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Barrier Healing Mechanist (prototype)

Noah Salazar.5430

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Hi what you think about that build? http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAk6lZwaZuMPWKeqTbRVA-zxIYwoh/MqWBkuEwuzS7bWA-e

Team comp reqiured: +qfb/qscrap

-> Your role : halac

-> Idea: Barrier disapper after 5s

-> Gameplay: your full 3 auto taking 1s (with quikcnes) means 1023(barrier)x5=5112barrier per cycle 

-> Stats: full magi to max barrier ammount

-> Runes: Superior rune of Rebirth for max healing stats and for 15% boon dura

Adional options :

Your main role is to "heal" with barrier

But cuz you maxed your healing stats and hgh trait Super elixir and Elixir shell will be super effective 

healing turret that will aoe heal for 7k (+50-60% from medical dispersion field if your hp will be lower then 100%) and aoe condi clease as well

I chosed Shift signet, soo your mech will get quicknes from qfb alowing mech to bring more aoe might

-> Worth mention that

regen gives you +250 healing stats so spam that 2 on mace

(+50 heal  share if your hp is less then 100%), means if your low on hp, your healing turret, Super elixir, Elixir shell will heal your allys for 50% more)

-> Other postives :

On yourself you got 25k hp + 12,5k barrier, and 4k barrier from Emergenxy Elixir if your hp drop to 33% and  if your hp drop to 0% Superior rune of Rebirth will negate your death and give insted barrier

Also becose your hp is hight, your meh hp is hight as well (35k)





Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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Mechanist doesnt generate enough barrier. The auto attack generate kitten poor amount of barrier, it is only good for Alacrity, the barrier signet and barrier burst are the only 2 skill that generate a decent amount but they are locked behind relatively long CD. You also have to keep in mind you're going to compete against stuff like scourge as far as barrier goes which can do that just fine while providing more utility.


Mechanist also lose the F1 which is not only your self heal for the healing kit but also one of your strongest AOE heal when using Medical Dispersion Field.As a healer, it will have to compete against Scrapper, scourge and firebrand. 


Mechanist only kind of works as an alacrity bot that can provide a good amount of regen and offensive boons like might and fury. But if your goal is to bring a healer, then you're better off using Scrapper. 



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I think the mechanist is more suited to being a main tank rather than a full support, after all, it comes with excellent self sustain and allied support abilities so it shouldn't have too many issues with being the main tank for a group however, it's actual healing capabilities are severely impaired by the loss of the normal toolbelt meaning it would be far better at sustaining itself than other people, being more of a damage dampener with barrer than full barrier provider.


so just in my opinion it has it's top row as condi dps, middle as main tanking and bottom of strike dps but I mean I'm not really an expert on PvE. thats just how it looks from the capabilities and that would be further supported by it having more toughness than the mech.

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 Mechanist doesnt generate enough barrier. The auto attack generate kitten poor amount of barrier

it's 1k per sec 

so you upkeep 4-5k of barier permamently with my build yet still have 45% boon dura for perm 25might/alac


You also have to keep in mind you're going to compete against stuff like scourge as far as barrier goes which can do that just fine while providing more utility.

-> Scourge will not compite with you as thay not provide quickness/alac


Mechanist also lose the F1 which is not only your self heal for the healing kit but also one of your strongest AOE heal when using Medical Dispersion Field.As a healer, it will have to compete against Scrapper, scourge and firebrand. 

it's not as like i mentioned, your role is halac

Scrapper/firebrand will be as quickness dps


So to avoid confusion

My idea is to replace healing for "barrier"

to compare med blaster do around 1600 heal per s

Bandage blast 6-8k heal

Vital burst 3-4k heal


You replace med blaster for Barrier blast

Badage blast for Barrier Burst (7.560 barrier)

Vital burst for Barrier signet (5060 barrier)

Also you replace f1 (bandage self) for Healing turret that is 5 ppl aoe heal on top of water field and blast

with 2k healing stats you will aoe 7-13k with it (despending did you trigger Medical Dispersion Field)




Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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The build is good. It was quite inspirational for my own builds helped me fix a couple of problems.

No matter how far I go with boon duration, quickness is required to maintain alacrity. But maintaining self-quickness 100 % on a Mechanist is rather tough, especially when your main stats should be channeled into healing-power. It is not impossible, but feels a little weird and may be 'balanced' sooner or later. I know that is not your goal, you just expect the others to give you free quickness. But my builds focus on working independent. I'm not playing with highly trained raiders. My groups are made of random adventurers with rather selfish builds. 

Still, quite inspirational build. Very helpful, thanks for sharing!

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3 hours ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

I know that is not your goal, you just expect the others to give you free quickness

=> Yep i want point up it's build for 5ppl or new 10ppl content wher all boons are covered not open world

My main idea was to use barrier as "healing" insted of med kit as you can up barrier constantly racher then scourge that do bigger barrier but temporarly

=> Also you can take role of alac

it's prob -35% less effective then med kit, but in same time you can't rly compare 2 thinks as barrier have other positives that healing don't have


I'm exited to test how well full magi gear will work with my build and eventualy ask if anyone got any ideas to improve it


Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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1 hour ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

@Alcatraznc.3869can you say more about on what settings you tested mechanist to say that

I want you more of secound tought after considering my gear and runes 



I dont really remember. I mostly tried power and condi damage and alac support. Mechanist kit is very limited as far as raw healing goes. 


Now to be clear, I dont think this is a bad build but with the current competitor (mainly scourge here) it may struggle finding groups in PUG. Mechanist barrier may work better on small encounter/wave of trashmob since you provide lower but consistent barrier, however against bosses (and especially bosses with high spike damage) Scourge will overall be better because you dont necessarily need consistent barrier but you need a big chunk of barrier to reduces the upcoming damage. 


If I remember correctly, the current alac bot is diviner renegade. Which means it is more of a alac+damage support, which is different from your barrier + alac. That is another thing I just realized. 


Anyway if we focus purely on barrier generation and boons then I think it isnt bad. If you want to have 100% uptime on regen and vigor from mace #2 then you can replace Magi armour with Harrier. You will trade a bit of healing and barrier for more boons uptime and with high alac uptime it may not be so bad. 

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@Alcatraznc.3869first ty for your answer ❤️


I dont really remember. I mostly tried power and condi damage and alac support. Mechanist kit is very limited as far as raw healing goes. 

-> hmm full berserker/viper build do 435 barrier (on mace) so diference is x2 times compare to full magi as barrier scale from healing stats, maybe it will be inaf to be good alternative (not meta)


Now to be clear, I dont think this is a bad build but with the current competitor (mainly scourge here) it may struggle finding groups in PUG

-> Like i before said Scourge is not your competitor as it can't bring alac/quickness

If you want bring Scourge you lose 1/2 of dmg


f I remember correctly, the current alac bot is diviner renegade. Which means it is more of a alac+damage support, which is different from your barrier + alac. That is another thing I just realized. 

-> For now we have :

Quickness Heal|Alac dps|bs|2dps

In my seting you replace alac spot, and bring qfb/qscraper with 1/2 dmg so it looks like that :

Quickness DPS| Alac Heal |bs|2dps


Alternativly you can do Heal alac Renegade + Quickness dps, sadly i need study renegade more as i'm not aware of limits of that class yet like with druid/firebrand/scrapper/scourge so can't rly say is it competitor to it


 If you want to have 100% uptime on regen and vigor from mace #2 then you can replace Magi armour with Harrier.

Qfb brings missing vigor/regen with tome of resolve/azure sun

Same your Healing Turret brings adional vigor/regen if nessesary


Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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