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Any suggestions for an Core Condi build?


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i got my mother to play along with me trough Tyria. We played EQ2 before together but that game is no longer suitable for her. She played an Illusionist as main class. So she choosed Mesmer as her first pick. She tried GS Sword/Sword/Focus but it's not her playstyle. She want a more Mage/Wizard like approach so i got her an Staff and a Scepter/Pistol. I'm not that familiar with mesmer (played Chrono ages ago in the god old chrono jail times) so i have not really a clue for an build. We are still leveling. I need a build wich she can use all the way up 80. It should also be usable in HoT to farm some HP and do solo OW stuff if she plays on her own.


Any suggestions are welcome.

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12 minutes ago, SunTzu.4513 said:



i got my mother to play along with me trough Tyria. We played EQ2 before together but that game is no longer suitable for her. She played an Illusionist as main class. So she choosed Mesmer as her first pick. She tried GS Sword/Sword/Focus but it's not her playstyle. She want a more Mage/Wizard like approach so i got her an Staff and a Scepter/Pistol. I'm not that familiar with mesmer (played Chrono ages ago in the god old chrono jail times) so i have not really a clue for an build. We are still leveling. I need a build wich she can use all the way up 80. It should also be usable in HoT to farm some HP and do solo OW stuff if she plays on her own.


Any suggestions are welcome.

I used to play an Enchanter in EQ1 and moved to gw1 then gw2. Mesmer is fun and can manipulate situations too, but obviously no Mesmorization or charming.

Those are the condition weapons they tent to feel a little slow in end game but I would guess its fairly workable in openworld/story. Core Mesmer can feel faily limited once you have the other specs.

Torch might be another option for offhand, but pistol has nice range and CC and is popular too. Core mesmer is not as strong as Mirage or chrono would be but it can work. Dueling 3, 1, 2 (more blind and confusion damage) or for more clones and some reflect Dueling 3, 2, 3 (clone of dodge + pistol bleeds), Chaos has some nice traits for staff and to give her boons/sustain the options in that line are pretty clear. Illusions is another good option but it will not give the sustain just better damage options for things like staff. the torrment on shatter is probably not worth it as core because of limited clone generation options. Inpiration line can also be added in for sustain/healing type things if/when she feels like she needs more cleanse, heal, distortion. Any combination of either: Dueling, illusions, chaos, inspiration are what ppl typically do for condi builds.


For playing I would encourage her to look at scepter 2 closely to notice how the block and torrment appication + clone generation works. If you can get down timing the block to mitigate damage while also gaining 2 clones and apply 7(?) stacks of torrment and traited scepter (illusions line) can iirc block every 6 or 8 seconds for that effect. Another useful bit about scepter is the auto attack generates clones and that Scepter 3 is 5 target burst, BUT its in a line so you have to align the targets and target the farthest opponent to try and catch the others along the beam path. staff I would say is more clear to understand its function. If you go with illusions I would also consider torch as you can trait scepter and torch in that trait line for pretty decent improvements.


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Ok first off you and your mom need to have a serious discussion about life.
You sit her down, look her dead in the eye and ask:
"Mom, are you an arsonist or a gun killer?".

This choice is crucial. If your mom likes to set the world on fire, than she needs to go torch offhand and accept the goodies that come with it (other than lotsa freshy smoked meat). As arsonist mesmer you will enjoy more stealth, some burning and overall great tankyness, since you'll want to go condi+defensive stat gear. Think dire (Condi damage + vitality + toughness), Settler or Apothecary (Healing power, Toughness, Condi damage) or Shaman (Vitality, condi damage, healing power).
Torch is great for bigger parties as the phatasm deals aoe burning.

This also brings about the choice of traitlines: Inspiration (for healing and sustain), Chaos (for both damage, self buffing and defense), and Illusions (torch trait, scepter trait).

Here's a build for that. Tormenting runes are brutal cost-wise, so don't rush'em until you're post game with armor set that has the best stats for your mom (likely Trailblazer from Heart of Thorns expansion).


Should your mom prefer to gun down her prey, then things take a major turn in her build path.
She will want to go duelling instead of Chaos, and will need to focus on her precision stat. Duelling brings two major benefits from condi perspective - much better confusion output (confusion from blinds) and access to bleeds both with special trait for pistol offhand and a minor master trait that will make you bleed the target each time she crits.
This means that her gear of choice should be rabid - Condi damage, precision, toughness or rampager (Power, precision, condi damage).

Once that's done she needs to focus on her clones. Unlike power where clones are useless outside of shattering, in condi builds clone autos apply condies without damage penalties (except they have shorter durations), so they actually contribute to dealing damage. Scepter clones are a non-issue. Scepter generates clones like crazy. Staff however are another story. Their auto is very valuable but staff does not throw out clones left and right like scepter. She may consider some clone generating traits and/or utilities.

Here's a dirty Harry build for her. When she spawns her phantasms she should use signet of inspiration to prolong their boon duration (quickness) so it returns to her for a longer time.


Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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Viper's weapons and armour with carrion accessories, and chuck runes of the traveller onto the armor for that freedom of movement and to also bump up precision to a desirable level. 


Scepter/Pistol and Staff.


Three trait lines:

Duelling - Duelists Discipline, Blinding Dissipation, Deceptive Evasion

Illusions - Shatter Storm, Maim the Disillusioned, Malicious Sorcery (Confusing Images will hit like a truck and come out quickly, this is a super under-rated trait)

Domination - Rending Shatters (I believe it's called) , Shattered Concentration, Power Block.


Utilities: Mantra of Resolve, Blink, Mantra of Distraction/Feedback (depending on the dangers, Feedback us also just so preeeeeetty).


It's a build that really, really rewards interrupting enemies, and Duelists Discipline benefits from any interruption that's successfull, which is something you get a lot out of in Heart of Thorns.


She'll be actively shattering illusions as freely as she'll need. People overlook how well hybrid performs on a Mesmer, because of the split nature of shatter damage types.

And the option of sitting in Staff for a bit to let your clones dish out a ton of confusion and torment damage is ways a nice option. 

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