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[NA||PvX||TC] Remnants of Hope [RoH]: A true gaming community


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Hello to any RoH prospects,
                             I am quite new to the guild (recently became full member) but here are some of my thoughts for any thinking about the process to join. 

The trial process was really nice to go through. It gave an opportunity to get involved, the officers and others get to know you through your application and you immediately get the sense of a strong community who is invested in each person (those going through the trial process included!).

I am based in Australia and the timing links up quite nicely on the weekends for me (morning-midday AEST) and the events that I have joined thus far have been well organised, relaxed, and supportive; specifically to WvW and fractal newbies like myself.

I would strongly recommend applying if you are looking for a place where people get to know each other, support, and want to create a special place to play in GW2. 


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RoH is really great group of players. They are very good at making a person feel included despite them being pretty large. I've never been in a large guild in the past that made me feel included despite it's size. Also nice selection of events without the pressure of needing to attend every single one. Really a great guild here.

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Brand new member and brand new to the game! RoH has proved to be my best new player experience of any game! The events are fun and engaging with no hard feelings if someone is new. Strategies and next steps are explained calmly and helps a newbie like me feel much more inclined to try out new things.

Highly recommend this guild and super glad I found it!

Edited by Greyborn.9045
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I joined RoH about three weeks ago and here's my absolute honest review of the guild:

They're fantastic. Seriously. Remember the days of MMO's where everyone you played with in your guild genuinely cared about you as a guild member? They ran stuff with you to get items or took the time to explain all the little things about the game? That's RoH to a tee.

I haven't ran across a SINGLE person in the guild who wasn't a pleasant person; everyone enjoys playing together at every event we do. It's fun and it's very active. It's such a refreshing guild to come across in today's MMO culture that I HIGHLY recommend the guild to anyone looking for a home (and a great online community to boot). 😄

Edited by Kaed.6497
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  • 2 weeks later...

Someone posted this on our reddit thread:



Tears of joy seeing this. #ROHLIFE It has been a long time since I actively gamed but RoH was everything to me. Honestly brought me back from bad depression and it's just straight amazing. So so recommend.


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One of our members posted this on our reddit thread:


Been a part of this guild for about 4 months now and having a great time. They've been fun to hang with, educational for those that aren't sure about some aspects of the game, and we do some very fun and challenging stuff at times!

I mostly take part in WvW so far, but the fact that there are RP and PvE events happen regularly make me look forward to jumping into those areas with this group when the time aligns.

Like most things, you get out of it what you put into it. They won't hound you to be there for events or require you do X amount of hours a week, but if you show up, chances are you'll get to hang out with and meet some cool people.

Also, very LGBTQIA+ friendly in my experience and there are a lot of us here, so if you are too - you already have friends here that you haven't met yet.

I've been in different guilds in my time in MMOs (and even run a smaller one myself), but RoH is a good one. If you're looking for a home with some good people, you should give RoH a try. 🙂


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We've had a lot of great RP events happening recently! The ogres of the Iron Marches are being simultaneously assailed by Branded creatures and Flame Legion forces. Two of our Pact leaders have stepped up with a plan to address one of the threats...which gambit will our adventurers pursue?

Priory's Plan: "The Pest Defense"

Vigil's Plan: "A Wood Offense"


We've also had a great night full of lottery fun in our monthly lottery event! Our first place took 133 gold! If you are interested in checking us out please do! Reach out with any questions.

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I just joined RoH recently and the experience has been nothing but amazing 😁 the members are friendly and welcoming, the officers goes the extra mile, it's noob friendly, lots of events going on, active forum and discord to discuss things outside game time, and they do have end game events for those who like them (not me).


If you just started or is just returning to GW2 I feel like RoH is a great way to play while having lots of friends in game 😆 




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  • 2 weeks later...

One of our members posted this on our reddit thread


If you are looking for an active, nice and chill guild with a bunch of friendly people, and the best coffee puns on this side of the internet I can’t recommend enough


and another said this,


Been a part of this guild for about 4 months now and having a great time. They've been fun to hang with, educational for those that aren't sure about some aspects of the game, and we do some very fun and challenging stuff at times!

I mostly take part in WvW so far, but the fact that there are RP and PvE events happen regularly make me look forward to jumping into those areas with this group when the time aligns.

Like most things, you get out of it what you put into it. They won't hound you to be there for events or require you do X amount of hours a week, but if you show up, chances are you'll get to hang out with and meet some cool people.

Also, very LGBTQIA+ friendly in my experience and there are a lot of us here, so if you are too - you already have friends here that you haven't met yet.

I've been in different guilds in my time in MMOs (and even run a smaller one myself), but RoH is a good one. If you're looking for a home with some good people, you should give RoH a try. 🙂


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Hello to anyone out there considering RoH,

I am a recent full member, that said I have the trial period fresh in my memory and can share with you some thoughts; 

  1.  - You might be thinking "Trial period?!?!? 2 Weeks!?!" , look.... anything worth waiting for, is worth having.  
  2.  - The trial process is something that goes by really fast. It provides you a myriad of opportunities to get involved, (If you are bored here, it's your fault!) to give the guild members and the officers the chance to know you.   
    1. On the flip side allows you to get to know the guild and if it's a good fit for you too.  The trial period is more than just you being evaluated.  In fact if you want, think of it like the guild is trying out for YOU....
  3. - From the very start of the application process you immediately get the sense of a warm, welcoming tight-knit community (family) who is invested in each person (Trail members included).  I equate this to the 'Guilds of Old" (thinking Everquest, and Lineage), where the guild wasn't just a placard above your character.  It was a place that helped provide a means to accomplish your goals, it was a place to call home away from home.  A virtual Family that celebrates the wins, and suffers the losses with you, it is an investment of the heart that is worth protecting.

