing. Peoples already know sellers exist. LFG needs update? Sure, someone posted a nice idea few days ago so LFG shows if it's run by peoples from one guild, do the same if You have any nice ideas. I am all about good, logical QOL's. 

    The thing that I fail to understand is how adding more variety of content into WV is somehow a bad thing becouse of how LFG works? Especially when it works well enough.

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  2. 14 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Nope, no such thing - though I would welcome it. 😉 It was said that more core relics (i.e., relics which do not require the expansion) will be introduced.

    Ahh, You might be right, I recall reading something like this, perhaps I've remembered it wrong. Thanks for straightening it up for me. ❤️

    Hope that by this core relics and not only them, they will add some best old effects and add cool new ones. 

  3. 30 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    I don't recall them ever mentioning that they intend to bring back all the old 6th rune effects in the form of relics. All they said was that there will be more relics.


    24 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Yup, I think what they said was something along the lines of "some of the relics will be inspired by old rune effects", which says nothing about bringing old effects into the game. If anything, it tells us they won't all be brought back. They also specifically said they want them to be more active than the old rune bonus effects.

    Perhaps. I tried to find this blog post but to no avail. I might be wrong but I recall that they were saying something about bringing old rune effects with next big SotO updates. Hope my memory does not fail me tho.

    Guess we will have to wait and see. With so many complains about the missing runes, especially "golem" one. It must've get to devs attencion at one point. And since playerbase won't let them live unless they make relics mostly to our satisfaction, I personally think that they will bring them. Probably not all of them and not necesserly in the same form, but they will. Time will tell. ^^

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  4. 5 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    So I guess it's daily today? 

    Ikr? One don't even have to log in to the game to know what dailies are. All You need to do is browse the forums for complains about this "abominations". Good for me I guess, since I am at work now and I can already plan the order of my dailies. ^^

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  5. 4 minutes ago, KindredPhoenyx.8976 said:

    Oh heck they did? I've been living under a rock playing other stuff, I totally missed this.

    Yeah, in some blog post. Might've been easy to miss but it was mentiones. So in case they won't keep their word, there is something to throw at them. ^^

    Altho it's too soon to assume anything. I really do hope they will bring old fun effects, even tho I haven't been using them too often personally. So for now I will go with trust. No reason to get upset beforehand imho.

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  6. 4 minutes ago, AishaFyre.4086 said:

    I'm actually looking forward to the next time SAB comes around.  Love Retro RPGs so its my favorite over WIntersday.  I mean its a festival that started out as an April Fools joke than became an actual Festival.

    My feelings exactly. This festival literally wakes up the child I once was. ^^

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Yeah, SAB comes second for me, but it's a close one.

    Oh I know that. I saw You there in the lobby couple of times while unwinding near the fountain. ^^


    Edit: no stalking or creeping. I just REALLY like spending my time on SAB. Xd

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  8. No thanks. We get very little new content as it is. No need to make it even less becouse of nostalgia and dwelling in the past.

    Mine view on things on EU. 

    Core maps are not dead. Especially starting zones. I like unwinding on them and there is always planty of peoples running around. Especially at Queensdale where each time I get there, there is always some big gathering of peoples joking with each other.

    Dungeons are wierd, but I wouldn't call them dead eighter. Like I can almost never see LFG for them, but when I open one, it always fills in a couple minutes.

    Skyscale is awesome, there is nothing better for me than soaring throu map, far above everything. Really feels like after 11 years, You are a true champion od Tyria. Others don't bother me at all, becouse why would they. How someone flying on skyscale takes from your expirience?

    Rifle Deadeye? Scepter Specter? I main thief so don't know about other specs, but both of this are ranged and are even recomennded by Snow Crows. As much as DE might be fast paced, Specter is not. And thats only PvE. On competitive, many ranged classes rocks.

    You can turn off particle effects, skill effects, infusions and even character models in options silly. If someone is devoided of any fashion sense and decides to wear all infusions at once and dump their armor in Permafrost than it is their fault, not games.

