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New player to GW2


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Hello everyone i just joined GW2 a couple of days ago, it was very highly praised by a friend of mine so i decided to give it a go, so far i'm enjoying it and i also bought all the expansions plus the one that it will be released next year.

I am in no ways a hardcore player, i'm just enjoying the ride and having fun, since i joined a friend of mine that's also playing i joined his server Underworld.

I tried to post on the guild forum but it seems that's not easy to get feedback in there to join a guild, are there any other ways to look for a guild to join?

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12 minutes ago, Splat.7981 said:

Hello everyone i just joined GW2 a couple of days ago, it was very highly praised by a friend of mine so i decided to give it a go, so far i'm enjoying it and i also bought all the expansions plus the one that it will be released next year.

I am in no ways a hardcore player, i'm just enjoying the ride and having fun, since i joined a friend of mine that's also playing i joined his server Underworld.

I tried to post on the guild forum but it seems that's not easy to get feedback in there to join a guild, are there any other ways to look for a guild to join?

Look for recruiters in game would be my advice, any of the major cities is going to have them posting in map chat.  This game lets you join as many as five guilds at a time, so try multiple out to find what you're looking for.

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Welcome to GW2!  Glad you're having fun and taking your time to enjoy the adventure. 

You can simply ask on a map if any guilds are welcoming new players.  You might specify what you are interested in, i.e. open world, pve, pvp, wvw, rp, etc. as it would help find a good fit for you.  You can have up to five guilds, so feel free to try different ones for different things.  If you find a guild doing an event and enjoy their dynamic, you might ask if they are recruiting.  Some will invite if they see you out and about without a guild.

Plenty of time for that, it you have questions, ask map chat and forums.  Also type /wiki in the game to access information easily.

Have a great time!

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Hello Splat! We have a guild of older, likeminded players that are incredibly friendly to newer folks. We have an age 30+ to join requirement. We have tons of people willing to help with story, open world, achievements etc. There is also a select few that offer help with or teach dungeons, fractals, strikes, and raids, but that's only if you want to try the harder side of PvE! Give us a peek if you think you'd be a good fit 😉 ---> Tyrs Paladium


Edit: Just saw that you're in EU, bummer 😞 We are in NA.

Edited by DankMemeLord.5039
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On 10/16/2021 at 9:40 AM, Splat.7981 said:

Hello and thank you for the feedback everyone, i should have referenced that i am on EU :classic_smile:

Hi Splat!

I know I'm late to the party, so you've likely already found your new home, but I'll join in on the action regardless because I think I might have just what you are looking for! 🙂

We are [Envy]; a community consisting of 3 guilds - Total [Envy], Totally [Envy] and Total Wrath Of [Envy]. The first two are both close to full, each having over 450 active members, whereas the 3rd only has a good 100. It is our WvW guild (formed for the upcoming Alliances beta).

Not to worry you too much with details, what we offer is a very chill and active environment, filled with people who do all kinds of content - from living world and helping with personal story, to raiding and fractals (PvE), to running tournaments in structured PvP, and last but not least, to conquering the world in WvW 😉  

In case this interests you in any way, please do pop by on our Discord, as that's where most of the things go down: https://discord.gg/WgxSBXCK

I am also available on Discord for any information as Topgun#0222, or in-game as Zape.2094 🙂  

No matter what we'll be happy to have you tag along and join us, even if only for a little while to give us an opportunity. Your friend is welcome here aswell.

Oh, and we're on EU indeed 😉 



Edited by Zape.2094
Added EU
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