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Hybrid Mirage


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So what is it with these hybrid mirage that take like 50% of your health in flat dmg with 1 attack then apply every condition in the game on you, I've been getting rekt by most of them and i cant seem to be able to do anything. Am i missing something here? Can I have the build so I can abuse this madness too?

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I don't know that any one thing is "broken", but cumulative effects present themselves as such.

The change to axe 2 actually made it a little clunky as it was nice to double tap 2 > 3 > shatters and dip out, but it's still manageable.

The same weapons in a power setup is also super fun, but the pressure isn't as strong as the hybrid.

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@Cwnannwn.7681 said:Situational awareness seems more likely, there isn't exactly that much stealth in the meta builds.

Torch is used in a lot of Mesmer builds all arround.

Currently I'm trying something very weired looking, but it feels very good; high sustain from inspiration + illusions, and the mirage package. Hybrid stats in combination with axe/torch and Greatsword(whut?).

Really hard hitting opener burst (prestige-mirrorblade-izerker-[blink][Powerspike]-jaunt-F1 - one shotted a Tempest yesterday)Intense Condipressure with axe + torch + shatters - even decent power damage on Axe.Sustained healing from inspirations and traited mantras - use distortion mirage cloak and generally positioning through ur teleports to finish casts.

Mantra of pain can be swaped for anything else to ur prefers.

-> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhQQNAnfRn0nBFMjloBmpBMMjlXD78HEESOoBgcyzxf/VATgA-jVCFQB5RfwwUJQpq7AgDBgVU+VgTAwCeCA+RJIL3fYdwBwX9qXfF4rv+6rv+qB86rv+6rv+6rv+qUAVpsC-w

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@kezzeur.8503 said:i literally had no window to dodge the thing was instant from stealth

No it wasn't, you just weren't paying attention. Want to know how I know that? Because nothing mirage has can instantly stack 20 confusion from stealth.

Try learning the mechanics, spend 10 minutes mucking around on mirage and you might know what to dodge next time.

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I almost never get stealth burst downed by any player, not even thief. I may take a hit and get the first cc but I'm gone after. You can see them a mile away before they stealth. Mesmers have much shorter stealth, keep your camera swivelling and notice everywhere around you. While I'm running forward I am constantly scanning my surroundings. You'll see an enemy player coming. You see them pop stealth you have your blocks evades dodge invuln whatever ready to go. Mesmers only have a few seconds so you can almost surely pop one evade or block if you count to 2. Even a leap away will do the trick. Mesmer bursts are not one button, it is a combo. Chances are you can evade and mitigate a good portion of it. I play burst combos and you don't know how many players out there are actually decent enough to notice me, dodge and mitigate at least half of that. Sorry but it's not broken because a lot of other classes have instant bursts. I was burst by a deadeye today, and that sucked because I didn't have any reflects ready to go while I was fully intent on offensive roaming. I evaded half of it but that wasn't enough especially with a second opponent around. So next time I brought reflects with me. It's just about preparedness and knowing what is coming

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As hybrid the only time I've been able to 50% burst someone has been against what I assume was a full glass cannon thief...

And then it takes a lot of effort to keep up the pressure because there is no big burst in hybrid - just lots of little direct bursts and condi for sustained pressure.

Sure it's good - I think hybrid is great on all mesmer and definitely my favourite way to play - but it's not broken and has weaknesses because you trade off excellence in one area for the ability to do many things.

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