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Bubble nerf was a step in the right direction


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For a game to be balanced there should always be a counter to any play. What was the counter to bubble? Anyone….anyone? There wasn’t any. So many bad guilds could stealth, bubble, drop gravity wells/stuns/immobilizations and there was 0 counter for anyone in that bubble. Large 40-50 man blobs would run 5-6 bubbles and completely overwhelm any 15-20 man guilds just with boon strip and denial. Zerg busting was near impossible. It created a pirate ship meta because large guilds would dance because of fear of bubble. Now, Zerg busting has become viable, guilds can’t use bubbles a crutch and skill has become much more important. With firebrands heal aegis being nerfed, firebrands battle presence being nerfed and scrappers taking some nerfs the “boon ball meta” is being contained. I don’t understand what people want? Just one shorting each other with rangers? I would venture to say 99% of people complaining are roamers or people who relied way to heavily on a skill. Is it really balanced that a class is a MUST run because of 1 skill being so overpowered? 

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Stun break and walk/dodge out of it? Bubble was a good skill. High impact but also required good timing, placement and coordination to take advantage of it. And it wasn't even that commonly run. Now they made it useless.

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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4 minutes ago, Iceman.4509 said:

LOL stun break walk out of it. That’s funny. If only it was that easy. You have 0 boons and guilds dropped their bomb in it. Wasn’t commonly ran? What server and guild do you play with? Bubbles were everywhere. How naive are you?

It didn't instantly remove all boons. It was also subject to target caps, so a lot of players wouldn't even be affected by it. If you died to bubbles all the time, you should probably question what guild you ran with.

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16 minutes ago, Iceman.4509 said:

LOL stun break walk out of it. That’s funny. If only it was that easy. You have 0 boons and guilds dropped their bomb in it. Wasn’t commonly ran? What server and guild do you play with? Bubbles were everywhere. How naive are you?

If an enemy blob is stealth blasting you either run until their stealth expires or you also stealth and go into them. Your guards pop stability before the groups collide. Its not rocket science.

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SMALL SCALE PLAYERS should be able to at least dent some of the zrg lenght.

Right now its a boring 2 zerg train running opposite directions while roamers are busy 1v1ing eachother because they have no chance against a zerg.


So i want everything that makes a zerg untouchable getting adjusted to bring balance to WvW. Winds was one, now its time for Scrapper and then Firebrand

Edited by KeoLegend.5132
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  1. WoD is stationary, big tell, focus the CC on the spellbreaker into the middle of your zerg, expect defensive bubble when charging on the enemy.
  2. Enemies stealth blasting and bombing you sounds like a you problem. All know how long it lasts and the sounds it makes. Getting jumped on while ppting can happen, nothing crazy about it, you failed to spot the enemy within Sniff reach. Always some mini/legendary will show the location of the enemy of some pug and someone blinkin earlier. Experienced commanders anticipate the enemy movement and range spike it.
  3. WoD denies boon application under it's effects (used to) then begins stripping. Having stab on you before the bubbles ensuresyou can dodge out of it in that milisecond. If you don't the only problem is usually immob, not CC spam. There is more than enough stability for the strips and corrupts.. getting jumped into the bubble as a whole either means the enemy goes full offense and you can't fight back because they see you are weakened, or your zerg is so spread out they probably yolo off tag and get killed.
  4. To pop something like SyG inside the bubble is entirely the FB's fault. Stunbreak allies with Elite mantra, give them the time to fall back, Chronos and FBs also have those nice rezz abilities for downies in the bubble.
  5. Bubble is too reliant on damage. Bubbles on their own can stay and tick, nothing happens. No dmg, no payoff. You don't get a bubble for 90 sec after use, the enemy can't afford to have too many Spellbreakers even before the change, since something like Rise Reaper is farmore capable at DPS and similarly capable at corrupting (which is now buffed due to PoP), while also being a cleave monster. Imagine Berserker with corrupts. SpB can do well as a DPS but will fall short on Boonrip even with bubble, and as a full support, you are wasting space rly if you are not a top tier cleanser (which means your scrapper may be slacking tbh). 

