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random bugs that kitten off


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ye, not really a bug. u get probs 20 times cc'd, and every cc strips 1 stability stack. so u get by time cc'd and then rooted..


next, pulls should be simply avoided by never figthing from on-top of the walls. if anything, u can go to the edge 2 seconds, just enough to bomb, then move the hell off there. worst spot ever.

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1 hour ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

ye, not really a bug. u get probs 20 times cc'd, and every cc strips 1 stability stack. so u get by time cc'd and then rooted..

dolyak stance say that prevent get rooted while in stance, the stance is  6 sec so even if stability is removed one shouldnt be rooted



next, pulls should be simply avoided by never figthing from on-top of the walls. if anything, u can go to the edge 2 seconds, just enough to bomb, then move the hell off there. worst spot ever.

its ok if im on the edge of a wall but i got pulled out while i was on the stairs, also on sm innner i got pulled while i was on the inside edge of the start of the ramp

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well, if you got pulled from the other side of the wall, we have to assume that you were defending against an organized group of considerable size (aka a zerg, probably 25+ players). In this case, the pulls were most likely coordinated. Since there is always a slight latency on voice-chats, and also a reaction time based on the player itself, those pulls will almost never hit exactly simultaneously. 
In other words: the pulls "chained" after each other, each one getting you closer to the edge. (example: you were in range behind the wall, the first one pulls you to the middle of the stairs, the second one to the edge, and the third one, assuming it´s mesmer-pulls, pulls you down from the wall.)

Also, a mesmer-pull has a radius of 600, for comparison, that´s almost double the radius of a spellbreaker bubble (which has 360 radius), so this is more than enough to hit you, even behind a wall. The mesmer-pull ignores terrain, even though your character-model still is affected by collision. this way you can, under the right circumstances, get pulled up the stairs and then down the wall, if there are enough mesmers that use their focus pull. It also doesn´t have to be only mesmers, a reaper greatsword can pull you off the edge if you´re standing too close (or got pulled right to the edge), same for Dragonhunter-F1, Necro´s spectral grasp etc. 


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There is still a permaroot bug.  Happens sometimes when you get hit with tons of CC and conditions at once, get the immobilized removed, but can never move again.


The oil trait is still broken.


You can still be pulled from the bottom of the stairs up and over the wall in lots of places, Klovan being one of the worst offenders.


I'll have to spend time rewatching old videos, I know there are a ton more.

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