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When is End of Dragons leaving Early Access?

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10 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Problem is that even if you add 5min to the timer, the players complaining about the meta still could not do it. 

It only gets easier for good players to Carry the bad ones. 


And how is that a problem tho?
isn't that how EVERY other meta in the game works?
Open world events are supposed to be open, collaborative and anonymous, fire-and-forget. Hop-in, participate, loot, bail. This one requires LFP to do and most of the time you'll not be able to enter the map because it will be full.

Edited by figloalds.1274
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17 hours ago, figloalds.1274 said:

I'm here to play a game, not to work and make Excel sheets, the game needs to be playable by the wide audience and the wide audience doesn't care for extreme optimization. This is an open world event, it should be doable by random uncoordinated people that's the point of random dynamic events in the first place 


Why would you exaggerate like that? I've never had the need to use excel sheets for this game. I'm as casual as it gets, but that hasn't stopped me from looking at metabuild or snowcrows to see how a proper build functions. I also take my time to read what skills actually do and how they can affect my playstyle. After failing something I try to at least analyse what went wrong so I can avoid the same mistakes next time. I like to progress in a game, be better than I was yesterday and also have challenging content to apply my new skills. Games SHOULD become more difficult in time instead of serving us the same old cookie-cutter content.


I understand you don't even want to bother with this very basic stuff, but some people do and actually enjoy the fact that you need to use your brain a bit instead of just pressing 1 while watching Netflix on a second monitor. No one is forcing you to do this content, but you sure are missing out, I can tell you that!


16 hours ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

You answered your own question - 


Yup, clear as day when I saw we had over 6 minutes left on the timer after struggling the other 10+ times. 

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9 minutes ago, Scratchpaw.1069 said:


Why would you exaggerate like that? I've never had the need to use excel sheets for this game. I'm as casual as it gets, but that hasn't stopped me from looking at metabuild or snowcrows to see how a proper build functions. I also take my time to read what skills actually do and how they can affect my playstyle. After failing something I try to at least analyse what went wrong so I can avoid the same mistakes next time. I like to progress in a game, be better than I was yesterday and also have challenging content to apply my new skills. Games SHOULD become more difficult in time instead of serving us the same old cookie-cutter content.


I understand you don't even want to bother with this very basic stuff, but some people do and actually enjoy the fact that you need to use your brain a bit instead of just pressing 1 while watching Netflix on a second monitor. No one is forcing you to do this content, but you sure are missing out, I can tell you that!



Yup, clear as day when I saw we had over 6 minutes left on the timer after struggling the other 10+ times. 

Every time I went to Dragon's End meta it was either tedious or just frustrating and the rewards were not worth the time investment. Also the Turtle requires Strike Missions which are also niche game modes and these ones are not optional, at least the crappy DE meta can be entirely skipped, the Strike Mission not only cannot be skipped, it requires a very far away story mode quest to unlock.

Edit: Saddens me, I would rather the meta be good then skippable, but alas, kitten this damned turtle and this shti expansion altogether i don't care. Having bought End of Dragons feels like having been scammed.

Edited by figloalds.1274
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It feels surreal seeing how many people are not only happy to play subpar content, but defend it from any criticism like their lives depend on it.


Every time we pay money, we abandon the games cause they suck, we get sold on a new hype and repeat the cycle. And the gaming industry grooms that behaviour.


I loved how GW2 felt like a game made by a studio with integrity. Great content, fun, immersive. But I am disappointed with the end of IBS and this last expansion. I am sadened by how studio went straight into hype generation with today's expac 4 announcement. Like guys, there's a time to talk about new projects. How about you fix/improve the current stuff first. But the worst part is how they completely ignored to even acknowledge any criticism towards the latest releases.


We abandoned the elder dragon storyline, we rushed to end it and it shows. IBS ending and EoD are blatant example of "hurry up, let's get this wrapped so we can get on to the new shiny stuff we want to focus on." I know people worked hard on it, and parts of the new expansion are really good... But the whole product is subpar and feels like an afterthought, like a "oh let's just finish it somehow".


Like, how are people so easy to forgive this? I feel like the dragon storyline that I've been invested in just got cut with an anticlimactic finale, twice (IBS & EoD). I know there are quite a few examples of Anet abandoning stuff... I am not getting hyped about the "new, shiny thing" anymore, but people are seemingly very happy to do just that no matter the history.

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8 hours ago, Scratchpaw.1069 said:


Why would you exaggerate like that? I've never had the need to use excel sheets for this game. I'm as casual as it gets, but that hasn't stopped me from looking at metabuild or snowcrows to see how a proper build functions. I also take my time to read what skills actually do and how they can affect my playstyle. After failing something I try to at least analyse what went wrong so I can avoid the same mistakes next time. I like to progress in a game, be better than I was yesterday and also have challenging content to apply my new skills. Games SHOULD become more difficult in time instead of serving us the same old cookie-cutter content.


