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Druid nerfed? Soulbeast un-changed?


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@InsaneQR.7412 said:They also kinda ghost fixed the spider poisonfield. It now hits targets.With vulture stance, vipersnest and predators cunning its pretty hard to die.

I'd still grab Moa stance over vulture though :PThe new uptime with regen attached to it is pretty nice.

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@Substance E.4852 said:I love how they also managed to make this buff completely redundant in WvW squads now.

Might is everywhere in a zerg and with PoF out, vanilla boons get ripped left and right.

Old GotL stacked with might and couldn't be ripped/corrupted off.

I think this is it. In their attempt to make no class have the advantage, they take the uniqueness out of all classes, making them variations of the same theme. No one brings anything unique, thus not having the advantage. We're now in a PC MMO world I guess.

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@Crapgame.6519 said:

@Ackzar.9156 said:I seriously hope most of you guys are joking...

Not everyone raids. Just goes to show you how Janky the balance across the three formats of play is. Leads one to believe that mixing PvE with any form of multiplayer PvP is a bad design choice, eh?

Is the main problem, it's not even PvP / PvE split , druid/ranger play in general is far different in PvP and WvW. This makes balance and everybody's point of views toward balance in this regard very very conflicting - a raid-only ranger would have major conflicts of redoing their skills in favor of PvP or WvW balance , same would go for PvP and WvW as each class is played different in each.

It's already hard to balance PvP alone, this makes it virtually impossible.

They really need to start splitting entire trait / weapon / specialization build balancing between all 3 now with some type of list:

For example a tooltip would be something like this:

MaulPvE: Dmg: 1,029 , has a chance to daze the targetWvW: Dmg: 1,129PvP: Dmg: 1,300 , grants fury on successful hit

So each game mode has some sort of representation for class balance.

This needs to be done for each game mode respectively. You can't pair WvW/PvP together. Entirely different playstyles with entirely different stat combinations and methodology on play. Same goes with PvE.

They began doing this in minor ways with things like Heal as One of course, but balance for PvE, PvP and WvW cannot and should not affect each other.

Of course, I'm really just wasting my time with this post , but I'm putting it out here anyway because we all know actual balance in this game is just about over.

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@Norseman.4280 said:

@Substance E.4852 said:I love how they also managed to make this buff completely redundant in WvW squads now.

Might is everywhere in a zerg and with PoF out, vanilla boons get ripped left and right.

Old GotL stacked with might and couldn't be ripped/corrupted off.

I think this is it. In their attempt to make no class have the advantage, they take the uniqueness out of all classes, making them variations of the same theme. No one brings anything unique, thus not having the advantage. We're now in a PC MMO world I guess.

What about alacrity / mes ?

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As some others stated too. I think the change of grace of the land opens up more build diversity in raids, which I think is nice. The same set raid composition meta is no more. I think it’s good this way there will be multiple good raid compositions, differences will get smaller, so small hopefully most people will get less cramped and tense about a certain raid meta composition.

I believe condi soulbeast wasn’t very OP it needed nerfs to torch and sharpening stone though?Happy with the stances.

If this will hurt pvp and/or wvw I feel sry for you lot. I can’t really tell now.

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@Bast Bow.2958 said:As some others stated too. I think the change of grace of the land opens up more build diversity in raids, which I think is nice. The same set raid composition meta is no more. I think it’s good this way there will be multiple good raid compositions, differences will get smaller, so small hopefully most people will get less cramped and tense about a certain raid meta composition.

I believe condi soulbeast wasn’t very OP it needed nerfs to torch and sharpening stone though?Happy with the stances.

If this will hurt pvp and/or wvw I feel sry for you lot. I can’t really tell now.

It's an all around horizontal change for WvW and buff for PvP too.

People will get there.

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@jcbroe.4329 said:

@Bast Bow.2958 said:As some others stated too. I think the change of grace of the land opens up more build diversity in raids, which I think is nice. The same set raid composition meta is no more. I think it’s good this way there will be multiple good raid compositions, differences will get smaller, so small hopefully most people will get less cramped and tense about a certain raid meta composition.

I believe condi soulbeast wasn’t very OP it needed nerfs to torch and sharpening stone though?Happy with the stances.

If this will hurt pvp and/or wvw I feel sry for you lot. I can’t really tell now.

It's an all around horizontal change for WvW and buff for PvP too.

People will get there.

Horizontal meaning not bad and not good, correct? And a buff for pvp. That sounds good, nice. Assuming we needed a buff in pvp

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@Bast Bow.2958 said:

@jcbroe.4329 said:

@Bast Bow.2958 said:As some others stated too. I think the change of grace of the land opens up more build diversity in raids, which I think is nice. The same set raid composition meta is no more. I think it’s good this way there will be multiple good raid compositions, differences will get smaller, so small hopefully most people will get less cramped and tense about a certain raid meta composition.

I believe condi soulbeast wasn’t very OP it needed nerfs to torch and sharpening stone though?Happy with the stances.

If this will hurt pvp and/or wvw I feel sry for you lot. I can’t really tell now.

It's an all around horizontal change for WvW and buff for PvP too.

People will get there.

Horizontal meaning not bad and not good, correct? And a buff for pvp. That sounds good, nice. Assuming we needed a buff in pvp


In organized groups the Druid setup was using a full Minstrels Skirmishing/NM/Druid support build, so GotL was for sure in use.

GotL will still be in use post patch, since currently most groups rely on Guardian empowers for might, and it isn't always feasible mid combat to stop and empower. However, just as with empowers and any other might source, Scourges can run heavy corruption, and might is redundant to a degree, making it only super useful to run 1 Druid per 10 people.

