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no one plays raids


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18 minutes ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:


  1. A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in "I could sleep for a year" or "This book weighs a ton."
  2. In rhetoric, an obvious exaggeration; an extravagant statement or assertion not intended to be understood literally.
  3. Synonyms See exaggeration.


You mean you don't normally group up and kill world bosses with groups of 10 or more?  Or guildies?  Or friends?  I'm pretty sure Bloodstone Fen has a discount Vale Guardian there too with basically the same mechanics at the end of a meta chain.

Also, what's stopping ANet from a dding it to strikes but then also requiring a rather painful CM; say a strike like Boneskinner difficulty as it's normal and the CM to do it?  Then we're back at the starting dilemma that's flooding this thread.  You also said it yourself that you didn't like having to do fractals for the backpiece, so what other route is there outside of general PvE like the weapons or a route like the accessories?

Also WvW is the  only game mode where they do what they normally do and get the armor.  PvP requires you play ranked over unranked or private.  You literally have to play a different game mode in there.  Sure it's the same objectives as private and unranked, but it's a lot less relaxed.

I literally play many different game modes and, like MOST OF THIS GAME'S POPULATION, don't specifically enjoy raids.  I play Fractals.  I run dungeons.  I do meta events.  And yes, I even do PvP and WvW.  So the idea that not doing one single type of content that the community already judged and rejected would seem to be your problem more than mine. This mind set that I like this so this is okay when most people don't is pretty telling I think.  Most people don't want to raid.

10 man content, in my opinion, is too much. Five man content is fine.  Having to bring specific builds and specific classes means leaving people out from my friend's list because they're not making that jump.  I don't really understand why this is so hard to process.

I can take pretty much anyone into a fractal, even a t4 fractal if we have a couple of decent people on the team. I can play with my friends and guild. I don't usually have to say sorry you don't have the right build. This is something this game was built upon.

You like the new method, but the game was actually designed and advertised about being able to bring anyone.  Raids have, to some degree, changed that. I'm well within my rights to ask for the game I bought that was advertised, even if changes happened, because I don't like the changes.  

And if you want people to be less antagonistic toward raids, a good start with me not locking a specific PvE reward type behind them. Skins are fair game. All PVE legendary armor.

You know if raids were popular, if people actually liked them and wanted to do them, I wouldn't have a leg to stand on. But most of the playerbase doesn't want to, and many came here to get away from raids in the first place.  I think I'm well within my rights to ask Anet (not you or any other raider) to place a reward type in PvE other than raids.

You guys are acting like raids are popular or people want to do them. You repeatedly say they're easy. Yes, I know, I've beaten some raid bosses without too much problem.  I don't have fun playing that mode for a variety of reasons. It's not that I'm scared of raiding or I think I can't do it, or it's too hard.  It's that I'm not having fun.  And I play games to have fun.

Edited by Vayne.8563
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19 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I literally play many different game modes and, like MOST OF THIS GAME'S POPULATION, don't specifically enjoy raids.  I play Fractals.  I run dungeons.  I do meta events.  And yes, I even do PvP and WvW.  So the idea that not doing one single type of content that the community already judged and rejected would seem to be your problem more than mine. This mind set that I like this so this is okay when most people don't is pretty telling I think.  Most people don't want to raid.

Oh good, you already WvW and PvP.  There's your route to legendary armor at a pace you want to do.  Problem solved. 



10 man content, in my opinion, is too much. Five man content is fine.  Having to bring specific builds and specific classes means leaving people out from my friend's list because they're not making that jump.  I don't really understand why this is so hard to process.

I don't think 10 man content is a problem at all. The game already encourages grouping passively with the open world and in WvW.  In fact, a good portion of the story content at launch was group oriented (Dungeon story modes and explorable paths).  I don't really understand why this is so hard for you to process.  This game  evolved from when you bought it.  The people who play 10 man group content pay for the game too.



I can take pretty much anyone into a fractal, even a t4 fractal if we have a couple of decent people on the team. I can play with my friends and guild. I don't usually have to say sorry you don't have the right build. This is something this game was built upon.

