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Weaver one-hit-kills


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On 1/4/2022 at 11:09 AM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Hi all devs,

I don't know if it is just me, and that age is getting to me.

I'm not old, but I'm not a fresh sprout either.

I find weaver one of the hardest classes to play in the whole game.

I have 3 eles, and all of them have weaver available.

I changed my main ele to tempest, and a weaver using staff, which I like.

The complications begins when using Sword/Dagger or Sword/Focus or even Dagger/Dagger.


Doesn't matter how hard I try, I just can't get into it, as there are just way too many skills to go through, and in the heat of battle, it's ever so hard to try to find the combination that does the right thing when needed, at the right time.


The thing is that I enjoy playing weaver, but it seems like a mesmer just hexed me with mind wrack and all I see is piano keys.


So what I suggest/request is the following.

For weaver... 

Fire is weapon skill 1.

Then skill 2 water, skill 3 Air, 4 Earth, and 5 Fusion.

So the only skill that would really change would be 5 accordingly to the element you select and prev elem.


Reduce the number of unecessary skills, and reinforce some of them, such as water, which hardly do any damage at all and they don't heal as they are supposed to either.


I truly don't know how it's possible people doing a one-hit-kills weaver.

Everytime I get into battle, I find myself dodging more than actually attacking.


Fire/Air combo are really cool, but after that I've got nothing.

Then comes the heal, dodge way, panicking to get water for more heal, then earth for armour, try attack again, but dodge away soon, wait for healing skill to recharge while the elemental djinns do the fight for me.

More panic and more heal, and back to fire and air.

Rinse and repeat.


Having all 4 elements simultaniously in weaver would make it a lot more stable.

That way, we could still inflict decent damage, whilst having constant heal and arnour; which this glass class really needs.

It would not matter which primary #1 weapon skill you'd choose, you'd refresh heal and armour while still dealing decent damage.


Of course if you had water selected as primary, then you'd get more heal but deal less damage. So on so forth.


Next I'd like to request some skill reworks.


Lava Skin.

To: Fire Spiral

A two orb spiral spins around you, giving you reflect and burning all foes that throws projectiles at you or gets near.


Earthen Vortex.

To: Shockwave

Slam your sword in the ground to summon a rock wave that causes knockdown and bleeding.


That's it for Sword/Dagger.


To finalise, I really like the weaver, but I really think that it could be a lot more simplified.

The main reason is that this already glass like class needs faster activation times and skills that are actually beneficial to it.

Having to go through the entire skill set takes a lot from anybody and a lot to get used to.


I would say that it is the class that requires more skill in the entire game; and if you have mastered the weaver, weldone, you can consider yourself in the top players of the entire game. 🔝


I just can't do it as it is now.

It confuses the heck out of me.


Maybe it's time I should consider stop playing this and go play chess in the local tavern. 😁


Thanks for reading.




I'm a huge fan of sword weaver as it is, so I am strongly against this idea. 

I think the solution is practice.  You mention that you can't figure out how to make the right choices when swapping attunements, so let's talk about that.

Weaver actually has a bit of an advantage in the sense that no matter what you choose, you're stuck with it.  This as opposed to core/tempest where combos may have you rotating through multiple attunements in the same period of time. 

All you have to do is pick the right attunement and that's not so difficult to manage if you think about it.  It seems like you have a lot of options but weaver is actually quite constrained.

For example, if I start in fire/x I have 4 options.  But am I really going to rotate into water? Only for healing or weave self basically, so most of the time it's really only 3 options.  And you aren't always going to dual attune the same element, so you're often choosing between 2 options.  Which one did you rotate through most recently? Chances are the attunement that's remaining is the one you pick.

That's not obvious at first, but with practice I think it's not so bad.  It's just learning that on top of 26 weapon skills that seems daunting.  You can do this!

Edit: For those who are "confused", the OP completely changed their post following this reply.  You can read the original text I'm replying to in the quote above.

Edited by AliamRationem.5172
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2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


Just shortened to a simple question.

How do people achieve this?


I've seen it especially in WvW.

Weavers doing one hit kills.

How is this possible?

That's a very different question.  The short answer is that you don't 1 hit kill with weaver.  Weaver is generally about combinations.  For instance, scepter burst usually employs a setup CC along with a slow bomb like dragons tooth and whatever other quick bursts they can roll in to land at the same time.  It can give the appearance of a 1 hit kill but it's actually several skills landing inside of a very short window of time.

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5 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I'm a huge fan of sword weaver as it is, so I am strongly against this idea. 

I think the solution is practice.  You mention that you can't figure out how to make the right choices when swapping attunements, so let's talk about that.

