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Tower Defense


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I typically enter wvw to get my gift of battle for the 20+ time. Sometimes I get on a tag or make my own, capturing and defending against the other team till the dailies are done. However, I was running wvw yesterday and wondered why people don't build more arrow carts, cannons, or ballistas.

It seems like these infantry weapons provide a decent amount of area denial when you are outnumbered in a tower or keep. The range of these alone can put pressure on enemy siege weapons from a distance which seem better to do than running away or spamming in chat that you need help or wall down/gate down/on Lord.

Is there a reason the wvw community doesn't use these vary often? There's quite a handful of Supply in the towers to build them for free so you shouldn't need a big group to basically"tower defense" a location.

Edited by tswehr.2143
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Some reasons i can think of:
Some people do build siege like AC or shields etc but they on an hour timer and need to be refresh or they disappear.

Boon balls will outheal the damage done by these.

Often they are a death trap, you get pulled from it and cc spiked.

Ranged attackers will always take out your cannon/pot/mortar.

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personally i am the guy that is throwing AC´s and balistas in keeps should i notice that they are at supplycap. They help..... ALOT.

Alot of people play WvW like a deathmatch tho and rotate from camp to camp fighting other roamers, or they follow a tag....

Both playstyles dont involve scouting or setting up defenses on objectives. People simply dont care if they win or loose.

Personally i often make it my mission to get objectives to t3. I use packed dolyaks in camps, setup siege, scout, yada yada. You are doing a great service for you team this way.....  But if a enemy blob comes... no AC in this world will safe you sadly.

There is some nice Ballista spots tho. If you have 2 friends with you you can go in these AC´s after another and use the 3 skill to nuke enemy siege. This works against blobs sometimes... but if they build shield gens... you are done even when using those nice spots.

They sadly murdered / nerfed Siege into near uselessness. Ever tried to kill a Ram with a AC? The gate is dead before the Ram...


Edited by Sahne.6950
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Siege inside keeps is a deterrent only to groups small enough you should go out and fight and a minor bump in the road to groups you cant defend against without an equal group. Thats why its usually meaningless to maintain them.

But then again some servers are absolute dogshit at backcapping on cooldown so I understand their fear of loosing an objective in the first place.

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Siege has to be refreshed for it to be alive. It has to remain alive for it to be worth building. Building siege requires blueprints which most pvers don't carry. Most people following a random tag are pvers who will leave as soon as they have their rewards.

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