    Vertical maps? Cool. What we are supposed to get. Another flat one. We already got deserts, jungles, corruptions of many sorts, snowy bioms, mix of all the above. Now it's floating islands. Variety is good and healthy for the game, if this one don't get to Your taste, too bad. Maybe next one will, peoples have diffrent tastes and you can't make everyone happy.

    Skins are not up for Your taste? Wierd, becouse imo, recently the only thing that glows throu gemstore skins are parts of Your revealed flesh... and some latex, but it's not really an eyesore kind of glow, if You know what I mean. Other skins not from gemstore, demon lady set, wizard set, and wizard hunter set do not have ANY glowing parts. So sorry but this part is complete bs on Your side. Watch the newest skin from this tuesday, hood with a mask, Mortal Kombat style, not an ounce of glow.


    So Yeah...





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  9. Well, we learned important lesson today. Diffrent peooles have diffrent tastes, to each their own and the beauty is in the eye of the beholder... or something. ^^

    My personal favourite of them all, is and always will be SAB. Wintersday is 2nd. Dragonsmash, Haloween, Lunar New Year and Zephtrites are at the bottom of the list for me. Like I do not hate them, but I do not find myself invested in them when they are around. With Wintersday I will always go and farm something for the time being and when SAB is around I basicly never leave it to normal Tyria. 

    • Like 4
  10. 3 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

    I'm willing to go back to using a separate website as an LFG if we can see all active groups. It has become a nightmare to find people do run certain content or see when that content is being run by organized guilds.

    I think I spend more time clicking around the tabs than playing the content.

    It would be great. Especially the part when You can see if it is a guild whos running the certain LFG. I can't count runs when some guild was asking 10000000kp for some run, only for you to find out that half of the squad don't have any, becouse friendship. And instead of a nice fast clear, You get a fail fiesta, becouse how can You deny Xera to Your guildmate without access to gliding. 

  11. 24 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    And we got zero core relics the first update so unsure if we will get  any in update 2-4

    I am not sure eighter. But they did say that they will work on getting old runes effects into the relic system with the next updates. So unless they lied, we will see them back, if we won't, well, than we will have a reason to complain. Worrying beforehand will only bring us headaches. ^^

    • Confused 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Replacing things that are literally not broken (and removing fun effects while they are at it), like neutering Runes in order to introduce Relics (which have literally zero interesting effects for some 

    ANet already said that they gonna implement old rune effects in form of relics with the upcomming updates. We'll see if they do. As for relic system overall, I am not a big fan of it eighter. I'd rather stay with the old one, especially after watching the power creep that came with relics. So Yes. Making relics balanced and working plus bringing old effects is next of the priorities ANet should focus.

    27 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Or removing the old dailies system that allowed us to choose from 12 dailies, and giving us a handful of predetermined ones?

    Kinda. More options is always a good thing. As much as I don't mind the seperation between game modes, more options (especially for the more abandoned content like dungeons, raids, all jumping puzzles in case of PvE ect.) would be a nice and welcome change imo.

    30 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Or is it fixing things players actually have issues with, that they publicly said they are aware of, for example fixing Rush on Warrior's Greatsword?

    I do not play Warrior so I do not know what exactly is wrong with this particular skill, but yes sure. If it is a bug and is even acknowledged by ANet than this is too an issue that should have priority and be fixed.

    So yes. You actually brought up many problems that in my opinion deserves more devs resources than some red dot or few clicks in WV.

    From myself I will only add profession balance, power creep, some love for WvW and PvP. Especially PvP, poor darlings haven't seen a good update in ages, and I don't even play PvP. Only WvW. 


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  13. 33 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

    Yeah, I do complain when something that is 1 click becomes 5 clicks. I am happy for you that you don't care, I do care.

    Aww, I am happy for You too. Just heed my words and try not to care about such meaningless things too often. It will do no good to Your mental health. And God knows that we have enough of more important things to care about. God blessing to You dear.

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  14. 2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Maybe you just need to kill bigger things than pathetic dragons. Like an immortal Asura combo-wombo cele weaver or something.

    I doubt someones gonna pay me for that, but hey! At the very least I might loot Legendary Spike from Him, and add it to my bank...

    To my big pile...

