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Already seeing reapers/firebrands/renegades/Pof specs and nothing else OW


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9 minutes ago, Archer.4362 said:

they are very solid because they have nerfed the old specializations.


they nerfed Firebrand, Which was Overpowered during POF and needed nerfing.

they nerfed Necromancer in SPVP, which was once again demanded as it was again very oppressive in SPVP due to being so overpowered.

to believe the Sustain nerfs caused this result would be ludicrious, as Mech has more Sustain then pre-nerfed scrapper, and Spectre has More sustain then Pre-nerfed Thief.

These were nothing to do with the nerfing old specializations, the vast majority of them recieved 0 Nerfs coming into this expansion the reason their solid is simple:

In PoF most power speccs did 36-37k DPS. the new ones do 40k DPS.

In PoF, Engineer couldnt access Alacrity, neither could Thief. and Elementalist couildnt access Quickness.

I think you'll find, This is more down to the fact the New Elites were Immensively buffed prior launch, the issue is Anet didnt Release ANY of the patch notes for the new elites when launching. so no one could easily determine if things were changed in the beta, but how the metas formed its very obvious ALOT of these elites were buffed.

what needed nerfing, was Nerfed, i will assume the reason thiefs GM Trait was nerfed was to balance out for Spectre... the Scrapper nerfs tbh dont make alot of sense realistically, and well Necro and Firebrand.. considering they were over 87% of the Entire Fractal Population (proven by statistics) Was in severe need of changes to Push more diversity among proffession choice. when things are Over-popular to those degrees its pretty normal to see them nerfed.

Edited by Daddy.8125
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15 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:


nerfearon a Firebrand, que fue dominado durante POF y necesitaba nerfear.

nerfearon a Necromancer en SPVP, que una vez más fue exigido ya que nuevamente era muy opresivo en SPVP debido a que estaba tan dominado.

creer que los nerfs de Sustain causaron este resultado sería ridículo, ya que Mech tiene más Sustain que scrapper pre-nerfed, y Spectre tiene más sustain que Thief pre-nerfed.

Estos no tenían nada que ver con las antiguas especializaciones de nerfing, la gran mayoría de ellos recibieron 0 Nerfs al entrar en esta expansión, la razón por la que su solidez es simple:

En PoF, la mayoría de las especificaciones de potencia hicieron 36-37k DPS. los nuevos hacen 40k DPS.

En PoF, Engineer no podía acceder a Alacrity, tampoco Thief. y el Elementalista no pudo acceder a Rapidez.

Creo que encontrará que esto se debe más al hecho de que las nuevas élites se mejoraron enormemente antes del lanzamiento, el problema es que Anet no publicó NINGUNA de las notas del parche para las nuevas élites cuando se lanzó. por lo que nadie pudo determinar fácilmente si las cosas cambiaron en la versión beta, pero la forma en que se formaron las meta es muy obvia. MUCHAS de estas élites fueron mejoradas.

lo que necesitaba nerfing, fue Nerfed, asumiré que la razón por la que thiefs GM Rait fue nerfed fue para equilibrar Spectre ... los Scrapper nerfs tbh no tienen mucho sentido de manera realista, y bueno, Necro y Firebrand ... considerando que tenían más del 87% de toda la población fractal (probado por estadísticas) necesitaba cambios urgentes para impulsar una mayor diversidad entre la elección de profesiones. cuando las cosas son demasiado populares en esos grados, es bastante normal verlas nerfeadas.

If the day EOD came out they hadn't nerfed all the old specs I assure you that few people would be playing the new ones, basically I'm talking about pvp. If you beat the new ones and nerf the old ones, that's what happens, that the new one surpasses it, if they had left it as is, the new specializations would be worth nothing.

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7 hours ago, Archer.4362 said:

If the day EOD came out they hadn't nerfed all the old specs I assure you that few people would be playing the new ones, basically I'm talking about pvp. If you beat the new ones and nerf the old ones, that's what happens, that the new one surpasses it, if they had left it as is, the new specializations would be worth nothing.

All the old speccs are we reading the same patch notes lmfao? 

They nerfed like 5 elite speccs of what? 36 🤦 and only 2 of those nerfed elites were used on group content primarily. 

Lol it's mental you have this mindset. 

p.s 5 man wasn't a nerf just to be clear, it just equalised everything. Making the new speccs 10 man would have had identical outcome. 

Edited by Daddy.8125
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