I understand you don't even want to bother with this very basic stuff, but some people do and actually enjoy the fact that you need to use your brain a bit instead of just pressing 1 while watching Netflix on a second monitor. No one is forcing you to do this content, but you sure are missing out, I can tell you that!



Yup, clear as day when I saw we had over 6 minutes left on the timer after struggling the other 10+ times. 

200 writs for turtle egg  is a good fix.

So casual people will not come to screw up meta.

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You've summed up my feelings perfectly.

Months before release I was saying that with the lurid colours, excessive clipping (that Jaunty also pointed out), graphical glitches, and how empty and dead everything looked? It just felt like a cynical cashgrab.

For me, the most cynical part was killing Soo-Won. I saw one person defend this by saying that it was right that she die because otherwise we'd have to deal with the consequence of her continuing to live. Oh, I'm sorry. You mean that the writers would actually have to challenge themselves to write something decent for once? That they'd have to care about continuity? That they'd need to come out of their comfort zones and try something new rather than writing the same story over and over? Oh, how awful.

It just felt especially cynical to me and now none of the story makes any sense.

So, we killed the creator of the world. Not only are we a psychopath for doing so, but we killed the creator of the world. How can anything else be a challenge? And how is Aurene filtering what six dragons (and a mother) couldn't? No, sorry, there's still no explanation for that whatsoever. Excuses? Yes. Explanations? No.

And saying that we didn't have a choice is just patently ridiculous too. We can do anything the writers permit us to!

Here, let me help you all...

Joon: I've been using my tech to scan Aurene's thaumaturgical matrix and I've managed to nail the aspect of it that grants her immunity to the Dragonvoid. Give me a minute, I think... I think I can reconfigure the extractor to modify Soo-Won's matrix in the same way, forcing the Dragonvoid out! Cover me while I push some buttons!

That was just something I came up with in five seconds, I could do better if you give me longer. The point is is that the story is filled to the brim with lots of magical macguffins, why couldn't our new resident genius Joon come up with a plan to save Soo-Won? It just feels cynical, cold, and like an insult to my intelligence. Killing her was completely and utterly unnecessary.

And like I said, now we have to deal with the power creep of we killed the creator of the world. What threat could even stand in our way now? What will they come up with next? Or will we be mysteriously nerfed before the next threat comes along? It's just lazy writing, which is the worst kind of writing. It isn't even simply bad, it's phoning it in.

Even the name feels cynical. I know they've said that this isn't the end, but I don't believe them. I think that this is a final breath, a cashgrab before whatever the next big thing is. They're going to milk the community with skins for the turtle and the skiff, and when that's no longer profitable NCSoft will sunset the game.

Everything about it feels lazy, like a cashgrab. It's like you said, though, some fall under the spell of marketing and hype way too easily. What we're seeing now though with Dragon's End and actually being forced to play this content, more and more are waking up to just how bad it is. They're being faced with cognitive dissonance now, and once they get past that you'll see the general tone regarding End of Dragons turn much more sour.

The spell weaved around the poorly made product with customer loyalty through marketing, that's all that the positivity is. Plus, loyalty from when GW2 was good. I get that though, I loved Path of Fire and most of LWS4. It was great. But that won't save anyone from the reality that End of Dragons is just really, really, really, really bad. and again, it's not just bad, it's cynical.

I'm really wondering how long they'll keep up the pretence of actually adding new content to GW2 before it gets sunset.

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6 hours ago, Blood.7254 said:

It feels surreal seeing how many people are not only happy to play subpar content, but defend it from any criticism like their lives depend on it.

Ever heard the Canthan saying "whatever floats your skiff"? Perhaps the content you say is subpar is enjoyable for others? 🤷‍♂️

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I can understand @Hypnowulf.7403 points and @Jukhy.2431 points. And that those are always personal opinions.

From my point of view EoD is better thatn IBS but somehow not so good like PoF with LW.  I enjoy also driving around in the Skiff with friends.  Btw. I can give an update to the fishing. After another 3h of grind and 10 minutes before map closing I finally got the last fish (Legendary Sailfish) of Seitung Province and completed therefore that Achievement. My friend was again with me. He caught that fish in that time twice ^^ and nearly finished another Avid Fisher of Seitung (80%). This time we drove around with the same fishing power (875%). For me this confirms that it's just very badly written randomness for caching the fish. But that's something we already know from Anet. I also can confirm that it's possible to catch nighttime fishes at daytime. I caught the Stingray several times at daytime but the description says nighttime. I also caught it at nighttime. 

We are progressing now to New Kaineng for my first normal fisher and his avid one. Hope the odds are in my favour there :). 

So for all out there with a comparable unlucky account. Those fishing achievements can really be a grind with 10h+ per map with really high fishing power. Good luck to everyone with it!

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14 hours ago, kankanKk.2748 said:

200 writs for turtle egg  is a good fix.

So casual people will not come to screw up meta.

I hate to break it to you. We're still in your meta. We're still failing to climb the tower in time and sometimes struggling to get out of the big orange areas.


Embrace us. Love us.

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