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Voice options in character creation?

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The future of voice acting in games - (not so) simple solution.

Right now hiring actors, getting them to studio (and paying for it) is quite expensive (and time consuming).
I see no other option that to get to work combo voice synthesizer + neural network.


1. During character creation player get additional bunch of sliders for voice parameters;
1b. User can also record few phrases with own voice (optional, as not everybody likes own voice,
we sound weird to ourselves as we mainly hear own voice through skull);
2. With style transfer technique nn builds voice characteristics, which can be used for reading out loud anything;
3. When it comes to "acting" - style transfer can be also used for it, when we feed nn with enough samples;
This applies not only for dialogues (accents, expression, diction), but don't forget about short in-game phrases that play important
role in many games ("NO!" -> warrior's berserk mode ends in few seconds), this can be done too;

3b. We can of course hear other players with their own voices, as sending characteristics is not like streaming whole audio;
4. De Niro ("You talking to me, lousy revenant?"), James Earl Jones ("I'm your father, Logan") and Willis ("Yippee ki yay, Mordremoth") unlockable for 1k gems;
5. Profit.


If I remember correctly first time this technique was used in some Japan exhibition,
where long-ago-dead painter (Renoir?) reconstructed voice was used for making interactive
guide (and mentioning the events that occurred a long after his death).

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