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Not seeing bags when selling items,,or trying to sell items?

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When I click on sell at a vender, I get maybe one item showing up,,mostly and item I do not one to sell, but all my other bags seem to be closed, I see the bag but no item spares or items.

Have lots I would like to sell rather than destroy just it won't open the bags. So what have I done to cause this? I am a new player and only lvl 22 if that makes a difference.

thank you for any help and for your time.

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No bags are called Invisible, couple of the bags are only 4 spaces,,one 8 and think one is 10. I have some old weapons, some old armour ect ect and when I just open up the bags I see evreything and just checked most items have a value, not much of a value like maybe only a few copper even that would help.



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7 hours ago, Almonra.6290 said:

No bags are called Invisible, couple of the bags are only 4 spaces,,one 8 and think one is 10. I have some old weapons, some old armour ect ect and when I just open up the bags I see evreything and just checked most items have a value, not much of a value like maybe only a few copper even that would help.



Just a heads up, you can't sell or salvage karma, story or achivement rewards. They can only be destroyed. Although some people opt to save them up and throw them into the Mystic Forge in Lion's Arch.


(This is to prevent gold farmers from exploiting the reward system.)


If you equip a Salvage Kit and double-click it and the item icon turns red then this is the case.


Edited by Hannelore.8153
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As others said, not everything can be sold to the merchant. Perhaps you can share a screenshot of your inventory? We can help you explaining some of the stuff.

Beign at your level, what comes to mind are the rewards for the personal story and levelling up. You get bags of loot, that give stuff that can be sold, but also other stuff that can't be sold. The same goes for stuff that is given for levelling up.

The reason is that they want to give new players this stuff so they do not have to worry about getting gear at first, but do not want to have veteran players recreate characters all the time to get easy gold.

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