You like the new method, but the game was actually designed and advertised about being able to bring anyone.  Raids have, to some degree, changed that. I'm well within my rights to ask for the game I bought that was advertised, even if changes happened, because I don't like the changes. 

I can take anyone into a raid too with enough skilled players to pad out the inexperience of the newbies, your point?  See, if I have a majority of the players (3/5 in fractals or 6/10 in raids) there's not an issue.  Remember, raids aren't super strict in their requirements, you can get through them with 60k total squad DPS which is just 10k from 6 DPS and nothing from 4 supports.  You seem to either not know about or forgot about the fact that people have cleared every raid in full green gear and certain bosses with just auto attacks.  Or that music guild which never did raids before now can regularly get a few wings done each week.  I've carried bad players, inexperienced players, and just a ll around dead w eight (They don't even try).  It's not easy, but it's never easy to carry someone failing mechanics


And if you want people to be less antagonistic toward raids, a good start with me not locking a specific PvE reward type behind them. Skins are fair game. All PVE legendary armor.

Right instead of teaching players how to actually play the game through actual stepping stones to get to raids?  Or use of the countless guides out there?  Or use of any raid training discord?  Just cut out a specific pve reward from raids because a portion of ht e playerbase doesn't like that content?  -- And what's the point of doing raids then?  This is akin to saying "Boneskinner is too difficult, I like the skins, move the skins elsewhere." Rewards are f or the content there.   You weren't even vocal about legendary armor before the legendary armory w as introduced.  You want the functionality, you go through the effort that everyone else has.



You know if raids were popular, if people actually liked them and wanted to do them, I wouldn't have a leg to stand on. But most of the playerbase doesn't want to, and many came here to get away from raids in the first place.  I think I'm well within my rights to ask Anet (not you or any other raider) to place a reward type in PvE other than raids.

You guys are acting like raids are popular or people want to do them. You repeatedly say they're easy. Yes, I know, I've beaten some raid bosses without too much problem.  I don't have fun playing that mode for a variety of reasons. It's not that I'm scared of raiding or I think I can't do it, or it's too hard.  It's that I'm not having fun.  And I play games to have fun.

You really don't have a leg to stand on.  I see more people in the aerodome and filling raid LFGs at raid reset than I see anywhere else.  The raid training discords have hundreds and upwards of thousands of participants and active players.  ANet couldn't feasibly support the game mode not because it's unpopular, but because it's too expensive to continue to develop for.  I don't know if you understand this, but raids were getting more rewards than any living world update released, to the point where some of those rewards ended up in the gemstore. (Wing 2&3 related items being dumped into there).  Raids a re as popular as fractals as they have the same cadence to  their LFGs as fractals do where, during primetime at reset, there's a ton of postings looking for more and looking for group, and as the time passes from the reset (For raids, this is the further you get away from weekly reset on monday) the less and less that shows up on the posting as more and more people finish their clears. What doesn't help the raid population is that there's zero incentive to redo a boss you've already killed for the week and weekly reset takes ages to come around.  This gives it the illusion of looking 'dead' when the reality of it is, monday & tuesday are when a bunch of groups get their raids done and it tapers off. 

How do I know this?  Observation of the raid LFG, attempts to use it to get clears before I found my static and niche within it.  There was also an event not that long ago hosted by players where they were training raids and getting clears.  The  LFG was pumped full.  So you're sitting here, telling everyone that raids aren't popular, trying to spin this narrative that they're some terrible blight on this game because they have a reward behind them that you want and you can't get because it's "Locking a reward behind unpopular content!". All while the reality is, a majority of players  are indifferent (which is likely the true majority) or wanting to get into raids to play the content and the people on the forums are just a vocal minority of the playerbase that dislikes any content that attempts engagement or grouping.

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55 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I literally play many different game modes and, like MOST OF THIS GAME'S POPULATION, don't specifically enjoy raids.  I play Fractals.  I run dungeons.  I do meta events.  And yes, I even do PvP and WvW.  So the idea that not doing one single type of content that the community already judged and rejected would seem to be your problem more than mine. This mind set that I like this so this is okay when most people don't is pretty telling I think.  Most people don't want to raid.

