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Open World WB Build


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I'm talking something for soloing bounties or other difficult champs. I feel like this spec is too likely to run out of sustain before enemies run out of health and you don't have *that* many ways to negate damage. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong though. Anyone have anything good? Preferably power. I've been having some luck with mostly Zerker (since I'm not gonna get a new gear set just for OW) and a couple Soldier pieces with GS/Mace+Focus running radiance/honor/WB

Edited by Arklite.4013
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1 hour ago, Arklite.4013 said:

and you don't have *that* many ways to negate damage

Dude, what? Even without going into the Glorious Utility Options that you have in core guardian utility skills, have you even tried to press an F2 or F3? F3 is pretty much invulnerability for ten seconds, just keep hitting your enemy.

Zerker alone crit-caps you; you have a lot of free crit steroids through resolution. Mix in some dragon pieces in team content with spotter, banners, food, etc. Sword and greatsword for fury and resolution. Stay away from Reversal of Fortune. Pack Heaven's Palm or Signet of Courage. 

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On 5/6/2022 at 10:04 AM, Arklite.4013 said:

I'm talking something for soloing bounties or other difficult champs.

It depends on how far you are willing to go - there are different degree of difficulty champs...
In general, I think that Guardian is not optimal choice (not the worst/not the best) for this kind of content in the context of champ-solo-play as your main way in game.
And certainly, this type of content is not about full-berserker but condi build - Lord Hizen's Willbender build, mentioned above, seems to be good start point.

Edited by taara.3217
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On 5/7/2022 at 11:05 AM, otto.5684 said:

Why would you try to solo bounties with a guardian dps build to begin with?!

Why not? Many classes can solo bounties with dps builds. Willy gave Guardian some new tricks, so I was wondering if it helped. Evidently, I didn't find the build that worked.

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Im not saying im somehow experienced with guardian but i have willy build that works great.


Gear: marauder/dragon (preferably go for dragon but i still use about 4 pieces of marauder) - marauder gives more crit wherase dragon gives more crit damage. (in both cases you have extra hp amplified by 10% from armour rune)

armour runes: superior rune of defender - 10% hp + heal on block (aegis) + toughness and healing


You should have about 20k hp base. (btw in cantha - jade bot + jade tech defensive protocol. Stack these for hard bosses/events)


1) greatsword (resolution symbol)
2) sword (fury symbol) /sword - (but if you need extra survivability swap off-hand sword for focus)

weapon sigils:
- sigil of force
- sigil of accuracy if you have lot of dragon gear
- alternatively sigil of energy, sigil of rage


willbender: 3 - 3 - 2
radiance: 3 - 3 - 3
now there is choice:
virtues 1 - 2 - 3 OR valor 2 - 2 - 2 (valor gives you more survivability but overall virtues is better for utilities)


heal skill: litany of wrath (with meditation trail line incredibly strong heal basically 100% health for 6 sec every 20 sec)


utility skills:
- with meditation:
1) roiling light or stand your ground - stunbreak
2) judge intervention - can be used as secondary stun break - (meditation skill if traited gives small heal + fury)
3) smite condition - condi cleanse - (meditation skill if traited gives small heal + fury)

- with virtues: F3 is stunbreak, F2 condi cleanse so you have many options open
1) advance! - extra aegis and speed (i found it really handy for open world)
2)  judge intervention (still good if you want to quickly port between enemies or boss push you away or stuns you - this happening to me a lot but roiling light might be better option)
3) any signet or sword of justice or stand your ground or whatever you want


elite skill: renewed focus  for survivability (meditation skill if traited gives small heal + fury) otherwise feel my wrath.


- all F1, F2, F3 generates frames that heal you. (more enemies in flames more heals)
- after using F2 hits will heal you.
- after using F3 which grants aegis - block will heal you.
- meditation skills if traited heal you
- you can use heal food
+ your standard heal skill (litany of wrath)
Thats lot of healing!

perma resolution, lot of protection
you are tough, you can block, you are mobile so you can avoid a lot of stuff on ground.


Still when i want solo something hard i rather swap to condi firebrand.


I dont guarantee success nor fun - your experience may varies.
This is what im using - not saying its best in any way - Im playing guardian since EoD so you might find some improvements or something completely different and better.


P.S. If you want give me example what you want solo and i can try it and let you know.

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On 5/10/2022 at 1:37 AM, Luna.6203 said:

Im not saying im somehow experienced with guardian but i have willy build that works great.


