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Trait Idea List


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intent is to just provide ideas to inspire new ones. some of these are admittedly dumb, too strong, or too weak.

* utility that swaps your position with your target foe and dazes for 1 sec. second skill that returns players to original locations.
* Ground targeted version of above, i.e. place foe at location. second skill that returns foe.
* unblockable for 3s. every 1k damage in this window recharges the cooldown by 1s.
* Exchange half the difference in health percentage with target foe, after 7s this is undone.
* half the duration of all conditions on foe. your condition damage is increase by 500 for 5s.
* ammo skill, gain charges when successfully doge/block (max 3 charges). spend charge to block for 0.5 sec. blocks from this skill does not recharge this skill. successful block dazes foes that struck you.

* heal for a little. for 3 seconds, heal for a percentage of damage dealt. You are unblockable. activating this skill recharges all skills by 3s and provides quickness. after 3 seconds, all skills that arent fully recharged have +3 seconds added to their recharge timer.
* heal for a little. for 10 seconds, heal for a percentage of damage you would have receive from sources you doged/blocked.
* consume blades for health.

* for 10s, getting hit dazes nearby foes for 1s.
* for 20s, whenever you doge/block, recharge all skills by 0.5s, 1s icd.
* summon a phantasm for 5 seconds that is a fully copy of yourself (snapshot of stats, weapons, health, skill cds, traits, etc) and performs all your same actions.
* Gain a copy of target foes elite skill, it does half of all effects and durations but has 2 charges.
* channeled invuln for 3s, recharge your shatters and gain 3 blades.
* stun foe. if there is a downed player nearby exchange downstate of downed player with target. after 7s downed states is exchanged again.
* (modal) tether target for 10s. if foe conditions applied to this foe are transferred to nearby foes for half their duration. if ally, modal shatters also affect nearby allies.

* Alac on shatter and weapon swap. Alac decreases damage output.
* Alac affects weapon swap recharge. Alac decreases damage output.
* access to weapons of other specializations.
* doge/block blinds nearby foes
* doge/block applies x condition to nearby foes
* doge/block gives alac
* doge/block gives aegis
* doge/block reflects damage
* doge/block recharges all skills by 0.5s, 1s icd.
* doge/block recharges weapon swap by 1s.
* when a foe suffers damage from confusion on skill-use, they get half of their existing stack (max 5 additional) for 2s, 2s icd.
* confusion lasts longer but does less damage.
* confusion lasts shorter but does more damage.
* shatter skill 2 becomes an ammo skill
* gain an extra doge bar. decreased damage output.
* interupting a foe removes 1 boon from them.
* when a foe loses a boon cleanse 1 condition
* when interrupting a skill, recharge all you skills and weapon swap by 0.5s.
* when interupting a foe inflict x condition on foes near the target foe.
* shatters deal less damage but recharge faster.

* Dagger should have a block or something that procs the block evade trait.
* Dagger should have some condis, maybe some bleed. a trait with "wielding a dagger increases bleed duration", could add that to existing bleed trait.
* modal remove conditions from ally and surrounding allies
* modal auto attack decrease movement imparting conditions from ally and surrounding allies by 3 seconds.
* modal auto attack swap locations with target ally

* modal shatters (target an ally to access support shatters)
  * shatters in this mode have no recharge and are instant cast (maybe at least f1 and f4), blades are essentially initiative.
  * f1 is raw heal
  * f2 condition cleanse 2 per
   * f3 is stab application
   * f4 is 0.5s invuln application

Edited by HumanComplex.1648
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Some of these sound cool, others are kitten. It doesnt really matter though, you could just randomly take some on throw them on Virtuoso and it would already be an improved, more interesting "elite" spec or whatever it is...


Sorry for the mean and unconstructive comment.

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I got a kick out of the Ditto abilities.  It would be extremely OP in the hands of a master, but I've always thought that a profession who's main mechanic was morphing into other professions (with the ability to change targets and copy someone else on the fly) would be really fun to play.

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21 hours ago, Chrolo.8536 said:

Sorry for the mean and unconstructive comment.

doesn't even matter how constructive anyone is

the devs aren't interested in it 


years of wishful thinking that the NPC mechanics could be removed from this class so they didn't have such a huge liability looming over the core design


just to get projectiles 10 years later that can be rapidly A/D strafed and completely avoided as the new class mechanic


not to mention the accidental projectile destruction/reflection effects that have been piled onto everything in this game to completely negate any and every button you click 


devs don't seem to mind as long as they think it looks pretty to them and it worked against a target golem 



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/6/2021 at 2:27 PM, Alpha.1308 said:

doesn't even matter how constructive anyone is

the devs aren't interested in it 


years of wishful thinking that the NPC mechanics could be removed from this class so they didn't have such a huge liability looming over the core design


just to get projectiles 10 years later that can be rapidly A/D strafed and completely avoided as the new class mechanic


not to mention the accidental projectile destruction/reflection effects that have been piled onto everything in this game to completely negate any and every button you click 


devs don't seem to mind as long as they think it looks pretty to them and it worked against a target golem 



Eeeh imma keep my hope up. 

The Dev team stated their will be major rebalancing to the current elites nearer EoD. None of the new speccs have massive access to blocks.

Past that. They just need to make them faster. And reduce the cast time to make em more manageable. 

It's a cool concept, and hopefully they act on the critism given. 

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On 11/16/2021 at 3:00 AM, Daddy.8125 said:

It's a cool concept, and hopefully they act on the critism given. 

i refuse to keep my hopes up due to history 

but i'm all for willing to let them prove me wrong that they'll actually do something good for once

mesmer traits killed my hype that they would ever do anything correctly

chrono wells on launch killed my expectations, letting them sit for years and the only thing that gets changed is precognition into a smiter's boon of a joke killed my drive to even want anything better

mirage utilities on launch killed all of my hopes entirely, sitting and watching them go untouched just killed my interest in even giving the devs any sort of benefit of any doubt at all 

but, again, willing to let them prove me wrong, i'm just not even going to give them any access to going anywhere near pretending like might do something, especially after seeing virtuoso's beta 

Edited by Alpha.1308
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