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[NA||PvX||TC] Remnants of Hope [RoH]: A true gaming community


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Where does one even start when it comes to this guild? 

I began my GW2 journey many moons ago and joined a guild (let's just call them MoG for My old Guild since that is not the focus of this post) and that guild helped me figure out what kind of gamer I really was. It was a great group, I got excited to log in and play, and we did a lot of content together. Sadly MoG broke up due to childish drama and some bad eggs weaseled their way into leadership. Since then I looked and looked to find another guild like MoG and nothing came close. Guilds just wanted members so they could see big numbers, or they'd invite but then never talk to you again, and the same old story over and over. This actually made me loose interest in the game completely and I left to play other games. I found myself coming back to GW2 in hopes of finding that magical guild again but still had no luck. I played until I got bored of never having friends and then stopped once more.


I am not sure what made me decide to download GW2 again but I did, and I started searching for the magical guild that at this point I didn't think would actually exist. I then found RoH. At first I looked at the application and checked at the date to make sure it wasn't 2004 again; I was taken back at the amount of questions required to join a guild and how much detail they wanted me to provide. I mean who still uses forums? I almost moved on but something made me decide to go ahead and send over an application. I am so glad I did! I was amazed by the amount of feedback I got from folks on the application right away. I dived into the forums and saw just how active it actually was and how the guild spread into a lot more than I imagined. 

Quickly I was given a trial period which had all these tasks that seemed silly, but once I dove into the reason behind the why I am so glad that they are implemented. I started to learn about the other members of the guilds and almost instantly starting to feel welcomed by these folks. I joined the discord and due to the silly applications of forums people already knew a little bit about me which helped start conversation. Each day had a new event and I was so excited to see the people doing these events, talking in discord, and the willingness folks provided to help people with each type of content in the game. The leadership actually took the time to reach out and say hello and make me feel accepted in this new group of people. By the end of my trial I felt like I finally found it, I finally found the place to call home. 

Now I am excited to log on and play the game! I am excited to help people learn this game that I enjoy. I have fun reading the forums to learn about others who are excited to join and help folks with questions. The discord usually had someone in it to hang out with, there are always conversations going, people willing to help, and a lot of laughter along the way. I am so glad I applied and I am excited to see what new adventures awaits me in this guild. 

(This post is long, but I promise nobody forced me to write it; they would have probably asked me to make a smaller post if they did.)

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Here’s yet another endorsement of someone who recently joined the guild (and attained full member!): this guild is quite possibly the most friendly and organized guild I’ve been part of in my entire online gaming career (which has spanned at least 15 years now). I’ve been in so many guilds and clans across the games I’ve played that I couldn’t even count them. Most groups are somewhat welcoming but they typically don’t care about you unless you’re joining a chill friend-based guild (which are awesome guilds, by the way). But RoH is different - I felt welcomed the moment I posted my application to the forums and started getting replies from various officers and members. While there are a few steps and objectives to complete in terms of the application process, it’s absolutely worth it. The organized thinking behind how the guild functions is to protect the leadership and to protect you so everyone involved has the best experience possible. 

RoH genuinely is a place where you can do what you want to at the frequency you want to. Want to do everything from raiding to WvW? You can do that. Only want to do RP? This is your guild. Crafting? You got it. There’s no pressure to even talk in Discord. The only requirements are that you respect each other and that you show up with a good attitude. Everything else can be taught or worked around. The end goal is to be a community that does things together. And RoH does that wonderfully well. 

I am in no way a recruiter, nor do I recommend things to others all that often but I genuinely recommend that you apply to RoH and see if we’re a good fit for each other. 

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Thanks for the Wintersday Fashion show yesterday everyone who put it together and show up! You guys all had such great costumes/performances. I was actually surprised how different everyone's outfits could be, so much creativity!! Awesome turn out, can't wait for the next one, I'll have a nice little performance ready lol

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Cross-post from a new member on our Reddit thread:


This is my first guild and I never thought I’d enjoy it so much. So many fun and interesting people and a lot of friendly events to take part of. I look forward to sharing the experience with new people!


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Another new member comment on our Reddit post:


I’ve been in the guild for maybe a month now - two weeks as a trial member and now almost two weeks as a full member. I’ve been in dozens of guilds across various games over the years and RoH is seriously the most welcoming, helpful, friendly, organized guild you can find. I genuinely recommend you fill out an app and see if the guild is right for you!


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  • 2 weeks later...

RoH Community Meeting is tonight, bringing together guildies from all six games in the multigame community.  GW2 Division Commander Herodii announced that during our Wintersday events, we gave away 1700 gold in prizes!

Edited by Skaal.9362
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I've always been interested in the house-home metaphor. My rather shallow understanding of the difference is that a house is where you live., but you live---like TRULY live and grow and thrive---when you find a place you can call home. 


I consider Remnants of Hope to be a home.


I joined the guild about two years ago mainly out of a desire for community. As a young gamer who happens to be gay (dare I say, a gaymer?), I often felt like I did not fit the mold. It was a struggle to find a community that would willingly and wholeheartedly embrace a person like me. Luckily, I found ROH.


The level of commitment that everyone in this guild puts towards celebrating, embracing, and caring for one another is something that I rarely see anywhere. I have grown both as a person and gamer in the short time that I have been here. From guild-wide karaoke nights to game-specific events, ROH has opened up a world that I didn't even know existed within the gaming community, and for that I am truly grateful.


----Thammarat (he/him/his)

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Post from newish member on our reddit thread:


I've been in multiple guilds across nearly every MMO over the years, and I really can't say enough good things about this guild. It's such a welcoming, fun place but also has the structure it needs to keep everyone (leadership and the members) safe. I really love WvW more than most other areas of GW2 and we've got an amazing core group of players that run (nearly) most nights of the week. We have vets as well as newcomers, and we're always happy to explain things to people who might have questions. Never have been with a group that wants to do well but rolls with the punches with laughs and jokes.
I know the application and trial membership process looks daunting on paper but it's really not. Fill one out and see if you and the guild are a good fit for each other. 🙂


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I've been on the hunt for a quality guild for years.  Something that felt like more of a family than a glorified chat room.  I finally found that home in RoH.  Can't tell you how happy I am to have found them, and can't say how much it's worth the time/effort to do the trial to join.


If you are looking for something akin to the oldschool EQ1 guild feeling then welcome home.  🙂

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WoW, what a night in WvW World Restructuring Beta tonight!  Four hours on Red BL: took and defended Air Keep all night; took a defended garrison from some of our usual allies on Tarnished Coast.  And all with friends, guildies, and allies from a variety of servers. Pretty much everyone got at least 10 ranks, and one person got a whopping 19!

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Post from one of our members on our reddit thread:


What I like best about RoH is the guild is large enough that you'll always have a helping hand when you want/need one and also large enough that you don't HAVE to lend one when you prefer "you" time pursuing solo projects. It's the quality of the people here that makes the difference.


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