10 man content, in my opinion, is too much. Five man content is fine.  Having to bring specific builds and specific classes means leaving people out from my friend's list because they're not making that jump.  I don't really understand why this is so hard to process.

I can take pretty much anyone into a fractal, even a t4 fractal if we have a couple of decent people on the team. I can play with my friends and guild. I don't usually have to say sorry you don't have the right build. This is something this game was built upon.

You like the new method, but the game was actually designed and advertised about being able to bring anyone.  Raids have, to some degree, changed that. I'm well within my rights to ask for the game I bought that was advertised, even if changes happened, because I don't like the changes.  

And if you want people to be less antagonistic toward raids, a good start with me not locking a specific PvE reward type behind them. Skins are fair game. All PVE legendary armor.

You know if raids were popular, if people actually liked them and wanted to do them, I wouldn't have a leg to stand on. But most of the playerbase doesn't want to, and many came here to get away from raids in the first place.  I think I'm well within my rights to ask Anet (not you or any other raider) to place a reward type in PvE other than raids.

You guys are acting like raids are popular or people want to do them. You repeatedly say they're easy. Yes, I know, I've beaten some raid bosses without too much problem.  I don't have fun playing that mode for a variety of reasons. It's not that I'm scared of raiding or I think I can't do it, or it's too hard.  It's that I'm not having fun.  And I play games to have fun.

It's really strange how your personal narrative over raiding and legendary armour has changed over the past few months.

It started with "I Don't raid, no one in my massive guild raids, we are hard gated out of legendary armour"

Then it became "I have raided a few times but needed to buy clears for myself and my wife"

Then it shifted to "I organized raids for my guild and we were unable, after many attempts to clear escort due to the difficulty, we remain locked out of legendary armour"

Then you went back to saying, despite these last two items "No one in my massive guild of casual players does raids and we are locked out of legendary armour"
And now finally here you are saying "raids are not hard, I have several boss kills, I just don't think they are fun".

You've said that all you wanted was a chance to get the transforming armour,

Then weeks later said that the skin on the armour doesn't matter.

You've argued this is an issue for casual players when you are clearly among the furthest thing from a casual player on this forum.

All while participating in all three game modes with acquisition paths and (if the above post is to be believed) not finding any of them particularly challenging.


Have you considered that this level of intellectual dishonesty does your side of this argument more harm than good? 

Your shifting narrative has caused your voice on this issue to become lost in your own false rhetoric.

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1 hour ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Oh good, you already WvW and PvP.  There's your route to legendary armor at a pace you want to do.  Problem solved. 


I don't think 10 man content is a problem at all. The game already encourages grouping passively with the open world and in WvW.  In fact, a good portion of the story content at launch was group oriented (Dungeon story modes and explorable paths).  I don't really understand why this is so hard for you to process.  This game  evolved from when you bought it.  The people who play 10 man group content pay for the game too.


I can take anyone into a raid too with enough skilled players to pad out the inexperience of the newbies, your point?  See, if I have a majority of the players (3/5 in fractals or 6/10 in raids) there's not an issue.  Remember, raids aren't super strict in their requirements, you can get through them with 60k total squad DPS which is just 10k from 6 DPS and nothing from 4 supports.  You seem to either not know about or forgot about the fact that people have cleared every raid in full green gear and certain bosses with just auto attacks.  Or that music guild which never did raids before now can regularly get a few wings done each week.  I've carried bad players, inexperienced players, and just a ll around dead w eight (They don't even try).  It's not easy, but it's never easy to carry someone failing mechanics

Right instead of teaching players how to actually play the game through actual stepping stones to get to raids?  Or use of the countless guides out there?  Or use of any raid training discord?  Just cut out a specific pve reward from raids because a portion of ht e playerbase doesn't like that content?  -- And what's the point of doing raids then?  This is akin to saying "Boneskinner is too difficult, I like the skins, move the skins elsewhere." Rewards are f or the content there.   You weren't even vocal about legendary armor before the legendary armory w as introduced.  You want the functionality, you go through the effort that everyone else has.


