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Paid To Bot And AFK


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I encountered a character named **edited out** in a ranked PvP game. I queued solo. The character walks around the map, doesn't participate in any objective, and doesn't defend itself when attacked.


  1. What can be done about morons like this?
  2. Why aren't ArenaNet doing more to stop it?
  3. What can I do when I inevitably get stuck in a match on the same team as this player abusing the system?
Edited by Seraph.1372
Named player
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16 hours ago, Seraph.1372 said:

I encountered a character named **edited out** in a ranked PvP game. I queued solo. The character walks around the map, doesn't participate in any objective, and doesn't defend itself when attacked.


  1. What can be done about morons like this?
  2. Why aren't ArenaNet doing more to stop it?
  3. What can I do when I inevitably get stuck in a match on the same team as this player abusing the system?

I’ve run across this character as well.

They might as well have named the character, “ArenaNet doesn’t care”.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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4 hours ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

There should be no gold rewards for ranked. I feel this would solve at least half of the bot problem.

Or at least no participation awards. 

Gold & pips for doing absolutely nothing and just being there. In Ranked. What a joke, positively hilarious.

20 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

Ever notice how no bots make it to the MAT rounds that matter? Nor afkers or griefers?


I wonder why.

No participation awards there either. Another curious coinkydink 🤔 

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