So yeah, plenty of counterplay to the WoD, people overreacting. Necro Wells + Grav Well + Entagle are more lethal now. It's a combination of skills that form the result, team play and proper communication. So yeah Debunked!

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nErF eVeRyThInG! Now you are pouting like a

15 minutes ago, KeoLegend.5132 said:

SMALL SCALE PLAYERS should be able to at least dent some of the zrg lenght.

Right now its a boring 2 zerg train running opposite directions while roamers are busy 1v1ing eachother because they have no chance against a zerg.


So i want everything that makes a zerg untouchable getting adjusted to bring balance to WvW. Winds was one, now its time for Scrapper and then Firebrand

What more do you want to do to the firebrand???

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1 hour ago, Iceman.4509 said:

For a game to be balanced there should always be a counter to any play. What was the counter to bubble? Anyone….anyone? There wasn’t any. So many bad guilds could stealth, bubble, drop gravity wells/stuns/immobilizations and there was 0 counter for anyone in that bubble. Large 40-50 man blobs would run 5-6 bubbles and completely overwhelm any 15-20 man guilds just with boon strip and denial. Zerg busting was near impossible. It created a pirate ship meta because large guilds would dance because of fear of bubble. Now, Zerg busting has become viable, guilds can’t use bubbles a crutch and skill has become much more important. With firebrands heal aegis being nerfed, firebrands battle presence being nerfed and scrappers taking some nerfs the “boon ball meta” is being contained. I don’t understand what people want? Just one shorting each other with rangers? I would venture to say 99% of people complaining are roamers or people who relied way to heavily on a skill. Is it really balanced that a class is a MUST run because of 1 skill being so overpowered? 

Its a channel skill so you can strip and disable the warrior. Not doing that but callout that the bubble is a problem shows that you have a problem in understanding the game.

actually the reason for WoD to be a true elite skill has been its unique function to prevent reboon in a certain area.

the problem with the skill has not been this anti reboon but rather that it strips at the same time. For a balance it would been better to reduce it strips than to take its unique elite skill function. So the teamwork would come from one causing anti reboon and others need to strip.

You call boon ball a problem but cheer that a skill which worked anti boon ball got a hard nerf instead of balancing? In what guild are you wtf?

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1 minute ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:


  1. WoD is stationary, big tell, focus the CC on the spellbreaker into the middle of your zerg, expect defensive bubble when charging on the enemy.
  2. Enemies stealth blasting and bombing you sounds like a you problem. All know how long it lasts and the sounds it makes. Getting jumped on while ppting can happen, nothing crazy about it, you failed to spot the enemy within Sniff reach. Always some mini/legendary will show the location of the enemy of some pug and someone blinkin earlier. Experienced commanders anticipate the enemy movement and range spike it.
  3. WoD denies boon application under it's effects (used to) then begins stripping. Having stab on you before the bubbles ensuresyou can dodge out of it in that milisecond. If you don't the only problem is usually immob, not CC spam. There is more than enough stability for the strips and corrupts.. getting jumped into the bubble as a whole either means the enemy goes full offense and you can't fight back because they see you are weakened, or your zerg is so spread out they probably yolo off tag and get killed.
  4. To pop something like SyG inside the bubble is entirely the FB's fault. Stunbreak allies with Elite mantra, give them the time to fall back, Chronos and FBs also have those nice rezz abilities for downies in the bubble.
  5. Bubble is too reliant on damage. Bubbles on their own can stay and tick, nothing happens. No dmg, no payoff. You don't get a bubble for 90 sec after use, the enemy can't afford to have too many Spellbreakers even before the change, since something like Rise Reaper is farmore capable at DPS and similarly capable at corrupting (which is now buffed due to PoP), while also being a cleave monster. Imagine Berserker with corrupts. SpB can do well as a DPS but will fall short on Boonrip even with bubble, and as a full support, you are wasting space rly if you are not a top tier cleanser (which means your scrapper may be slacking tbh). 