You really don't have a leg to stand on.  I see more people in the aerodome and filling raid LFGs at raid reset than I see anywhere else.  The raid training discords have hundreds and upwards of thousands of participants and active players.  ANet couldn't feasibly support the game mode not because it's unpopular, but because it's too expensive to continue to develop for.  I don't know if you understand this, but raids were getting more rewards than any living world update released, to the point where some of those rewards ended up in the gemstore. (Wing 2&3 related items being dumped into there).  Raids a re as popular as fractals as they have the same cadence to  their LFGs as fractals do where, during primetime at reset, there's a ton of postings looking for more and looking for group, and as the time passes from the reset (For raids, this is the further you get away from weekly reset on monday) the less and less that shows up on the posting as more and more people finish their clears. What doesn't help the raid population is that there's zero incentive to redo a boss you've already killed for the week and weekly reset takes ages to come around.  This gives it the illusion of looking 'dead' when the reality of it is, monday & tuesday are when a bunch of groups get their raids done and it tapers off. 

How do I know this?  Observation of the raid LFG, attempts to use it to get clears before I found my static and niche within it.  There was also an event not that long ago hosted by players where they were training raids and getting clears.  The  LFG was pumped full.  So you're sitting here, telling everyone that raids aren't popular, trying to spin this narrative that they're some terrible blight on this game because they have a reward behind them that you want and you can't get because it's "Locking a reward behind unpopular content!". All while the reality is, a majority of players  are indifferent (which is likely the true majority) or wanting to get into raids to play the content and the people on the forums are just a vocal minority of the playerbase that dislikes any content that attempts engagement or grouping.

I'm glad you think the problem is solved.  I like PvE more than PVP or WvW. I can spend some time there, but it's not fun all the time or long term, and in WvW you have to really put tons of hours into that format. Doesnt' work for me.  I chip away slowly at PvP, like many in my guild do, to get legendary armor.

The bottom line is none of us are happy doing it. You seem to think a bunch of unhappy players is fine, because the small minority of raiders and PvPers are fine, but in reality that's probably not the case. 

I'm really not sure why you don't get this. I get that you like raids. I don't get why you think it's okay that there's a bunch of unhappy players that don't and wish it were different. Or did you think it was just me?

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51 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

It's really strange how your personal narrative over raiding and legendary armour has changed over the past few months.

It started with "I Don't raid, no one in my massive guild raids, we are hard gated out of legendary armour"

Then it became "I have raided a few times but needed to buy clears for myself and my wife"

Then it shifted to "I organized raids for my guild and we were unable, after many attempts to clear escort due to the difficulty, we remain locked out of legendary armour"

Then you went back to saying, despite these last two items "No one in my massive guild of casual players does raids and we are locked out of legendary armour"
And now finally here you are saying "raids are not hard, I have several boss kills, I just don't think they are fun".

You've said that all you wanted was a chance to get the transforming armour,

Then weeks later said that the skin on the armour doesn't matter.

You've argued this is an issue for casual players when you are clearly among the furthest thing from a casual player on this forum.

All while participating in all three game modes with acquisition paths and (if the above post is to be believed) not finding any of them particularly challenging.


Have you considered that this level of intellectual dishonesty does your side of this argument more harm than good? 

Your shifting narrative has caused your voice on this issue to become lost in your own false rhetoric.

None if it's changed, it's just all out of context.

In the beginning the guild tried to raid it didn't work out. Then I didn't raid at all. Most recently I tried raiding with a raid training guild.  It's all different times.


I don't raid now, again, because I didn't really enjoy the raiding when I was doing it, in spite of a pretty good guild and having some success. It wasn't fun, it felt like I was doing something unfun.

At different points in time all this was true.  Six months ago, I didn't have a raid boss kill besides the escort (if you count that as a raid boss kill). That's what we origially did as a guild back in the day.

