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They ignored player feedback on the jade mechs

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Just asking, totally for a friend:

Have you.. played as the Mechanist? Because the mechs don't feel too OP at all. In fact, they feel quite useless - and unlike Ranger pets, they don't really add anything to the Engie for what they've given up and been stripped of on behalf of the Mech's existence.
IN essence... losing to a Mechanist is natural twelve hours after official release, because you don't know the strats to taking them on. That's fine. Congratulations, welcome to playing a game.

The Mech changes what the Engie is capable of.. and, importantly, what they aren't capable of any longer.

Play a Mechanist. Choose the different options in the skill tree. See how they change the appearance of the Mech. Then, you'll know at a glance what kind of Mechanist you're about to get into a tussle with. You'll know by their buff bar what they have on them - go ahead, mouse-over their Signets.

Really, the Mech.. you ignore the Mech in PvP. Anything it does is more of an irritant - like pepper spray - rather than being actually useful or managing to land a killing blow. Just figure out what that Engineer's Mech is capable of - Power Ranged, Condi Melee, Mega Boon Support - by what the Mech looks like, and you'll know how to handle them.

Power Ranged? The Mech is worthless if you LoS. Like, actually, completely impotent. The pathing AI is horrendous and it bugs out 90% of the time. Don't fight in the open, get that Mech bugged, then pummel the Engie into the ground. They're just a Core Engie with two trait trees at that point - and if they've got the Mech, that means a couple of their Utility slots are dedicated to the fairly buggy PoS.
Condi Melee? Forget about the Mech, put the thumb screws and pressure on the Engie and make that fool dance. If you're moving around to keep up with the Engie, majority of the Mech's attacks? Are going to miss, except for maybe the Condi-Signet's one, because that's a massive AoE.
Mega Boon Support? Careful, because they may just have some Condi damage if they're smart and running Seraph's! Same deal as with the Condi Melee - with a twist. Split them and their Mech apart. Or don't, really, it won't make a difference - they'll go down quicker if you keep them outside of their Mech's AoEs, buuuuuuut if they're thicc levels of dumb and really try to stay close to the Mech (Because ALL of the support comes from the Mech - not the Engie!), then they're just as easy of a pickings since they're going to leave themselves wide open for you to throw down all your own AoEs and reliably nail them each and every time.

Strategies, my friend. To hate your enemy, you first must know your enemy intimately - or else it is not hatred, but jealousy - and through coming to know your enemy, you learn to love them and grow to respect them.. and so learn to love and respect yourself.
In short: Don't bother hating a class (Unless it's a Scourge!), because it's all.. checks and balances.

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Yo , they ignored ALOT of things.  most specializations underwent very little to no change.  Notably the WB.   It was quite suspicious there was no patch note pertaining the specialization change. We just have to stick with broken toys for a long while before being graced with the next balance.

Edited by quaniesan.8497
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They ignored pretty much all feedback of the second beta.


Don't ever trust them to value player input in their design. The fact they don't have a public test realm and push out patches without iteration via player feedback tells you everything you need to know about their design practices.

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