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Question about the Makeover Kit

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In this case exclusive means you have to use a makeover kit, those colours (and faces and hair styles) are not available when you're creating a character. But if you're using a kit you don't have to do anything special, just pick them from the list and confirm the change.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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2 hours ago, Manifest.8417 said:

I am already using the makeover kit and it wont let me use the exclusive colors.

Can you be more specific?

It should be a simple process: you have a Total Makeover Kit in your inventory, double click to use it, go to Face Details, Eyes, scroll through the list of colours until you find the one you want, click on it and the preview will show how your character looks with that eye colour, then you click the 'Make Changes' button at the bottom. (Of course if you want to make any other changes at the same time you need to do those before clicking 'make changes'.)

How far through that process are you able to get? What happens that's stopping you choosing the colour you want?

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I stand corrected, I assumed they were locked in the makeover kit because of the little grey star on the exclusive colors. I was wrong and it turns out I have access to them. It was an honest mistake as I am still fairly new to this Game. Thank you everyone for your help.

TLDR: Problem Resolved

Edited by Manifest.8417
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