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Main hand axe is Condi only right?


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Not sure how restrictive PvP is, but I would say that yes, I'd go condi with MH axe since AFAIK celestial doesn't exist there.

Even though the auto does strike damage you essentially use it for might since its terribly slow and they nerfed the bounces from 3 to 2 ages ago. 

So, you'd basically be looking at shotgunning bleeds with 2, adding more with 3 along with chill / weakness.  Take dagger OH if you want more condi or WH OH if you want the boosts from #5 (as vuln from #4 is kind of garbage).

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It's both.


They tried to buff Splitblade then nerfed it into oblivion both in PvP and PvE. Somehow, easy targetting skills that will most likely hit everything like Sevenshot does more strike dramage than Splitblade. SMH. Even Poison Volley does more strike damage. I don't get their balancing. 

Edited by Krispera.5087
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