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Please always show pet's active buffs.


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Simple but long overdue request.

While I can see what active buffs my pet has, I can only do so if I make my pet my active target.

Lets face it, this is just very impractical and annoying in basically every scenario where it is actively useful.


Players can always see what buffs and enhancements they currently have above their utility skills, everyone knows this.. And I say it should be the same for the Ranger's Pet as well.

Especially since Ranger's and their pets are designed to work together and even have skills and traits that function based on the concept of sharing boons etc.


Even in Gw1 we had this ability.

Our pets appeared in the party menu and could have pop out boxes that showed all skill buffs and conditions/effects that were placed on them in real time. 

Gw2's pet system deserves the same ability.


Please make it so Rangers can always see their pets current boons, conditions and durations on screen like they can with their own.

It will be such a huge QOL improvement for those of us who like playing with our pets and want them to be more involved with our builds instead of just some meaningless AI companion that we don't really care about.

Especially those of us who actually like the concept of Beastmastery, which is a major part of the Ranger profession.


Edited by Teratus.2859
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Agree and fully support this.  There are a number of traits which depend on pet buffs, and all of them are difficult to work with when the pet's boon status is a mystery.

Some might propose that Rangers should just do a better job of taking mental notes as to their pet's boons and boon durations.  However, pets also get boons from other players, so we're kind of flying blind when it comes to planning the right time to do a Soulbeast merge, for example.

Even the pet control panel from GW1 - dated as it is - would provide a better UX when it comes to pet management.

I'd also like to see keybinds for stowing the pet.

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Would be nice, but they have never implemented something as simple as timers for your traits with ICD's, so I don't have much hope for this.  

Which always baffled me, as we have like icons for opening strike and stuff--but nothing in the way of icons for like zephyr's speed, clarion bond, or even new traits like cleansing unleash.  

Maybe expansion four will bring a new ranger spec with these features as spec only options instead of QOL, like direct pet control is with Untamed...

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1 hour ago, anduriell.6280 said:

This is for the newbies. 

I have suggested in this forums plenty of times pets and minions should be shown as being in a party with t he ranger. 

There you go all the statuses and data you may need at a moment notice. 

Even something that simple would be enough tbh.


It's a shame such a dominant part of the Ranger profession is restricted by such a silly limitation.

Imagine Warriors not being able to see their Adrenaline bars and the only way you would know how full it is is by having to rely entirely on the damage you're doing to figure it out.

Probably not an impossible feat but it would be extremely impractical and inconvenient XD

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