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Bloodstone Harvest

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14 hours ago, Harfang.1507 said:

Have you tried the wiki? I'd just hang around in the maps until I get the map-wide announcement that a bloodstone-crazed creature has appeared. Good luck in getting people on it though. These things hit like trucks.

Ah alright, thank you. Wiki didn't say anything if just a yellow puff appears. Today I tried and it worked, got the Moa now trying for the rest. 

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13 hours ago, DaFuqDuk.8416 said:

Ah alright, thank you. Wiki didn't say anything if just a yellow puff appears. Today I tried and it worked, got the Moa now trying for the rest. 

Good luck getting them.  This one is still on the back burner for me.

Remember to kill creatures of the same type as the blood-crazed one.  All of my Asura are parked at Brisbane at the skritt camp.  I often just slaughter all the Moas there and I spawn the blood-crazed moa pretty often.  I can take it on with the necro but my other 3 asura never stand a chance.

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