Gear: marauder/dragon (preferably go for dragon but i still use about 4 pieces of marauder) - marauder gives more crit wherase dragon gives more crit damage. (in both cases you have extra hp amplified by 10% from armour rune)

armour runes: superior rune of defender - 10% hp + heal on block (aegis) + toughness and healing


You should have about 20k hp base. (btw in cantha - jade bot + jade tech defensive protocol. Stack these for hard bosses/events)


1) greatsword (resolution symbol)
2) sword (fury symbol) /sword - (but if you need extra survivability swap off-hand sword for focus)

weapon sigils:
- sigil of force
- sigil of accuracy if you have lot of dragon gear
- alternatively sigil of energy, sigil of rage


willbender: 3 - 3 - 2
radiance: 3 - 3 - 3
now there is choice:
virtues 1 - 2 - 3 OR valor 2 - 2 - 2 (valor gives you more survivability but overall virtues is better for utilities)


heal skill: litany of wrath (with meditation trail line incredibly strong heal basically 100% health for 6 sec every 20 sec)


utility skills:
- with meditation:
1) roiling light or stand your ground - stunbreak
2) judge intervention - can be used as secondary stun break - (meditation skill if traited gives small heal + fury)
3) smite condition - condi cleanse - (meditation skill if traited gives small heal + fury)

- with virtues: F3 is stunbreak, F2 condi cleanse so you have many options open
1) advance! - extra aegis and speed (i found it really handy for open world)
2)  judge intervention (still good if you want to quickly port between enemies or boss push you away or stuns you - this happening to me a lot but roiling light might be better option)
3) any signet or sword of justice or stand your ground or whatever you want


elite skill: renewed focus  for survivability (meditation skill if traited gives small heal + fury) otherwise feel my wrath.


- all F1, F2, F3 generates frames that heal you. (more enemies in flames more heals)
- after using F2 hits will heal you.
- after using F3 which grants aegis - block will heal you.
- meditation skills if traited heal you
- you can use heal food
+ your standard heal skill (litany of wrath)
Thats lot of healing!

perma resolution, lot of protection
you are tough, you can block, you are mobile so you can avoid a lot of stuff on ground.


Still when i want solo something hard i rather swap to condi firebrand.


I dont guarantee success nor fun - your experience may varies.
This is what im using - not saying its best in any way - Im playing guardian since EoD so you might find some improvements or something completely different and better.


P.S. If you want give me example what you want solo and i can try it and let you know.

Hi, thanks a lot for this very detailed write up! I like to use the champion frog HP in the southwest corner of Verdant Brink to test builds soloing capabilities and I was having a really hard time doing it on Willbender, but I was able to due it after a few tries using your build. I kept trying to use the WB heal skill but I think just using valor and running the full meditation package worked really well. Thank you! 🙂

Edited by Arklite.4013
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2 hours ago, Arklite.4013 said:

Hi, thanks a lot for this very detailed write up! I like to use the champion frog HP in the southwest corner of Verdant Brink to test builds soloing capabilities and I was having a really hard time doing it on Willbender, but I was able to due it after a few tries using your build. I kept trying to use the WB heal skill but I think just using valor and running the full meditation package worked really well. Thank you! 🙂


Glad it helped. this power variant rely more on litany heal skill and damage so yeah valor is way to survive. But in situation where sustain is not needed i prefer to swap to virtues version.

It might be even better with celestial.. going for power condi hybrid + vitality toughness + all healing mentioned above amplified and more boon duration.. Unfortunately i don't have celestial and i don't want to invest into it right now .. working on finishing legendary armour this season than i give it try.

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-- Update --

So im not sure if this thread is still actual but i made experimental celestial version and its extremly strong. Furthermore mutch more fun to me than power version. I just made it up like two days ago so i/you might find some improvements. So far i like it much more than power variant and i just wanted to let you know before you spend gold. This is probably better. Even though OP was asking preferably for power build.

Gear is ofc full celestial. Armour runes still defender.

Weapons sword/sword (this is not ideal for sustain but i just like dual sword) - I tested to keep offhand sword empty so i can use torch on both swaps. But like advancing strike too much for that 😉

On swap scepter/torch.  (You can disengage with F2 and spam scepter 1 to heal up, you can even root enemy while doing so, and torch just deal nice condi dmg)

-- i would say weapons are completely optional since you have all power/condi/heal. Everything works .. more or less .

And for weapon sigils definitely pick Sigil of smoldering on each weapon set. Second sigil is optional. I have sigil of accuracy on swords and rune of cleansing on scepter.


virtues  3-2-1

radiance 1-2-3

willbender 3-2-2 (Holy reckoning allow you to self stack 25 mights which greatly increase both power and condi dmg + fury.)

Heal skill: thanks to extra healing from celestial shelter heals over 5k (~5,2) plus extra heals from 2 sec blocks. I found it nice alternative over litany.

Utillity skills: Purging Flames, Advance!, -- 3th is optional -- extra sunbreak stand your ground or signet or spirit weapon. I feel like it doesnt matter. Pick what you like or whats good for specific situation.

Elite skill: apart from feel my wrath and renewed focus signet of courage actually provide pretty decent extra heal for soling.

And that's it. This is probably 1st time that i really enjoy willbender in pve.

Edited by Luna.6203
removaval some empty lines
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