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Merged thread - Bot's in PVP. How can I make this thread official?


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49 minutes ago, Wild.1705 said:

I know this is a bit of joke but imma still respond.

You are correct that bots are better than some players , but 90% is a bit of a cruel estimate.


1. Players can learn. They may be worse than bots now, but humans have the ability to learn and improve.


2. Bot's preform skill rotations perfectly and can out preform many new and even some vet players. The thing is, like many fighting games, they have set behaviors and patterns they follow. A  player doesn't need to play skill rotations better, they just need to learn the set pattern of the bot and it is gg.


3. Players can make better judgement calls. When it comes to the 5v5 node based gameplay of GW2, I have seen humans make the awful rotation decisions. But a bot cannot make those decisions at all. You can ping the map all day long and they cant reevaluate their rotation decision.


First, PVE lacks the decisions that lead to victory like in PVP. What is my opponent doing? Where should I go? Thoes decisions lead to victory.


Bots do skill rotations perfectly; so, in a game mode that doesnt require thought, I bet they do play better than the majority of human players.


When I play meta events in PVE I feel like I could just log out and the outcome wouldn't change. I also feel the same way in WVW. I find it sooooooo hard to not just watch a movie and just kinda let my auto 1 skill go off and hit things. In large scale combat I am not important, so I I find getting motivated hard and then I dont try. Bots dont need to be motivated, they just play perfectly no matter what.


I just want to play with humans only in PVP for better or worse. Also if match making was better I wouldn't get placed with players that would be worse than bots, because given if they cant do skill rotations better they can definitely rotate better in higher tiers.

you miss my point, I dont mean that the bots are better or worse in pve, as technically in pve it should not be physically possible to be as good as a bot. I mean that vast majority " 90% " of random pug players in dragonfall which is already end game zone ( so average player there should be above average in general already ) cant even push past 10k dps ( most classes can do 15k-25k dps by simply auto-attacking )
so they are SOOO BAD that they would legit do better just by holding down 1 button.
And about bots not learning, they CAN learn. There is a strarcraft 2 bot that got so good at the game, they had to make it worse as it was unbeatable even against pro starcraft players ( mostly due to a fact a bot can control several units at a time but still )
I get it people are lazy and dont wanna top their dps, but doing less then 10k dps as a dps is just honestly sad, its afk farm necro level of dps.

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On 11/1/2021 at 2:57 PM, Leonidrex.5649 said:

you miss my point, I dont mean that the bots are better or worse in pve, as technically in pve it should not be physically possible to be as good as a bot. I mean that vast majority " 90% " of random pug players in dragonfall which is already end game zone ( so average player there should be above average in general already ) cant even push past 10k dps ( most classes can do 15k-25k dps by simply auto-attacking )
so they are SOOO BAD that they would legit do better just by holding down 1 button.
And about bots not learning, they CAN learn. There is a strarcraft 2 bot that got so good at the game, they had to make it worse as it was unbeatable even against pro starcraft players ( mostly due to a fact a bot can control several units at a time but still )
I get it people are lazy and dont wanna top their dps, but doing less then 10k dps as a dps is just honestly sad, its afk farm necro level of dps.

Oh, if your point was simply that pugs in pve are unreliable and often times bad to the point of wishing they were bots, then yeah I agree. Although, like I said before, if I'm watching a movie while doing a meta event then I'm probably in that list of "really bad players".


I don't know how GW2 bots work, but from what I have seen they lack the complex coding that would allow them to change set behavioral patterns. Most cant get up ledges because they weren't programed with the ability to jump (or the ability to learn how to jump through some form of reasoning/analysis of players doing so).


Would be cool to ping the map and have the AI recognize "Oh! I need to go there" but the bots that we see atm a not quite on that Starcraft 2 level. (Hopefully the bot issue is solved by then.)

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It was a joke, nobody likes bots. But they learn, for sure, faster than gw2 pvp players. 


I think gw2 players are naturally lazy, since all content are very very very easy, so even when they go to pvp, they just dont care to learn and anet allow them participate of competitive matches withou know pretty much nothing about conquest. 

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On 11/4/2021 at 9:09 PM, anjo.6143 said:

It was a joke, nobody likes bots. But they learn, for sure, faster than gw2 pvp players. 


I think gw2 players are naturally lazy, since all content are very very very easy, so even when they go to pvp, they just dont care to learn and anet allow them participate of competitive matches withou know pretty much nothing about conquest. 

this  isn't a problem in any game with a good population, if it wasn't the low population it wouldn't matter how bad you are, you'd just be matched with equaly bad players, but since game has like 50 playes on NA prime time, and 20 of  them are dodging better players  for easy mmr some ppl end up in plat vs silver matches


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1 hour ago, kardinal.3051 said:

I left the game about 2-3 years ago because of the botting in Ranked PvP. Come back and can't even complete my 10 games to get a rating because literally every game has 1-2 bots. This was a problem years ago and is why I left the game and it's still a problem now. I wanted to buy the new xpac and was excited to get back into pvp in gw2 but not anymore. Really wish the devs cared about this game, really sad

ArenaNet just lost more money. How much money did they lose? Hard to tell, but an active player is much more likely to spend money than a player that doesn't have the game installed.


Honestly, when I hear that someone is quiting GW2, all I hear is the sound of money that ArenaNet could have had being flushed down the 🚽

Edited by Wild.1705
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