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Hs Low Intensity Build Competition - No more excuses for low DPS, please!

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12 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Move your mouse over your skills, traits, runes, armor, stats. 
"Hm, these skills don't have any conditions on them, but have nice damage, hm, these stats increase my damage/crit, this trait gives me more crit damage, this rune gives me more damage and crit"
Absolutely nothing from the game. You don't read your skills, traits, ec. don't expect to know what they do.

Even if you do read them…

There are so many builds I’ve come across by the theorycrafters and testers with footnotes like “don’t use this skill, it doesn’t work like it says” or “this trait looks good but it actually ends up being a net loss over x”

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2 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Even if you do read them…

There are so many builds I’ve come across by the theorycrafters and testers with footnotes like “don’t use this skill, it doesn’t work like it says” or “this trait looks good but it actually ends up being a net loss over x”

If your goal is 40k DPS then you are correct, if your goal is to have more than enough DPS for even Raids then using skills that are not as good as they seem is totally fine.

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1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

If your goal is 40k DPS then you are correct, if your goal is to have more than enough DPS for even Raids then using skills that are not as good as they seem is totally fine.

That’s good to know.

Maybe reading build guides has done me more harm than good. I’m a player that has no interest in combing through traits and skills to find synergies. I look for tried and tested builds, read the explanations, read the tooltips to find what they do, and try to develop the muscle memory to go for the right skills at the right times.

I never do “rotations”, but do try to learn “skill priorities”.

When a guide says “Soulcleave’s Summit- We don’t talk about this skill” implying it’s a joke of a skill, I dutifully never use it.

And the point is, as a middle-of-the-road player who pays attention to positioning, uses my dodges, learns where my cc is, but has never attacked a golem or trained a rotation, the game is complex enough I don’t know where the pitfalls are in building a character.

And there are enough players who do spend time reading tips and playing with the build editor who come up with ideas that look brilliant in the editor only to have it pointed out by the rest of the community that it’s not going to work out the way they think.

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23 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Because even among hardcore players those that can make good builds from scratch are a minority.

You seem to be confusing players "not being able to make a decent/good build" with players "using shortcuts in the form of shared builds because it's faster and more convenient". There's also a difference between "understanding how the build system works, making good/coherent builds" and "absolutely min-maxing it".

6 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

If your goal is 40k DPS then you are correct, if your goal is to have more than enough DPS for even Raids then using skills that are not as good as they seem is totally fine.

^right on

Edited by Sobx.1758
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8 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You seem to be confusing players "not being able to make a decent/good build" with players "using shortcuts in the form of shared builds because it's faster and more convenient".

No. I am not. Using shortcuts are one thing, but most players using them would truly not be able to create a coherent and good build (much less a minmaxed one) without first seeing such a build and knowing what they should aim for. Many would not be able to make such a build even after seeing a lot of them.


There's also a difference between "understanding how the build system works, making good/coherent builds" and "absolutely min-maxing it".

There's also a difference between "making a coherent build", "making a coherent build that seems good" and "making a coherent build that actually is good". And there's not much in the game that lets you see that difference.

There's a reason why there was a massive change in build meta as soon as the two original dps meters became available. And why up until that point there were a lot of of players making builds, but most of those builds were trash tier. And by trash tier i do not mean they were not min-maxed as you seem to imply. I mean that they were concentrating on things that in retrospect were pretty much useless in this game (and the specific content they were being made for). Or making choices that might have seemed decent, but weren't (like going for hybrid power/condi dps builds. With the old condi mechanics).

I mean, Nomad Shoutheal Warrior or Guardian AH bunker were great builds concept-wise... but there was exactly zero need for them in any kind of more demanding content - they did not offer all that much (besides survivability), but in exchange they dragged the whole group down due to their damage being near floor levels.

Not that there was any need for those builds in less demanding content either...

And notice that even the first step (making a coherent build) is not something everyone can do.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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13 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

No. I am not. Using shortcuts are one thing, but most players using them would truly not be able to create a coherent and good build (much less a minmaxed one) without first seeing such a build and knowing what they should aim for. Many would not be able to make such a build even after seeing a lot of them.

Based on... nothing other than your own wishes and expectations.

13 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

There's a reason why there was a massive change in build meta as soon as the two original dps meters became available.

See, you're instantly reverting into "but meta!", but -again- meta builds have nothing to do with what is being said above. Meta-builds are min-maxed, you claim you know we're not talking about min-maxing here and yet you go right back into trying to build an argument based on builds that are specifically aimed at being min-maxed. 🙄

Edited by Sobx.1758
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