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38 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Do you have to reach a certain threshold of skill before you see this level of toxicity?

Reason I ask, is I’m new to PvP, and not  very good, and haven’t seen the kind of stuff being deceived here.

I’ve solo queued ranked, seen a bit of grumbling and some superior laughing at enemies for being bad, but nothing worse than the trash talk you’d expect from a kids on a neighborhood pickup bball game.

Like I said, I’m not a good player. Was ranked silver. Is it just that I was being matched with a bunch of other players too bad to care that much?

Recently I’ve been playing unranked with my son, since he’s too new to play ranked. We’ve ground out enough matches to get him to 19 and haven’t seen horrible toxicity. We’ve even had matches where people try to help others understand rotation.

Is there a certain level of skill where things start to get as toxic as everyone describes because games and skill start to matter more?

You generally start seeing people get nasty in gold and above. Less so in legend.  Gold is the worst. People in gold tend to think they're better than being in gold and a few people tend to lash out by blaming their teammates.


People below gold tend to expect bad gameplay from themselves and their team and they chill out a little more.  That's not to say you won't ever see a try hard in silver or bronze.  Even in unranked you do still see every once in a blue moon someone raging for no discernable reason. So sometimes it does happen in bronze and silver. 

Edited by Kuya.6495
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2 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Do you have to reach a certain threshold of skill before you see this level of toxicity?


Gold 1/2 is the swamp. Just a giant clusterfrick of dunning-kruger case studies, bots, pip farmers and basically anything you can imagine.


Over that you'll get the occasional angry nerd but they're few and far between, general population and game quality is decent.


Under that game just feel random but noone takes it seriously enough to be an ahole about it.

Edited by Ashgar.3024
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  • 3 weeks later...

Do people go to MMA gyms for the first time expecting to beat the instructor because they spent the day watching montages of Goku training in the gravity chamber? 

Good job memorizing scripted environmental encounters and farming t4 fractals.

You "God(s) Walking Amongst Mere Mortals" need to realize that skill is the only difference between everyone here and bringing your ego into the game is only going to get it hurt.

Most people play with the standard enemy models enabled so even your fashion is irrelevant to the enemy team during a match. The skill ceiling in sPvP is going to be unreachable for most people simply because no one will invest the time it takes to get there.

The toxic players are the average pve gamer trying to get wings for the first time. The regulars (that you dont play against since they're higher rated) are mostly helpful and maintain a fun game environment.


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On 2/9/2022 at 2:33 PM, Gibson.4036 said:

Do you have to reach a certain threshold of skill before you see this level of toxicity?

Reason I ask, is I’m new to PvP, and not  very good, and haven’t seen the kind of stuff being described here.

I’ve solo queued ranked, seen a bit of grumbling and some superior laughing at enemies for being bad, but nothing worse than the trash talk you’d expect from a kids on a neighborhood pickup bball game.

Like I said, I’m not a good player. Was ranked silver. Is it just that I was being matched with a bunch of other players too bad to care that much?

Recently I’ve been playing unranked with my son, since he’s too new to play ranked. We’ve ground out enough matches to get him to 19 and haven’t seen horrible toxicity. We’ve even had matches where people try to help others understand rotation.

Is there a certain level of skill where things start to get as toxic as everyone describes because games and skill start to matter more?

i never played below gold, but from gold to plat 2 the toxicity is kinda common, throwers too. The gamemode is still cool and they aren't TOO comon, but they are present nontheless, unfortunately they rarely, if ever, get banned. I suggest you to try the gamemode anyway and maybe go invisible mode so you can't get whisped. But anyway try to play to have fun and to try to not get hard triggered by uneducated caveman people-like that live between gold 3 and plat 1.

Otherwise play unranked, wich is a more relaxed gamemode, but it is more of a deathmatch and it gives less rewards

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1 hour ago, ramorambo.6701 said:

i never played below gold, but from gold to plat 2 the toxicity is kinda common, throwers too. The gamemode is still cool and they aren't TOO comon, but they are present nontheless, unfortunately they rarely, if ever, get banned. I suggest you to try the gamemode anyway and maybe go invisible mode so you can't get whisped. But anyway try to play to have fun and to try to not get hard triggered by uneducated caveman people-like that live between gold 3 and plat 1.

Otherwise play unranked, wich is a more relaxed gamemode, but it is more of a deathmatch and it gives less rewards

Thanks for the advice!

So far my son and I are comfortably mid-silver and have experience almost no toxicity to this point.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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