    Of legendary spikes... xd

  15. 2 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    Also GW2 can spark my imagination as well. Earlier today one of my characters was explaining to someone that being the Pact Commander doesn't pay as well as they might think

    Wait. You guys getting paid?

    My character during this dialogue started sobbing.

    I kill dragons, champions, demons and what do I get? Nothing! Instead I got a hangover and a huge hole in my pocked when my gold used to be.

    Like what is this, we do not even get vouchers for free food at the pact barracks table. My character literally cried when Navan paid for His dinner from pity during this one story step, where even tho we saved the world multiple times, we were considered a terrorists. Xd

    • Haha 2
  16. Well @Fueki.4753, what can I say. Looks like one person annoyence is another person benefit in this particular case. ( @Lucy.3728)

    Is it worth ANet time and attencion? Imho, not at all. If I would have to choose between wiggly chest and WV app thing, I would probably side here with Lucy. Sometimes the wiggly chests don't let You live. Other example of them being an inconvinience would be Amnytas meta, especially when they reward you with just xp. But still, I would rather ANet focus on more pressing matters at hand than fixing something that is not broken. After all if they were to go and change every single thing that annoy someone, we would probably play HoT or PoF now and not 4th expansion. Especially taking under consideration that some annoyences contradict each other. ^^

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  17. Don't care enough to observe what mounts peoples are using, but imo any observarions and assumptions are not really valid, since as someone already said, not everyone have access to PoF and raptor might be for them the only option. So assuming anything like that without having any actual, reliable data is pretty pointless.

    For me personaly, before era of skyscale I've been using Jackal pretty often. It's great for treversing terrain that have a lot of pits and holes, it's also great to navigate narrow spaces with a lot of turns, but the best spot where Jackal shines imo is when you have to get up some hilled terrain. Raptor jump won't let you climb anything, and that ability of Jackal helped me during many races or when just treversing hard to navigate terrain with a lot of obstacles. With one of the bond skill You can even "fly" with Jackal for a linited time, which is a great adventage over Raptor too. Not to mention that You can avoid fall damage with it completly.

    If anything I would say Raptor is inferior now, as there is no thing Raptor does better than both, his upgraded version named Roller Beetle, and Jackal. Also Raptor's only adventage over Jackal is being just slightly faster, which I can't even notice without perfect racing conditions that let this single adventage to shine, but still, now everything falls short before Skyscale (maybe with the exception of the beetle and sometimes griffon). As much as I love using other mounts, I acknowledged that during normal gameplay I am just using Skyscale and Beetle mostly without thinking about it. I use other mounts only for some races and mostly when I just think, "oh I have this nice skin for this mount, let's ride it a little for fun". 

    To summarise, no I don't think Jackal needs any buff. I would rather see more maps made with the specific mount in mind, like new SotO maps are made with Skyscale and Griffon in mind. For example some water themed map for Skimmer, or some magical land with the main theme being portals for Jackal, or some map that would finally encourage us to use Springer instead of Skyscale. (But since rabbit is so inferior to dragon, I personally can't think of any idea).

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  18. 41 minutes ago, Iggystlev.7203 said:

    This sounds obvious. But what I am really getting at is that GW2 is still rewarding people just because they purchased the game over a decade ago, even if they are not playing and have not played for the last 10 years. A new player who found the game recently has no hope to get to the same reward level as their friends who found the game earlier. Some of these rewards are locked behind the calendar year 2034 for them.

    It is fun to get rewards for birthdays, and I am not saying people should not get birthday presents. But maybe these exclusive items should not be locked behind having done something in the long long ago so they can incentivize new players too.

    Well. It's a way to reward players for their long term dedication. It may be flawed by, how you noticed, someone not playing at all and still getting them. But all in all this presents aren't that much of a deal anyway. It's just some dyes you can buy from tp, one armor and weapon set of skins, one novelity and one infusion. Thats it I think. You don't need this at all to enjoy the game and play it's content. So I don't think it should be changed in any way.

    Edit: oh theres also unending tray of "poor people food" and six exclusive to birthday dyes. Still imo dedicated players deserves this bit of respect at the very least. As I said above, it's not a big deal and you can play the game to it's fullest without it.

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