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Ending the Foefire

Doom Wolf.7953

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"In 1325 AE, Eir Stegalkin retrieved Magdaer from the Ascalonian Catacombs, intending to have it reforged for Logan Thackeray. The sword has not been seen since."

I have been thinking about this for a bit, and I think if this had been completed, it would have ended the Foefire. 

Logan's ancestry obviously includes Gwen. It is never said who Gwen's father is. I personally think she might have been King Adelbern's or Prince Rurik's  illegitimate child. This would make Logan the "True King of Ascalon" and if he came back with Magdaer, it would finally put the ghosts to rest.

Just a theory, what do you think? I am very interested in learning more 😊 

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1 hour ago, Justine.6351 said:

I really don't know why they haven't resolved the foefire thing. Probably a limitation due to multiple open world maps with ghosts on them.

Not really. They're canonically established that Aurene purified the dragonbrand and hunted down (almost) all the branded. Open world maps are "stuck in time", so all the maps with ghosts in them would similarly just be in 1325, like the Ascalon Dragonbrand ones full of branded even after Aurene wiped them out.

They can still solve the Foefire problem in the story at any time if they wanted.


Simply handing Logan Magdaer shouldn't solve the Foefire issue though, presumably a ritual needing the crown and Sohothin are necessary per Season 2. And even if Logan isn't descended from royalty, we know Wade Samuelsson is.

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I've stated for awhile now a good LWS7 plot(LWS6 being Cantha related) would be a two part map ala Bjora or Drizzlewood, that picks up the Human-Charr peace thing following of off the Ebonhawke DRM from Champion, where Rytlock with Sohothin, Wade Samuelsson with Magdaer, and a escort of both Charr and Humans, would go down to the ruins of Drascir, and perform the ritual to end the Foefire.

The ancient captial of Ascalon would be a fitting place to end the Foefire once and for all, and finally remove the last thorn in the Charr and Humans' history.

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5 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Not really. They're canonically established that Aurene purified the dragonbrand and hunted down (almost) all the branded. Open world maps are "stuck in time", so all the maps with ghosts in them would similarly just be in 1325, like the Ascalon Dragonbrand ones full of branded even after Aurene wiped them out.

They can still solve the Foefire problem in the story at any time if they wanted.


Simply handing Logan Magdaer shouldn't solve the Foefire issue though, presumably a ritual needing the crown and Sohothin are necessary per Season 2. And even if Logan isn't descended from royalty, we know Wade Samuelsson is.

Never mind I see what you are saying about aurene.

Edited by Justine.6351
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Its heavily hinted at in LWS2 that the key to cleansing the Foefire wasn't the ritual, but that it somehow opening the portal was a key. We don't know how or why yet, but "Rytlock took alot of ghosts with him to the Mists". I imagine they're not actually meant to be killed, but just sent back to the afterlife properly.


So I'm not sure that the legend about Magdaer is even true, or if it'd help.


Regardless, every indication is that the ghosts numbers were permanently reduced after that, and its one of the big reasons why we were able to make such a strong push on the Elder Dragons like Modremoth. In Grothmar its directly stated the Charr have no (real) enemies.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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As already mentioned, they wrote away the Foefire as a threat to the Charr after Rytlock's attempt, so it might unfortunately be ignored forever. Another possibility is after they finish the dragon story, it finally comes back as a significant event and they can make it a partial LW motif like Joko's arc was. The only thing practically certain is they probably won't go back to Tyrian issues anywhere soon (like this year) with Cantha's lore still so fresh to explore.

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