I would highly recommend RoH if you are looking for a true home, a  place where people are building real friendships, a place that provides support through positive achievement, a special place to play in GW2


if you need a sign, here it is...


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Joined fairly recently and am somewhat active enough to state my opinion as what it's like being here. Initially, I was pretty overwhelmed with how the guild is organized with its seemingly government structure with elections for leaders and tasks I had to do in order to fulfill my trial membership to become a full member. Despite this though, the community is very nice and welcoming, and most importantly for me for why I like it here, they are ACTUALLY PvX. I've only been playing this game for little over a year now, and I have encountered so many guilds who advertise PvX and then completely ignore certain game modes like PvP. This doesn't happen here. RoH actually plays every single type of endgame content GW2 has to offer, including RP if you are into that. These aspects are why I like this guild, since I always have an opportunity to play different content without having to resort to using the LFG or other guilds/discord servers to find groups.

If these aspects interest you, I would definitely recommend looking into applying.

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ROH has been a wonderful experience. Without a doubt one of the most welcoming and professional guilds I have been a part of. Someone ALWAYS responds to my questions. I am new to GW2 so I have a lot of those! 


They have been super welcoming and even letting me participate in things that I am way underqualified for. They have daily scheduled events that are great for those who need specific times to do things! They were friendly and encouraging the entire time and look forward to much  more adventuring in the future. 


I highly recommend anyone looking for a community sign up to trial this guild! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone!


I'm a new member of RoH and Its a great opportunity to be a part of this community. All of em are so friendly and welcoming.  Different activities everyday and if you want to do anything just ask and the members will help out, it doesn't matter if you're new or just coming back they will surely help you out.  Requirements to join are a little overwhelming but trust me its worth it. 


If you're looking for a sign to join us, THIS IS IT

Edited by iJim.5702
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  • 2 weeks later...

One of our members said this on our reddit thread


This is a great group of geeky inclusive folks that wholeheartedly support my bloodthirsty need for WvW shenanigans on a regular basis. They are active, organized, and super friendly with a full schedule of daily events to satisfy every playstyle.



I am a member of this guild. If you are looking for group content that is hard to find a group for RoH is for you. Need help in WvW, we've got you. Need an HP train, we've got you. Want a non-toxic PvP group, we've got you. No pressure, great guild, with a great website and discord. Possibly on of the best guilds to join for casual players!


Check us out! www.remnantsofhope.com

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Recent post on our reddit thread:


I could go on and on about how great the guild is, but I’ll leave that up those with more eloquence than I. Instead, I’ll share some of my favorite experiences with the guild.

My favorite events are raids and strikes, and they’ve led to some of my favorite moments. Primarily, having fun and cracking jokes mid fight or accidentally discovering interesting bugs, aka “features. Fyi, don’t dps Deimos down to the next phase before clearing the first bad Saul, leads to some interesting situations).

I’ve also recently really enjoyed our WvW events when I can join. Winning even or disadvantaged matchups is a lot of fun and makes the good brain chemicals go brrr, and it’s all thanks to the great leadership of our commanders. The honorary DJs also have great tastes in music.

Above it all, my favorite moments are the ones made with friends I’ve found in the guild. There’s a plethora of wonderful people who love to help others, and I’ve had the honor of playing regularly with many of them. It really is less of a guild and more of a community.

There really is something for everyone, and there are many opportunities for great memories. If you’re interested, come join!


Edited by Skaal.9362
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There are many great guilds out there, but how many of them will actually respond to your questions/inquiries? RoH welcomed me and even gave me a ton of guidance when I was crafting my first ever legendary, The Bifrost. Easily answered questions if I wanted to take the extra time to research, but this guild really does a great job in all of the areas. Fractals, dungeons, WvW, PvP...you name it, they will have somebody somewhere with an answer or will take the time to teach you. I'm glad to be a part of this community now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I officially applied to Remnants of Hope just over a year ago, and what a year it has been! I am so thrilled to have found my MMO home after bouncing between various games and guilds for so long. It is great to have played long enough to have found my footing a little bit in Guild Wars 2, and massive credit goes to RoH for holding my interest in the game. Having an active, friendly, chatty, engaged membership has made logging on and throwing myself into events such a blast. We have web forums and an active Discord, and friendly people who are knowledgeable in every aspect of the game and always ready and willing to answer questions (questions I should have figured out a decade ago ngl 😅).

Don’t just take my word for it, check out these comments from our recent Reddit post


Good guild with lots of different events! LGBTQIA+ friendly, funny, entertaining.

I've been in the guild about 6 months now and been having a blast! I run mainly WvW, but I dabble into other areas as well; it's nice knowing that if I feel like raiding or doing some sPvP, it's there and good people are attached to it.

But personally? WvW reset night is where it's at - come join us!


I can personally vouch for them! I have played with them for quite a while both in GW2 and WoW and they're honestly the best people I've ever played with! Love them to death!

See for yourself - come check us out!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I joined RoH about 6 months ago and I've been having a blast!  If you're looking for a good group of people to run with, give us a try!

I mainly do WvW and there are events 3 nights a week (officially) for that, along with weekly events for PvE, raids, strikes, SPvP, and RP.  Crafting division, guild hall - you name it.

Oh, and very LGBTQIA+ friendly!

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