As for PvP, it doesn't break anything and it gives our builds more damage output and team benefit. It should be a nice little power boost for us that isn't game breaking.

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@jcbroe.4329 said:

@jcbroe.4329 said:

@Bast Bow.2958 said:As some others stated too. I think the change of grace of the land opens up more build diversity in raids, which I think is nice. The same set raid composition meta is no more. I think it’s good this way there will be multiple good raid compositions, differences will get smaller, so small hopefully most people will get less cramped and tense about a certain raid meta composition.

I believe condi soulbeast wasn’t very OP it needed nerfs to torch and sharpening stone though?Happy with the stances.

If this will hurt pvp and/or wvw I feel sry for you lot. I can’t really tell now.

It's an all around horizontal change for WvW and buff for PvP too.

People will get there.

Horizontal meaning not bad and not good, correct? And a buff for pvp. That sounds good, nice. Assuming we needed a buff in pvp


In organized groups the Druid setup was using a full Minstrels Skirmishing/NM/Druid support build, so GotL was for sure in use.

GotL will still be in use post patch, since currently most groups rely on Guardian empowers for might, and it always feasible mid combat to stop and empower. However, just as with empowers and any other might source, Scourges can run heavy corruption, and might is redundant to a degree, making it only super useful to run 1 Druid per 10 people.

As for PvP, it doesn't break anything and it gives our builds more damage output and team benefit. It should be a nice little power boost for us that isn't game breaking.

Hm ok, yes. Sounds good to me.

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@Zenith.7301 said:

@Lazze.9870 said:

@Zenith.7301 said:

@Lazze.9870 said:It just becomes more apparent for every patch that none of the balance devs actively play ranger. The target increase for spirits are nice, the stance trait buff is a step in the right direction (Griffon stance is still crap, Vulture stance seems okay-ish now). They even managed to nerf torch and sharpening stones, as if condi ranger is a thing in pvp or condi soulbeast is overperforming in pve. Whirling Axe damage buff is welcome, but it's not what it needed. It either needs stability and protection or mobility.

The Grace of the Land change doesn't kill druid, and I can see why they changed it. It could never be replaceable in the raid meta as it was. But there is little compensation to make the druid's healing on par with stronger healing builds. I'd also rather have the beta version of Grace of the Land to fight condis in pvp than having a mightbot trait.

Edit: OH, the Pack Alpha fix only applied to F2 skills, not all their skills. Come on, Anet.

They don't actively play most classes, period. At least not in PvE.

Don't really care. Soulbeast is doing fine from a pure pve perspective, even though it would benefit from pet swap in beastmode and most other changes I would have in mind there aswell.

Condi is, which stupidly is what received attention as opposed to our languishing power builds.

Because our sword and gs auto damage are laughable, nothing new there, nothing they even seem interested to deal with.

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@Yelloweyedemon.2860 said:Oh stop your whining about GotL. Druids will still be mandatory in fractals and raids. The only thing that changes is that you now need only 1 druid and 1 warrior per raid. That's two more spots for class diversity.

In fractals nothing's changed. Druid-Chrono-Warr will still be a must. Chrono will be needed for obvious reasons, and druid will be needed for the heals/spirits/empowered glyph/might stacking. The only thing that could change is that warrior might now go dps instead of PS, which will alone make up for the damage loss of GotL. Will still be mandatory though, for EA and banners without droping from a top-dps spot.

Diversity for the sake of the diversity is so backwards... I can't understand that kind of logic because it's so illogical as to be astronomically alien to me..

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@Yelloweyedemon.2860 said:Oh stop your whining about GotL. Druids will still be mandatory in fractals and raids. The only thing that changes is that you now need only 1 druid and 1 warrior per raid. That's two more spots for class diversity.

In fractals nothing's changed. Druid-Chrono-Warr will still be a must. Chrono will be needed for obvious reasons, and druid will be needed for the heals/spirits/empowered glyph/might stacking. The only thing that could change is that warrior might now go dps instead of PS, which will alone make up for the damage loss of GotL. Will still be mandatory though, for EA and banners without droping from a top-dps spot.

Yep, there is only one game mode in good ol guild wars 2.

Yep, just one.

ONE, singular.And boy oh boy do I love Fractaling with my homies.Fractals 24/7. mhmmm. Good stuff.

No need to ask what my friends are doing cause there is only one thing to do, fractals.

Do spirits move yet?Was that fixed?No?

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@ZhouX.8742 said:Irrelevant spirit changes , which seems to take up a bulk of the changes we got.

Changes to stances that are still not good and won't be after these changes - a change from 8 to 10 seconds on your boon duration increase is not much and regeneration is already easily obtained from other sources.

Soulbeast didn't get much, if anything... Rampage as One will still be the viable choice for elite change, we need stab uptime

Whirling Defense: Increased damage by 15%. - Need to be able to move for this skill to ever work as viable , otherwise it's trash.

One cool thing though: Call of the Wild: This skill now grants its unblockable enhancement to a ranger in Beastmode


Did Druid get nerfed? Maybe it got better with Mender's with the healing scale?

These patch notes were massively under-whelming, not surprised. Looks like a wait for 6 months for another balance patch in hopes they understand their ranger player base.

Glad I swapped over to Engi/Holo gameplay, so much more fun and Holo got buffs this patch too.

There are no good builds for druid for 1v3+ but there are many builds in other professions for just that.

You're right, Anet doesn't understand druids at all.

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