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A Round of Applause. EoD Credits. PvP Team!

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44 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

I may get on Anet the devs, but it's them as a whole, as an institution. I make it clear not to attack any individual honest dev who's just trying to put food on the table. Hell, a lot of them seem to want to do good but they have their hands tied. My issue is with the collective pvp disaster that has been allowed to fester by Anet as a company. Cheating is only allowed because there is no accountability. So no, I will _not_ protect ANY company. If a game is promoted with a service(pvp) and the service is not provided, people should say something. They're getting ripped off.

Yeah, i'm guessing that comes from up high on the corporate ladder, but there's just zero resources allocated to PvP

There's a few, relatively basic things they could do to make the average PvP experience better but those changes have never come.

For starts the option to report someone for match manipulation or being idle could just be enabled while in PvP in general instead of having to be in a match with them. Of course, that would require Arenanet to also look at those reports.

Dishonor the afks for longer, maybe even permanently if it persists. Then people would have to deal with them less.

44 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

I've seen enough crookedness in this current game industry to not simply turn a blind eye for the sake of "peace". Too many people in society, never mind games, excuse shady company practices simply because they love the product in question. I call it a case of "consumer Stockholm Syndrome". Consumers just passively accept this and try to rationalize it. 

Oh yeah I definitely have this. I accept it but I don't try to rationalize it ever. I've come to accept that PvP is full of irrational people and I will drink Red Bull until i'm recognized as one of them.

44 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:


But _yes_ on the entire win-trader cartel of streamers and influencers and their gaggle of apologists. A lot of them are on Reddit and they HATE it when the apple cart is budged even a little bit, never mind knocked over!

For real they are all over the reddit. I exposed one of them in a WEA bust(so it was purely business) and was subsequently banned from the reddit after many heated and distractor words from their audience.

The wintrader is fine though. Probably reformed by now because they get bored and eventually start playing the game normally if not quitting entirely. 


I suspect that the content and drama they bring with them is; in Arenanet's eye's, more beneficial than banning them would be for everyone else.

If that's the case then they could still go after the tools that the wintraders use instead of giving them more.

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14 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Yeah, i'm guessing that comes from up high on the corporate ladder, but there's just zero resources allocated to PvP

There's a few, relatively basic things they could do to make the average PvP experience better but those changes have never come.

For starts the option to report someone for match manipulation or being idle could just be enabled while in PvP in general instead of having to be in a match with them. Of course, that would require Arenanet to also look at those reports.

Dishonor the afks for longer, maybe even permanently if it persists. Then people would have to deal with them less.

You could most likely just automate that stuff so no dev has to constantly be on the clock. An example is simple auto-kick. Another is automatic rating deduction. A third would be a separate purgatory pvp division where they can't advance until they play the game properly.

14 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Oh yeah I definitely have this. I accept it but I don't try to rationalize it ever. I've come to accept that PvP is full of irrational people and I will drink Red Bull until i'm recognized as one of them.

I'm sorry to read this then. I refuse to normalize open-cheating and afking and then those people having the nerve to talk back as if they have any sort of conviction. "Why get mad at me? Everyone does it!" Stuff like that makes me livid. That sort of "logic" is not only inconsistent, but contemptible. It's like...your HAND is in the cookie jar, bro. Stop pretending.

14 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

For real they are all over the reddit. I exposed one of them in a WEA bust(so it was purely business) and was subsequently banned from the reddit after many heated and distractor words from their audience.

The wintrader is fine though. Probably reformed by now because they get bored and eventually start playing the game normally if not quitting entirely. 


I suspect that the content and drama they bring with them is; in Arenanet's eye's, more beneficial than banning them would be for everyone else.

If that's the case then they could still go after the tools that the wintraders use instead of giving them more.

Controversy can be used to make a buck. No surprise there.

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On 6/11/2022 at 8:43 AM, Tescao.3042 said:

Well done Pimsley, you know how to observe, continue to develop this skill and the flowers of bliss will open before you. Bliss can't be bought with money, it already existed with us in the womb. You will meet many people who will try to fill this void of lost bliss. They will try to take it from the outside, not the inside.

P. S. Here, many have the potential to develop the skill of observation. For example, FrownyClown predicted Meta Tempest and others.

But when you move the ability to observe the outer and the inner, you will understand what grace is.

A large number of fanatics have failed to understand one of Jesus main commandments - the kingdom of God within.


Aww thanks you’re sweet. We just didn’t like food getting wasted like that and wanted to inform my husband’s friend to be careful around the freeloaders. We ended up going home and my husbands friend said not to worry as he has a radar for such people 


Enjoy your Friday night. 

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On 6/17/2022 at 2:01 AM, JTGuevara.9018 said:

You could most likely just automate that stuff so no dev has to constantly be on the clock. An example is simple auto-kick. Another is automatic rating deduction. A third would be a separate purgatory pvp division where they can't advance until they play the game properly.

Automated ban-> ready for abuse. There is no way a to make bulletproof system even with the best of intention and willingness to pure resources into it. If they can't put one human to monitor the couple thousand PvP player they sure as hell cant make an good enough automated system.

The sad reality is PvP was never a focus for Anet and it is only getting worse over time. Which is a shame because GW2 combat really shines in small scale skirmishes. The PvP System team(guys who work on balanced) got merged with the normal system teams. I'am pretty sure that just meant the people who worked on PvP are relocated to do more PvE stuff. SO the pople who worked full time on PvP now only work halve time on PvP. Or looking at the PvP Patch notes maybe a week every 3 months.

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