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WvW AFK Defeating Queues with Autorun


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On 8/11/2022 at 4:31 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

uhmmm... that is exactly what i want them to do....  


right now you can get the maximum of pips with flipping the same camp over and over again, thats why you see people in spawn afking, and then only taking the spawncamp whenever it got flipped. Because there is literally no incentive to do more, when your just here for the pips.

Anyone investing more effort and flipping 2 camps in 10 minutes should be rewarded... cuz right now... both will get the same pips.

This encourages Afk-farming.

Who do you think the roamers are killing?

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On 8/11/2022 at 4:31 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

uhmmm... that is exactly what i want them to do....  


right now you can get the maximum of pips with flipping the same camp over and over again, thats why you see people in spawn afking, and then only taking the spawncamp whenever it got flipped. Because there is literally no incentive to do more, when your just here for the pips.

Anyone investing more effort and flipping 2 camps in 10 minutes should be rewarded... cuz right now... both will get the same pips.

This encourages Afk-farming.

Who do you think the roamers are killing?

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On 8/11/2022 at 5:54 AM, Svarty.8019 said:

Inded, I think they've got some macro or bot that presses one button every 5 minutes or something. The software probably comes with their mouse, so it's acceptable. That's acceptable, right? Beuller?

Lmao what if I told you you don't need 3rd party software and it's actually a literal feature of the game. Since release. And every class can do it. 

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Easy fix: Entering a spawn safe zone gives you a 90 second debuff that ticks down. If it hits 0, your participation starts decaying regardless of how much time you had left on it.

If you want to afk and collect pips or wait for a map, you'll have to risk being killed. Will people just let themselves die? Maybe, but they'll be forced to release after 5 minutes of being dead, so they'll go back to spawn eventually.

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