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The "Carry" or a "Hero's Delusion": Prevalence of an Incorrect Perspective

Crab Fear.1624

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Most of us has seen it, been privileged enough to witness, or perhaps even could be charged guilty of the crime that we are "carrying" the game.

It usually takes form of the legendary "side noder" or perhaps the roaming duelist.

They provoke an enemy, perhaps two, and proceed to tango.

The location might matter, and it might not.

It could be at the close node, or the far node, maybe even the mid node; it all depends on where the rest of the team is.

Heck, it could even happen in the roads.

Now, the "hero" is occupied with their skirmish, taking care to try and outplay their opponents, even if it is wasting time.

Then "it" happens...yes "it"....

Their inevitable demise after an over-extension, a botched rotation, or even the highest crime of all: A PLUS ONE.

Now, they were heavily watching every move their opponents were making, and strategizing every play they made themselves, but eventually were overwhelmed.

Now, as they sit in re-spawn, they notice no advantage has been achieved.

If anything, the other team is still dominating their own team, the hero's team.

They ponder the situation briefly, and then proceed to give and in depth analysis of each and every one of their own team mates performance, while they were doing their own task.

An omniscient feat, no doubt.

"What are you guys doing? You are trash, I am 1 v x at far(or wherever), how can we have no points? How are we losing? GG, you suck, stay in gold forever, stay in your trailer, you piece of trash"....

Inspiring, nonetheless, his team mates fail to be motivated.

One ignorant team mate of theirs questions the possibility that the enemy too, has a "hero", and perhaps this hero is better, and that perhaps the hero of their own team, wasn't actually doing anything helpful, regardless of what he thought.

Perhaps, a glance at the mini-map would have told the hero, that their fighting prowess was better utilized with his allies, so they could actually gain an advantage, instead of being wrecked by the other  team's hero.

But, I digress.

Shut up kitten, not top stats, uninstall...


Edited by Crab Fear.1624
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To be fair, if you're running a build that is meant for side nodding, such as fire weaver, asking them to team fight instead isn't helpful either.  That's like asking a d/p thf to stop decap/+1 and join team fights and then complain that the thf keeps dying from stray aoe damage. 


Sometimes there's just no way to win a match because the enemy team, overall, is just better than your team. 

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25 minutes ago, Kuya.6495 said:

To be fair, if you're running a build that is meant for side nodding, such as fire weaver, asking them to team fight instead isn't helpful either.  That's like asking a d/p thf to stop decap/+1 and join team fights and then complain that the thf keeps dying from stray aoe damage. 


Sometimes there's just no way to win a match because the enemy team, overall, is just better than your team. 


Sometimes, the hero must adapt.

Can't be a hero....if you can't adapt.

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I've had this exact scenario the other day.
I told them to "maybe support your team" and to my very surprise: they respawned, and they did. They actually joined team fights.
Needless to say the match turned and we won.

This happened to me so many times now in the last few years but unfortunately way more often than not those "heroes" will just stick to their superioritiy complex and either continue "side noding" or maybe they'll even just throw the game because they think their mates are "not worthy" of winning this match - in my experience.

Edited by DoomNexus.5324
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Tbh i used to be guilty of that.


Now i pay a lot more attention to teamfights and try to offer more value to my team when needed. Even playing Condi on Thief since Choking Gas is actually a pretty huge teamfight swinger, specially in this bunker instant res meta.

Edited by Ashgar.3024
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