Weaver actually has a bit of an advantage in the sense that no matter what you choose, you're stuck with it.  This as opposed to core/tempest where combos may have you rotating through multiple attunements in the same period of time. 

All you have to do is pick the right attunement and that's not so difficult to manage if you think about it.  It seems like you have a lot of options but weaver is actually quite constrained.

For example, if I start in fire/x I have 4 options.  But am I really going to rotate into water? Only for healing or weave self basically, so most of the time it's really only 3 options.  And you aren't always going to dual attune the same element, so you're often choosing between 2 options.  Which one did you rotate through most recently? Chances are the attunement that's remaining is the one you pick.

That's not obvious at first, but with practice I think it's not so bad.  It's just learning that on top of 26 weapon skills that seems daunting.  You can do this!



Thank you for that.

I actually changed the post.

But it's fine. I guess that I'll just have to practice more.

Thanks again.

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3 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


Just shortened to a simple question.

How do people achieve this?


I've seen it especially in WvW.

Weavers doing one hit kills.

How is this possible?


I think you are referring to an old meme build some elementalist's ran. It was full beserker, glyph of elemental power, arcane power, lightning flash.


The idea was you self buff inside a tower. Pop arcane power, elemental power, dual atune fire/earth, charge churning earth, atune air, flash onto the tower exit portal and insta nuke anyone on ram or nearby.


That is the only true one shot ele has to my knowledge. There are other methods that produce short TTK such as FA builds but in todays meta most of these gimicky glass memes wont be effective.

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The only people who get one shot by Elementalist in WvW are uplevels or players running their beserker PvE armor. If you're looking to kill those folks, you'd honestly have a better time playing marauder staff. It's a great time farming those bags. If you're seeing other players getting one shot that don't fall into this category, chances are they weren't at full HP to begin with.

Against any remotely competent player, a Fresh Air burst (the iconic 'one shot') will only usually drop opponents at most 80% of their HP bar... and that's assuming every hit of the combo lands. To be truly devastating, you need to time your burst to correspond with good timing with your CC skills to keep them from being able to react. You also have to be hoping they're not running any defensive/sustain armor, something which is becoming much more common in todays meta. If they are running something like celestials, well your burst will be doing a lot less and if you waste it trying for a one shot, you'll be out of luck.

There are some meme builds out there like the Scepter/Dagger one shot build that is basically using the same combo, but even then they're mostly one shotting zerg players and you don't need to run such a memey build for good results there.

EDIT: If you want a real one shot, maybe try that Norn Ranger build? Does that still one shot or did Anet get around to nerfing it.

Edited by fuzzyp.6295
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10 hours ago, fuzzyp.6295 said:

There are some meme builds out there like the Scepter/Dagger one shot build that is basically using the same combo, but even then they're mostly one shotting zerg players and you don't need to run such a memey build for good results there.

I can pretty much "one shot" combo anything on Scepter Dagger Weaver in WvW that isn't a tank and even then, some tanks can be "one shot" combo'd. Scepter Dagger is surprisingly good though if you build it right, less meme than you'd think. I win most duels against competent players. It is thankfully difficult to pull off, so you don't see many people running it! 

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Ele has no true one shot but you can fire off a lot of skills nearly at the same time in a kind of one shot mostly with FA. I do miss the old chun bombs and fire grasp spikes even the old burning speed lighting flash combo no longer can one shot.

What you saw maybe other effects going on or ppl not at full hp.

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I thought it was Pile Driver that was offing people in one shot.  I know that's the skill that I use.  I don't have a gimmicky one-shot build insomuch as I have a full marauder staff build that I zerg with.  I have Lightning Rod traited to take advantage of the strong CC's in Unsteady Ground and Static Field.  Because of this, I frequently run in Earth/Air attunement.  If there's a random enemy on the side or the enemy group has scattered, I single out a player, rev up Pile Driver, and then Lightning Flash into range just as it goes off

It hits for 11k or so.  It's pretty strong, but if I wanted to be gimmicky about it I could make it go higher.  

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Basically it's not possible in the current patch without a very contrived situation. You're probably either seeing older videos from different patches or a fast burst from scepter weaver that looks like a 1-shot.  If you're actually going to 1-shot then the skill would be Churning Earth, Dragon's Tooth or maybe Phoenix (multi-hit) combined with Glyph of Elemental Power. Highest damage staff skills are Plasma Blast followed by Pile Driver but that's probably not enough damage. All these skills have multiple reliability issues like long cast time, slow travel time or obvious animations.


The highest-single damage skill I've been hit with was berserker with rifle who hit me for 21k, without bloodlust stacks. Ele skills can't come close to that. 

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