The narrative really hasn't changed, it's just that you're getting different parts of the history depending of the context of who I'm responding to.

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1 minute ago, Vayne.8563 said:

None if it's changed, it's just all out of context.

In the beginning the guild tried to raid it didn't work out. Then I didn't raid at all. Most recently I tried raiding with a raid training guild.  It's all different times.


I don't raid now, again, because I didn't really enjoy the raiding when I was doing it, in spite of a pretty good guild and having some success. It wasn't fun, it felt like I was doing something unfun.

At different points in time all this was true.  Six months ago, I didn't have a raid boss kill besides the escort (if you count that as a raid boss kill). That's what we origially did as a guild back in the day.

The narrative really hasn't changed, it's just that you're getting different parts of the history depending of the context of who I'm responding to.

Wow, that's quality packpeddal

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3 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

Wow, that's quality packpeddal

No it's called a changinging situation and trying things because situations changed.

Raids were new, we tried them as a guild, most people didn't like them, I couldn't keep 10 people interested even in just the escort. Some people wanted to move on, so we tried a boss they said was easy and we lost more people who didn't like that style of play or weren't good at it.  That's how it started.  This is probably a couple of years after HoT launched.


Then I went a long time without raiding because of that experience.  But then one of the guys in my guild, more recently got involved in a raid training guild and tried to sell me on it. 

So I thought, why not. Might as well see if things had changed. They hadn't. I still didn't really enjoy raiding. So I stopped again.

The reason I don't want to do enough raids to get legendary armor is because I don't like raiding. Shrugs.

Edited by Vayne.8563
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46 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I'm glad you think the problem is solved.  I like PvE more than PVP or WvW. I can spend some time there, but it's not fun all the time or long term, and in WvW you have to really put tons of hours into that format. Doesnt' work for me.  I chip away slowly at PvP, like many in my guild do, to get legendary armor.


Look, at this point you have to choose the lesser of three "evils" or wait potentially infinite amount of time until your "predicted" solution comes to fruition.


The bottom line is none of us are happy doing it. You seem to think a bunch of unhappy players is fine, because the small minority of raiders and PvPers are fine, but in reality that's probably not the case. 

I'm really not sure why you don't get this. I get that you like raids. I don't get why you think it's okay that there's a bunch of unhappy players that don't and wish it were different. Or did you think it was just me?

"The bottom line is none of us are happy doing it. "  Uh so, what, 10 players aren't happy while a ton of other players are either indifferent or doing just fine?  You dislike one aspect of the game that's optional at worst.  You've lived 9 years without legendary armor. You have enough gold to test out any build you want by stat swapping your ascended gear in the forge (By your claim, you have 12k gold and almost every legendary weapon?  I believe it was 13 or something like that).  You'll do just fine without it.  How do I know this?  Because I did it for the past 4 years as I built up playtime in fractals, I bought more character slots (They were my build slots before templates were a thing in either ArcDPS or official) and geared out 45 characters in full ascended.  I had e very build on snowcrows and every optimized meta power, support, and condition damage builds for fractals.  I also had a couple different armor sets for playing in the open world too.

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Just now, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Look, at this point you have to choose the lesser of three "evils" or wait potentially infinite amount of time until your "predicted" solution comes to fruition.

"The bottom line is none of us are happy doing it. "  Uh so, what, 10 players aren't happy while a ton of other players are either indifferent or doing just fine?  You dislike one aspect of the game that's optional at worst.  You've lived 9 years without legendary armor. You have enough gold to test out any build you want by stat swapping your ascended gear in the forge (By your claim, you have 12k gold and almost every legendary weapon?  I believe it was 13 or something like that).  You'll do just fine without it.  How do I know this?  Because I did it for the past 4 years as I built up playtime in fractals, I bought more character slots (They were my build slots before templates were a thing in either ArcDPS or official) and geared out 45 characters in full ascended.  I had e very build on snowcrows and every optimized meta power, support, and condition damage builds for fractals.  I also had a couple different armor sets for playing in the open world too.

