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Completely clueless in PVP


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Okay, how to get better not how to play the pvp mode or the state of pvp mode speciifcally. You are playing spell, according to previous posts, which is my most played class. I’ve solo Q’d it to plat 3 multiple seasons (though I haven’t played pvp in a while). As I haven’t played pvp in a while, I won’t talk about it’s actual state in pvp. However, for getting better, there’s some ways to get better;

Dueling is a good way to get an understanding of what your class and other classes are capable of. Especially for Spell, which is a duelist class, 1v1s are key. Things to work on in a duel for spell are: using full counter reactionarily instead of pre-emptively, tracking stability and aegis on a bad and stripping it with dagger leap (if you are running dagger) to open opportunities for CC, counting dodges to land CC, and burst combos. 
I would recommend getting to a place where you feel proficient in dueling every class, as you will have a better understanding of how each class moves and tries to damage you. There is usually a lobby for dueling that has a few people in it, that’s a good place to start probably. 
Then I would run unranked and camp far so you get used to fighting multiple opponents alone. Unranked tends to have a lower skill level (not sure if this is still the case), so 1vX are easier, and kiting the players is simpler.
Remember, you don’t need to win 1v2+s, you just need to stall them as long as possible so your team has a +1 advantage elsewhere. Your team may not capitalize on this if they are bad, but you can’t do anything about that. Over a large number of games, you will get quite a bit more teams that can win with a +1 advantage than you will teams that lose. Don’t be afraid to go off point and abuse LOS (it’s pretty much necessary for warrior). Take the time to learn the jumping patterns of obstacles around each side node in unranked so you can move more efficiently than your opponents and string them out (stringing them out is the best way to win vs multiple opponents). Then you should win your 1v1 once the +1 peels off. Once you are getting proficient at holding 2+ players for a reasonable amount of time and not dying. 
Once you do that, you should have a better grasp of what classes do what, and how to deal with specific classes, as well as how to read multiple opponents at once, and how to move properly. Once you can do all that, I would then start going into ranked games and worrying about efficient rotation. Best of luck 🙂 

Edited by oscuro.9720
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With the current state of the game i would say warrior is probably the worst class in the game to pick up as a new player for spvp specifically 

Its a very simple class on the surface but its simplicity is part of the reason why it requires a ton of mechanical skill and game knowledge to do well with consistently,  it is very easy to avoid a lot of your attacks and punish any mistakes you make, it requires you to know what every class can do in order to set yourself up to both land attacks and avoid your opponents attacks, if you just go in spamming your buttons like u can on a lot of other classes you will get absolutely destroyed by any half decent player.

Edited by Kayberz.5346
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On 11/13/2021 at 5:20 AM, Soulsignnuub.2098 said:

I've played for a week or so now so i don't have much experience. Even though i was excited about pvp, my prospects of actually getting better at it are really depressing. I have absolutely no idea what is happening to my character. 


From a noob's perspective i really don't feel like getting into PVP. Every match it's a slaughterfest with little to no enjoyment. Either every player i get matched up with is a God or i'm just completely incapable of grasping the game's pvp system.




Honestly the only "GOOD" way to learn pvp and the abilities each class has and how to counter them is to play each class! The beautiful thing is in GW2 you don't need to level them all to 80, just make a class join pvp lobby and grab some gray weapons for super cheap and build a spec of your favorite streamer and learn....



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I just recently started PvPing myself. I discovered once I’d ground out enough ranks to queue for ranked matches, my experience got much better. During prime time I ended up in a lot more matches where I could hold my own.

I think I understand why it works this way, but that first 20 ranks in unranked matches is a bear for a new player.

Also, playing at low population times even in ranked will get you back into matches with crazy skill differences.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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