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For mostly PVP - Zerker or Spellbreaker??


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Best to pick ranger for spvp/wvw roaming honestly. Sort of the same gameplay but overall stronger.

If you do want to stick to warrior... it depends. Berserker will get you some easy kills vs bad players, good players will just annihilate you. Spb gives you a chance against good players, but its kills are less easy compared to berserker.

Both are not great for competitive modes.

For pve berserker, most definitely.

Maybe you can take bladesworn instead. From what I read it performs fine in pve and spvp. If you are new to war, you wont even notice why its design is crap. Though it might (probably will) get nerfed.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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If you are doing this just for experimenting, then i would say Zerker.


If you are looking to do any serious pvp with it, then stay away from warrior like the plague.


Warrior is terrible, has been terrible for a couple of years now, and from the looks of the new patch, it will remain terrible for years to come.


Warrior is a MEME class at this point.

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7 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Best to pick ranger for spvp/wvw roaming honestly. Sort of the same gameplay but overall stronger.

Agreed, especially WvW roaming. Not only stronger, ranger has way more tools at its disposal.


7 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

If you do want to stick to warrior... it depends. Berserker will get you some easy kills vs bad players, good players will just annihilate you.

It'll be like Neo in the matrix because they'll see your moves coming from a mile away and dodge easily lol.

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