I have way more than 13 legendary weapon.  I'd like to work to legendary armor doing something I actually enjoy.  It's not unreasonable, even if you think it is.  I've done everything in the game but legendary armor. Making me play areas of the game that I don't enjoy to get it is annoying.  I just had a conversation with a guildie who was also complaining about feeling like he had to spend more time in WvW than he likes to get WvW legendary armor. He'd rather PvE but he feels compelled.  He's not satisfied because of it. 

If you think me and him are the only people who feel like this you'd be wrong.

On top of that, your annecdotal evidence of the popularity of raids is contradicted by the fact that Anet isn't adding new raids to the game. If they were as popular as you say, that wouldn't be the case.

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1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I can spend some time there, but it's not fun all the time or long term, and in WvW you have to really put tons of hours into that format. Doesnt' work for me. 

But didn't you just say...

5 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I didn't say I necessarily want an easy route. Or a fast route.

So in the end it seems fast and easy is what you want despite claiming otherwise in your previous post.


1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

The reason I don't want to do enough raids to get legendary armor is because I don't like raiding. Shrugs.

That's great, because you don't need to. You make your choices.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

But didn't you just say...

So in the end it seems fast and easy is what you want despite claiming otherwise in your previous post.

No I want a route I enjoy.  That's not necessarily fast or easy.   To make it simple since a lot of people don't seem to be getting it...


Seasons of Dragons is easy, but it not fast.  But Vision and Aurora weren't particularly easy. I did all the achievements to get the metas in the zone.  I'm not looking to not play the game, I'm looking to have fun playing the game.

You find raids fun, so you think this is fine. I don't find raids fun so I don't. It's pretty easy to understand. It's not that I don't want to put effort into doing something. It's that I want to have fun playing a game I bought to, survey says, have fun.

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4 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

No I want a route I enjoy.  That's not necessarily fast or easy. 

But you said you play pvp and wvw anyways. So you enjoy playing them. So over time you can get pieces from those modes. But somehow now it's a problem too, because it takes too long. (and that IS what you've said)

4 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

It's that I want to have fun playing a game I bought to, survey says, have fun.

Again: if you make a choice to not pursue legendary gear, you can have fun in any content you want while using ascended items. You don't lose any power by doing that, so nothing really stands in the way of you having fun in the game.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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16 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I have way more than 13 legendary weapon.  I'd like to work to legendary armor doing something I actually enjoy.  It's not unreasonable, even if you think it is.  I've done everything in the game but legendary armor. Making me play areas of the game that I don't enjoy to get it is annoying.  I just had a conversation with a guildie who was also complaining about feeling like he had to spend more time in WvW than he likes to get WvW legendary armor. He'd rather PvE but he feels compelled.  He's not satisfied because of it. 

Well then, you're at an impasse that's caused by something personal.  Given how it's been so long since ANet did anything new with legendary armor (Adding WvW and PvP sets), your chances are quite slim.  In fact, I do believe ANet said that, if they were to add another set of legendary armor, they'd want to make it like  envoy again.  As in animated and such.  Maybe the Dx11 tech will get is there faster, maybe it won't.  If you think it's worth wasting time here complaining about it over just doing it, that's on you, but since it only took me about two years of passive, weekly raid attempts to get my full set of armor in all 3 weights, you best hope ANet adds another option sooner rather than later.


If you think me and him are the only people who feel like this you'd be wrong.

No, I'm pretty sure (As in an educated guess certain) that you're part of a very vocal minority who saw a reward they couldn't get for whatever reason and came to the forums to complain about it instead of just doing it. The discussions I have ingame about raids and their rewards are a lot more cohesive and put together than anything you've ever written. You also don't know why certain people  quit or don't like raids, so really, you have nothing to say here but a hollow argument.


On top of that, your annecdotal evidence of the popularity of raids is contradicted by the fact that Anet isn't adding new raids to the game. If they were as popular as you say, that wouldn't be the case.

