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I was so wrong! Surprise revelations?


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I always thought Quaggan are the cutesy comic relief thing that you're not supposed to take seriously. Kinda like all the Moogles in Final Fantasy.


Well no one told me they're badkitten!




What were you most surpirsed about in this game?

Edited by Veprovina.4876
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51 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

I always thought Quaggan are the cutesy comic relief thing that you're not supposed to take seriously. Kinda like all the Moogles in Final Fantasy.


Well no one told me they're badkitten!




What were you most surpirsed about in this game?

I was about to give a snide remark in regards to poor competitive balance, but this is a lore thread so...

The fact that we haven't come across any Largos settlements, or even went into the Domain of Wind yet? Those two really need to be in a living story one day. (Also surprised at how sexy they made the female Largos... like how did that make it into the game?)

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3 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

The fact that we haven't come across any Largos settlements, or even went into the Domain of Wind yet? Those two really need to be in a living story one day. (Also surprised at how sexy they made the female Largos... like how did that make it into the game?)

Hey, maybe in EoD!

We're fighting a water dragon there after all!

Or something to do with water and jade and stuff, the logo is watery, and so is a lot of the screenshots and game mechanics (fishing), so who knows, maybe they'll show us Largos there. 

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2 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Hey, maybe in EoD!

We're fighting a water dragon there after all!

Or something to do with water and jade and stuff, the logo is watery, and so is a lot of the screenshots and game mechanics (fishing), so who knows, maybe they'll show us Largos there. 

You know I really hope so. Feels bad that they left such a rich culture to slip into the background after the core story ended. That and I need more female Largos eye candy.

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