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GW 2 Long Overdue Fixes


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4 minutes ago, Zohane.7208 said:

Full-time vet? Really? Again, 20+k hours, 37k AP, 9 years of gameplay. Done everything except PvP and raids. I'll happily call myself a full-time veteran as well.


Pales in comparison. And you make it sound like those are meaningless modes yet you don't get to the real fruit of the game without doing those exact modes. You've claimed to be a casual or less. You've proven to be a casual or less. And unfortunately your opinion does not have enough weight or relevance for these matters. Yet they do give insight into another problem with the game.

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25 minutes ago, Cynova.1236 said:


You must be new here. Welcome. Look at my post history. What makes you think I expect the devs to do any of this let alone take requests from my posts 😆 This is for laughs as always. The only thing I expect from Anet is to quadruple down on everything they've done so far including ignoring anything that should be fixed. Can't wait for Braham to be an Elder Dragon in EoD.

After reading your opening post, and your subsequent replies, I saw this thread as exactly what it is, a cry for attention, any kind of attention.  Why else would you accuse a poster of not reading your post, and then fail to read a post that you reply to?  A good example would be your assertion that a specific poster said "leading source of income" instead of just "a source of income".  This argument is called a strawman, where you build an argument that wasn't raised, so that you can refute it.  It is a tool of the clueless, and reading through this thread, I can see why you resorted to it.

Taking bets, however, on how long it takes me to get a DM from a forum mod for "being mean"...  😂

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10 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Have you? If you've had you'd know that the "staying in-combat for long time" issue is not tied to aggro from enemies that have been killed. It's tied to clearing aggro from enemies that didn't die.

Notice: not all enemies you defeated die. And not all enemies with aggro on you are enemies you noticed.

Like it has been explained, by devs to us, and by us to you, it is not about forcing dialogues on you. The devs just use those unskippable sequences as safety checks to ensure some of the script elements won't break (hint: most of the progress-blocking issues in core dungeons were tied exactly to players being able to skip some dialogues/scenes)

Sure it's not a leading source of income. It's still a source of income. I don't think this game is doing well enough income wise for them to even think about letting go of some sources of income they already have. They are certainly eager to add new ones, even in most ridiculous ways (the "template system" monetization), so persuading them to agree to earn less (even if by a small amount) is not likely to succeed.

And how, pray tell, do you know what "actual longtime players" want, if they themselves cannot agree on pretty much anything?


Aggro is tied to enemies you are in combat with. When they are killed the aggro lifts. It's always been that. If you are aggroed to targets, they are not killed and they are within the aggro range or enough to follow you to keep you in range. You can easily see or be aware of anything that keeps you in combat and you can break that stance by leaving their aggro range and follow range. Targets do die, there is a duration, and it is way too long. Aggro lifts just before respawn or expiration. It should never take that long. Nor should NPCs be finishing themselves or players respawning after finished by 2 or more NPCs.


I'm sure those dialogue scenes and cutscenes give many benefits to the mechanics of scenes. Yet "not about forcing dialogues on you" is incorrect. There are many places throughout the missions where it literally serves no mechanical purpose or lasts far longer than it would ever be needed. You don't need a 10-11 minute dialogue scene when no event or objectives follow and if you're using long and slow dialogue sequences as events then you are making unnecessary or poor content.


If they were that desperate to pinch pennies they would have set several past upgrades and QoL additions to the game as gem store purchases. They would have been far more lucrative and beneficial than TCs and consistent. There is no rational excuse for TCs even at Anets standards. There is no credible argument for them. TCs need to go. End of story.


Where do you see me say that I "know what "actual longtime players" want". I can't seem to find that, but I can quote where I said I made this thread for the fixes that I want.

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20 minutes ago, robertthebard.8150 said:

After reading your opening post, and your subsequent replies, I saw this thread as exactly what it is, a cry for attention, any kind of attention.  Why else would you accuse a poster of not reading your post, and then fail to read a post that you reply to?  A good example would be your assertion that a specific poster said "leading source of income" instead of just "a source of income".  This argument is called a strawman, where you build an argument that wasn't raised, so that you can refute it.  It is a tool of the clueless, and reading through this thread, I can see why you resorted to it.

Taking bets, however, on how long it takes me to get a DM from a forum mod for "being mean"...  😂


What makes you think that was an assertion and not a point about the relevance of TCs? You came here to my thread to complain about someone else's discussion and weren't able to accurately discern what was being said. You literally did what you incorrectly claimed I did. Did you have anything else to raise that is on topic or did you just want to post your "strawman" argument, report, and then run away?


"a tool of the clueless"


Yes, that's what they called you when they sent you to me.

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I have expressed dissatisfaction with the game before, especially with the IBS and now EoD, and I could also say how I want some of these things to be changed as you said.


But then you forgot that anet consists of real people. Let them have vacation, alright? Say what you want about their game and how they don't deserve your money or whatever, but if you insist on having them work on the game during holiday then it really does show how little respect you have for them. That's not okay.

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if TC aren't relevant and dont impact renevue, so this a good reason to stay, after all, so let those niche who need them a lot, farm or pay for them.


if u claim be a 'experienced player' the claim is even weirder, a experienced player should be swimming on them. i dont have much because im into much into "fashion wars", anyway still have 100+ because i do lots of wvw.

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