Nah, see, that's the neat part.  I gave you a clear, concise  way of testing exactly what I did.  I set out my method and showed you that raids are still active.  ANet's also adding raid like content with EoD, so, literally get out of here with your semantics argument.

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9 minutes ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Well then, you're at an impasse that's caused by something personal.  Given how it's been so long since ANet did anything new with legendary armor (Adding WvW and PvP sets), your chances are quite slim.  In fact, I do believe ANet said that, if they were to add another set of legendary armor, they'd want to make it like  envoy again.  As in animated and such.  Maybe the Dx11 tech will get is there faster, maybe it won't.  If you think it's worth wasting time here complaining about it over just doing it, that's on you, but since it only took me about two years of passive, weekly raid attempts to get my full set of armor in all 3 weights, you best hope ANet adds another option sooner rather than later.

No, I'm pretty sure (As in an educated guess certain) that you're part of a very vocal minority who saw a reward they couldn't get for whatever reason and came to the forums to complain about it instead of just doing it. The discussions I have ingame about raids and their rewards are a lot more cohesive and put together than anything you've ever written. You also don't know why certain people  quit or don't like raids, so really, you have nothing to say here but a hollow argument.

Nah, see, that's the neat part.  I gave you a clear, concise  way of testing exactly what I did.  I set out my method and showed you that raids are still active.  ANet's also adding raid like content with EoD, so, literally get out of here with your semantics argument.

Anet says it, we'll see what they deliver.  Have you played it yet? No?  Then you're just going by a single sentence in a guild chat. They once said this game is everything you loved about Guild Wars 1.  How'd that turn out?

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24 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

But you said you play pvp and wvw anyways. So you enjoy playing them. So over time you can get pieces from those modes. But somehow now it's a problem too, because it takes too long. (and that IS what you've said)

Again: if you make a choice to not pursue legendary gear, you can have fun in any content you want while using ascended items. You don't lose any power by doing that, so nothing really stands in the way of you having fun in the game.

Legendary armor is something work for. I have almost every legendary weapon now. It would be nice to work on it doing something I like. Does that seem unreasonable to you?

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22 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Legendary armor is something work for. I have almost every legendary weapon now. It would be nice to work on it doing something I like. Does that seem unreasonable to you?

And you already play WvW and PvP, so you can work for it through those game modes if you despise raids so much.


23 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Anet says it, we'll see what they deliver.  Have you played it yet? No?  Then you're just going by a single sentence in a guild chat. They once said this game is everything you loved about Guild Wars 1.  How'd that turn out?

Are you seriously bringing up manifesto lines now to refute a point when ANet already disowned the manifesto not long after the game was released?

Oh, you really are.  You're rather misguided.

See, here's the fun part about why Strikes are a more solid argument than "GW2 is everything you love about GW1."  Are you ready for this revelation?  It's going to blow your mind.

We have strikes ingame that are already at or near raid level bosses with Boneskinner and Claw of Jormag and Forging Steel has CMs t hat bring it close to that level.

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4 minutes ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

And you already play WvW and PvP, so you can work for it through those game modes if you despise raids so much.


Are you seriously bringing up manifesto lines now to refute a point when ANet already disowned the manifesto not long after the game was released?


Anet never disowned the manifesto, they just clarified it. Anway, I'm done talking to you, so feel free to get the last word. I've said my peace. Plenty of reasonable people get it. Whether you get it or not, or the few raiders in this conversation get it or not is of little consequence to the conversation as a whole.

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9 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Anet never disowned the manifesto, they just clarified it. Anway, I'm done talking to you, so feel free to get the last word. I've said my peace. Plenty of reasonable people get it. Whether you get it or not, or the few raiders in this conversation get it or not is of little consequence to the conversation as a whole.

See, here's the fun part about why Strikes are a more solid argument than "GW2 is everything you love about GW1."  Are you ready for this revelation?  It's going to blow your mind.

We have strikes ingame that are already at or near raid level bosses with Boneskinner and Claw of Jormag and Forging Steel has CMs t hat bring it close to that level.