So yeah, plenty of counterplay to the WoD, people overreacting. Necro Wells + Grav Well + Entagle are more lethal now. It's a combination of skills that form the result, team play and proper communication. So yeah Debunked!


i read all of this, and all I can say is simply “Wrong.” It’s absolutely amazing someone could have so much input on something and just be utterly wrong. I imagine you play pew pew ranger or something along those lines. It’s ok though, I can’t help but to pity you. If you want message me in game and I can take you under my wing. I always take uninformed and new players as my mentees. 

Edited by Iceman.4509
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4 minutes ago, Caedmon.6798 said:

Its crazy how they nerf bubble warri's but the other amount of forever projectile hate and reflect in blobs is forever going. Good kitten !

I agree projectile hate is one of the reasons why the new elite specs don’t do well in wvw

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2 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Stop trolling dawg 😭

Trolling? Speaking the truth. I’m sure you have heard of me. My in game name is Doc Tormenter and I was the premier commander on EU. I revolutionized the 100 man meta and all the builds on meta battle were my brain child’s 

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4 minutes ago, Iceman.4509 said:

Trolling? Speaking the truth. I’m sure you have heard of me. My in game name is Doc Tormenter and I was the premier commander on EU. I revolutionized the 100 man meta and all the builds on meta battle were my brain child’s 

My apologies Supreme Commander, I-I had no idea!! 😳🙇‍♀️

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Just now, Iceman.4509 said:

I don’t recognize your account name. Makes sense 

I am so sorry! I wasn't aware such a pillar was in these forums. I am so glad they nerfed the bubble!!!! They should nerf the small trait that makes CC Strip boons too so we can get rid of that stupid hammer oppression from warriors. Pretty broken stuff. Also the stances, cause they make warr unkillable! 😃

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6 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

I am so sorry! I wasn't aware such a pillar was in these forums. I am so glad they nerfed the bubble!!!! They should nerf the small trait that makes CC Strip boons too so we can get rid of that stupid hammer oppression from warriors. Pretty broken stuff. Also the stances, cause they make warr unkillable! 😃

Ok now you’re trolling. I was trying to have a serious discussion, but I should have known better.

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It sounds like you're bad and you're upset that you and your guild are too bad to figure out how to not get one pushed.


Here's how you get out of a bubble:

Step 1. Use your eyes to see the warrior coming

Step 2. Dodge away from the warrior and the enemy

Step 3. Anybody in the bubble that didn't Dodge and can't move gets fumigated and stun broke

Step 4. Those people Dodge towards their allies who just saved them

Step 5. You're now outside the bubble 


I know it's hard to press buttons and look at the screen but I believe in you even though you don't believe in yourself. 

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2 minutes ago, Mixes.7164 said:

It sounds like you're bad and you're upset that you and your guild are too bad to figure out how to not get one pushed.


Here's how you get out of a bubble:

Step 1. Use your eyes to see the warrior coming

Step 2. Dodge away from the warrior and the enemy

Step 3. Anybody in the bubble that didn't Dodge and can't move gets fumigated and stun broke

Step 4. Those people Dodge towards their allies who just saved them

Step 5. You're now outside the bubble 


I know it's hard to press buttons and look at the screen but I believe in you even though you don't believe in yourself. 

Or just nerf it. Because it’s a dumb skill. Thank God reason prevailed. 

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2 minutes ago, Mixes.7164 said:

It sounds like you're bad and you're upset that you and your guild are too bad to figure out how to not get one pushed.


Here's how you get out of a bubble:

Step 1. Use your eyes to see the warrior coming

Step 2. Dodge away from the warrior and the enemy

Step 3. Anybody in the bubble that didn't Dodge and can't move gets fumigated and stun broke

Step 4. Those people Dodge towards their allies who just saved them

Step 5. You're now outside the bubble 


I know it's hard to press buttons and look at the screen but I believe in you even though you don't believe in yourself. 

Your simplistic and condescending explanation is laughable at best. You clearly do not understand the combat, the game mechanics and skills in general. It’s like saying: to become President, all you need to do is campaign and win it’s so simple!

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