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The price of getting to Cantha is absurd

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So it's not a massive amount of money, but it's still a reasonable enough question whether there is any reasoned point to the difference.  Although I suppose from the extreme "love it or leave it" fawning or "There is no time for anyone else's questions" point of view, one can always declare just about anything unreasonable if one so wishes.

While I do appreciate knowing what cheaper alternatives exist as a matter of facts, I don't appreciate the posts trying to use them to wave away the original question. 

Insisting that alternatives should make the question completely irrelevant, leads me to wonder whether all the people taking this line would agree among themselves about which combination of daily and weekly behaviors exactly everyone "should" pursue, in which order such as to forestall various questions like this thread?  Do you all completely agree about whether we must always do dailies, or whether it's more "logical" to take an extra step in our travels to reduce costs, or whether we "should" complete story before doing anything else possible?  I highly doubt it.  Yet it's somehow apparently so comfortable to criticize the OP for having an opinion regarding a small amount of currency or an extra bit of time.

Edited by XiraMint.3162
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36 minutes ago, Dovienya.6597 said:

There's an Asura gate to Lion's Arch in the Arborstone. If you're going back and forth between Cantha and LA a lot to do fractals, that's a much cheaper way to do it if you don't want/don't have the portal tome.

The Aura gate is on the second floor of the Arborstone right next to the portals that go between floors. Arborstone is in the Echovald Wilds, the zone after New Kaineng.


In the beginning the portal in LA was under construction by two workers.


Now that my first char finished the story (maybe it opened earlier,but I didn't looked) it is active for all my chars.


Still I have no back portal to LA. Maybe that comes with the Arborstone Mastery. (Globalization sounds like that)

Edited by Dayra.7405
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Yeah, maybe it opens LA-> Arbor when you finished the Arbor Part of the Story (and get the portal scroll as well), and I don't have any of the Arbor mastery and no Arbor -> LA portal, if you have the Arbor -> LA portal as well, then maybe the 1st mastery is the reason

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5 hours ago, Tren.5120 said:

"Unlock" them?

In ESO, I can just get on my mount and run almost anywhere on foot, and those places where I can't run, I can usually run to an NPC and take a boat/carriage/etc. there.

We are talking about completely different things... ...

Well, that's kind of the point.  They're different games, and the world is set up differently.  Doesn't matter what waypoints cost, you were never going to be able to do that in GW anyway.  ESO has all the maps connected, which simply isn't the case in the GW world, and levels aren't really a thing in ESO, but they are here.  Here, we have Asura gates and portal scrolls, which are sometimes level restricted, and waypoints if you want to bypass that.  According to the GW world set up, you DO have alternatives; you just have to get to a certain part of the story, first.  Which itself has been the case since LW2, and in this case, is probably to prevent spoilers and help make the Arborstone mastery more significant.  I can't say I'm terribly pleased that they've moved away from open access to the expansion maps at launch, but it was clear in IBS that's where they were heading.  That they give the scroll away free suggests to me that they knew the waypoint cost might be a problem, and did the best they could to minimize the damage while still keeping to the basic setup for map travel that they already established.

Edit: Keep in mind, WP costs are based on a mathematical formula.  You change that formula for Cantha, you've also changed it for all the rest of the world; and with most WPs only costing 1-3 silver for level 80s in the rest of the game, reducing is likely to create negatives at the lowest distances/levels and other oddities.  It's code that's been there since the start of the game and, if it's worth it and possible to fix at all, will take time.  And mistakes while fussing with it are very likely to break waypoints throughout the game, or, depending on how spaghetti the code is, the game period.

Edited by Lyssia.4637
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1 hour ago, Dayra.7405 said:

Yeah, maybe it opens LA-> Arbor when you finished the Arbor Part of the Story (and get the portal scroll as well), and I don't have any of the Arbor mastery and no Arbor -> LA portal, if you have the Arbor -> LA portal as well, then maybe the 1st mastery is the reason

I have the first mastery, and I have the portal from LA to Arborstone, but it doesn't go back to LA.  I also suspect Globalization is needed, and might also unlock other destinations from the Arborstone WP, as is the case in the Eye of the North.

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The cost is not a problem to me financially but i strongly dislike this approach of "just use the use portal scrolls to alleviate the cost of waypoints".

Using a portal scroll in this manor completely dilutes the purpose of  the waypoint, to get you to the point you want to be as quick as possible, sitting through multiple load screens to alleviate waypoint costs being essentially doubled due to a system that was created prior to such a large world map is poor game design and should very much have been readdressed during the expansions design process, even if we call it an oversight which is very possible, it should absolutely have been flagged up during testing.

When you're making buttons to make navigating the world map easier after increasing its size to this scale, it should have been blatantly obvious then that waypoint costs might become an issue. (or perhaps even just the amount of posts that were made on both here and 3rd party sites speculating on this exact issue should have been a hint to them)

This is what happens when the devs only test their game with stacked character loadouts and cheat modes enabled, no end user experience consideration at all.

Edited by Bookah pls.9352
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