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(Suggestion) Additional Trading Post Filters β€‹πŸ™β€‹

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I'm not sure where to post suggestions, so figured I'd try here...


I've been having a really difficult time sifting through the trading post.Β 

Two filters that would be extremely useful, that I believe other players would appreciate as well would be

1) a filter for recipes that only shows recipes you do Not currently know (A filter to hide known recipes.)

2) a filter to only show items with "Skin Locked", and hide all items with skins you currently have unlocked.Β 

The same goes for all types of unlockables (minis, toys, etc)


I spend a lot of time going through trying to find recipes I don't currently have, since I've got every crafting skill maxed on my characters.Β 

I also spend a Lot of time looking for new skins that are interesting or cool, but it's really hard and time consuming to sift through all the ones I already unlocked.Β 


I guess my suggestion could even just be one filter that's just "hide all unlocked items" instead of separate for each one.Β 



I hope others would find this useful too!Β 

Thanks for taking your time to read this.Β 


-Anarchon <3

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A filter toΒ  hide things you already have unlocked is what I wanted from the start.

It's so tedious to check colours, skins etc by hovering and scrolling though endless lists.


Another tedious thing is to manual search through runes and sigils because there is no filter for stats (which amor and weapons have).


Yes, I know I can play the wiki or use gw2efficiency to filter there, but I'd rather have it in the game.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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I also want these.Β  However, I also want the TP to load quickly.Β  If it has to compare everything in the TP to everything in my account every time it opens, then filter out the already known items, it's not likely to be very quick.Β  Could even be many minutes per load if not longer.

The runes/sigils stats search, though, now that seems more viable and definitely a high QoL need.

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1 hour ago, Anarchon.3904 said:

Two filters that would be extremely useful, that I believe other players would appreciate as well would be

1) a filter for recipes that only shows recipes you do Not currently know (A filter to hide known recipes.)

2) a filter to only show items with "Skin Locked", and hide all items with skins you currently have unlocked.Β 

The same goes for all types of unlockables (minis, toys, etc)

Sure, that would be useful, and such suggestions appeared in previous threads, still not available though.


33 minutes ago, Donari.5237 said:

I also want these.Β  However, I also want the TP to load quickly.Β  If it has to compare everything in the TP to everything in my account every time it opens, then filter out the already known items, it's not likely to be very quick.Β  Could even be many minutes per load if not longer.

The runes/sigils stats search, though, now that seems more viable and definitely a high QoL need.

On TP there are bots which instantly buy chosen items, for example: listed buy 35s, listed sell 80s, you list for 50s and it's gone instantly - but only 5 pieces for that price, then it stops, you list for 50s again and nobody wants it. Then you list for 48s, and instantly bought 5 pieces. Basically someone make a price high with buy-out some offers, on some less popular item, then he set a bot to keep a price high, but with limits. Number of items to buy may differ, may be 10 pieces, and price ranges also may differ.

I suspect this has a high impact on load speed of TP, all those offers must be re-checked all the time. Sadly nothing changed for a long time.

So, conclusion is - most likely checking what items are unlocked wouldn't be a problem.

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2 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

I also want these.Β  However, I also want the TP to load quickly.Β  If it has to compare everything in the TP to everything in my account every time it opens, then filter out the already known items, it's not likely to be very quick.Β  Could even be many minutes per load if not longer.

The runes/sigils stats search, though, now that seems more viable and definitely a high QoL need.

I don't think compare is too expensive computationally, as long as it's done in a limited way. Like comparing only dyes, only armor skins (or even only light, heavy, etc., at a time), that kind of thing, based on what category or filter you're using (however they would do it). They could also probably cache the information in some way, so it doesn't have to compare every time you load a category, unless the cache has changed recently. And with armor or weapon skin listings that aren't a skin item type, keep the underlying skins in a list that can be compared against, rather than trying to compare against all the individual stat variations of the item listed.

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