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7 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

See, here's the fun part about why Strikes are a more solid argument than "GW2 is everything you love about GW1."  Are you ready for this revelation?  It's going to blow your mind.

We have strikes ingame that are already at or near raid level bosses with Boneskinner and Claw of Jormag and Forging Steel has CMs t hat bring it close to that level.

Ok , so strikes are the dificulty of Raids , so implant the  HoT Legendary gear ...

Its simple 😛

Raids are not longer an inspirational  content , while Strike can be .

And the Raiding community , will not whine about the toxic casuals that try to invade their LFG


(Me or Her)

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1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Legendary armor is something work for. I have almost every legendary weapon now. It would be nice to work on it doing something I like. Does that seem unreasonable to you?

You got it right, legendary armor is something [optional, long-term] to work for IF someone desires to go for it. So why do you keep repeating you somehow can't have fun in the game without it? That's just false. You had fun all this time, you can keep having fun as much as you did while still playing with ascended items. If you want to work for legendary items, go for it. If you don't, then... don't, it's your perfectly valid choice to make. Just stop pretending it's somehow locked out for you or that lack of it locks out fun from the game. Neither of these claims you so frequently repeat are true.

And we've already established above you play and like pvp and wvw. You can grab some pieces from both of these. But then your problem seemed to be the time needed. Something you previously claimed isn't/wouldn't be an issue.

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45 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

And the Raiding community , will not whine about the toxic casuals that try to invade their LFG

Who exactly is "whining about the toxic casuals that try to invade their lfg" and why are those specific people (if they exist) considered to be the whole community? They're not. And what you say here is unsubstanciated, with the sole purpose of demonizing the community with false claims.

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7 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Who exactly is "whining about the toxic casuals that try to invade their lfg" and why are those specific people (if they exist) considered to be the whole community? They're not. And what you say here is unsubstanciated, with the sole purpose of demonizing the community with false claims.

Ehm , for example you , when you said they don't deserve to get Legendary (even in a smaller progress with each run) in easy mode .

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7 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Ehm , for example you , when you said they don't deserve to get Legendary (even in a smaller progress with each run) in easy mode .

Validity of your claim here aside, what does this have to do with your claim of "whining about the toxic casuals that try to invade their lfg"?

Nothing, that's what. Because it's something you made up on a spot for the sole purpose I've mentioned in my previous post.

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7 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Validity of your claim here aside, what does this have to do with your claim of "whining about the toxic casuals that try to invade their lfg"?

Nothing, that's what. Because it's something you made up on a spot.

You don't want casuals to get Legendary gear with an easy option .

You don't want Vayne to have an alternate way to get that gear .

Raids are not aspirational , but a word that has the same meaning as Slur.

And raider don't want the old toxic players to infect the newly with EoD


Legendary gear CAN BE THAT ASPIRIATIONAL THING (with the goal to create new raiders ) .

Even creating the Legendary/Ach Weapons that people link at the Towns , has more value 😛

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12 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

You don't want casuals to get Legendary gear with an easy option .

Aspirational content is there for a reason and I already described it in this thread. Do you want me to quote those posts again or what exactly do you expect here?


You don't want Vayne to have an alternate way to get that gear .

Tehy do have an alternate way to get the gear. Re-read last 2 pages, that's literally what we were talking about here.


Raids are not aspirational , but a word that has the same meaning as Slur.

Yes, they are aspirational content. And I don't understand how is this supposed to be a slur in any way.


And raider don't want the old toxic players to infect the newly with EoD

What are you even talking about right now? You've dropped your previous made up claim just to make up this one? Is this how you want this "discussion" to go? Then I'm not exactly interested.


Legendary gear CAN BE THAT ASPIRIATIONAL THING (with the goal to create new raiders )

Aspirational content means CONTENT you complete FOR the rewards. Legendary gear isn't "aspirational content" by the very definition of it. It's a reward.

And if "its goal is to create new raiders", then you must be supporting the way it's awarded right now, because that's the point. Desired reward (that doesn't grant power, so you're perfectly fine to make a choice to skip it) behind aspirational content. Exactly.

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