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Ideas to Disincentivize Pip Farming Without Disincentivizing Repair


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I admit I never repaired something because it added to contribution and am a fan of defending because I don't like to lose things my side controls. Currently there is no reason to win outside of the will to, which most of us have been playing under already. Walls are already bad to try and defend from since it will more likely get you killed. Breaches are easier to defend from and to kill attackers from. And since all walls are pretty much paper at all tiers, it takes no time to knock them back down. Yes this will make me question do I have my havoc stay and repair when the zerg just leaves, repairing is already tedious and typically gets left for the scouts, roamers and havocs. Which with the less people to repair the longer it takes already. Most people that repair are not thinking about contribution, but the lack of any might make them consider. Take siege timers, consider in the past people did it out of habit and people were assigned to keep it fresh. Today it seems, unless something is attacked odds are good that siege will expire because no one bothered to refresh it. Now is that because it’s not consider active game play and doesn’t add to contribution? Did we just lose more people as defending takes more hits? Could be a combination of things but it seems to be a trend.


Ironically one of the biggest reasons I can see to adding in match end rewards is because the goal in defending is in scoring by ranking up what you have while you take their things. There should be meaning in when you break into different size groups versus just moving in a zerg. Currently we mostly pay all the rewards to the taking side while continuing to nerf the defending side. So though match up rewards might hurt in server stacking it might also bring more balance to the attacking versus defending imbalance we have today.

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