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Dear ANET, do something about Necro. It's intolerable .


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I only occasionally dip my toes back into playing this game and the last two sessions I straight up did not see a ranked match fall below 40% representation for necromancer as a class be it scourge, core, or reaper. All the games I played this season had 40-60% representation of necromancers of some kind.  It's gotten absolutely abusive.


It's not that minionmancer is super uniquely op, it's just necro in general is OP enough that it's mattering less and less exactly what they're running, not that the minion build doesn't have issues.


Really it comes down to the game's damage across the board being so low after Megabalance that it simply can't handle necromancers. Before Megabalance all flavors of necro were strong and viable except scourge losing self shade and that was in an era where everyone was doing 30%-50% more damage than they are now.  Like even in vanilla classes hit significantly higher than they do now.  Thief having 10-12k backstabs with assassin's signet was normal, back then.


If you're a class that on zerker amulet, you're primary damage ability is a 6k crit on a 6-12 second cool down, you just do not have the damage to take down a necromancer or reaper with something like 87,000 effective health unless they are absolutely stupid and wasteful with shroud.


Their shroud damage reduction needs to finally take a hit.  It breaks the game with where the damage numbers are now.


Minions do have problems, and it's the cleanse and transfer.  If you take the Survival Skills cleanse trait on Ranger, the absolute most cleanses you will get per minute is 18.  On Mirage if you take Elusive mind and dodge every opportunity and you have energy sigils you can get 18 cleanses per minute.  And these are grand master traits.


Minionmancer with the major death magic trait can hit 30 cleanses per minute when you factor in the built in delay. And the minions can still transfer the conditions back at you. And you still have shroud to safely soak up damage. That's freaking insane. If there's any one problem with minionmancer it's that.  Nothing comes close to that level of neigh invulnerability to conditions as minionmancer. That trait seriously needs a 60% nerf in how much conditions minions will pull, it's nearly twice as strong as other class's grandmaster traits that cleanse. 


Finally Flesh Wurm and Spectal Walk should get dinged.  Necros running one is fine.  But running both on a meta levels makes them way too squirrely and defensively mobile for the tankiest thing in the game.  Just to put some numbers in perspective


With both Spectral Walk and Flesh Wurm a necromancer is hitting 3690 units of blink pet minute.


A mirage with blink and jaunt is getting 2940 units of blink per minute.  If you take master of manipulation you can bump that up to 3300 units of blink per minute.


Now sure necromancer teleports are specifically defensive and for retreating rather than roaming or aggressive, but there's really no good reason the tankiest thing in the game and also the single biggest threat in team fights should be blinking around anywhere near as much as a mirage on a meta level period, defensively or not.  Necros have tons of good utility skills, they've done fine when they've only had spectral walk.  Nerf these skills so they only maybe take one of them and put necros back to a point where they actually need to be smart with their positioning again.


But yeah, necros have been a problem nonstop since the Megabalance and something needs to give.


That minionmancer was on both teams of the MAT finals, which would have been unthinkable in any other era than the zoo meta, should be an embarrassment on the part of the balance team.

Edited by mortrialus.3062
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