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roiling mists and herald quickness latest hotfix!


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roiling mists is now 25% crit chance, making it equivalent to its old 100% increase! that's huge in my opinion, without the need for as much precision as i'm used to for crit capping,  the available of dragon's stats, or things like Valkyrie are a much welcome change, allowing us to gear ourselves to compete with other power specs, or adding in some survival. This imho, more than makes up assassin's presence. (diviner's anyone?)

the increase from 1.5 seconds of quickness to 2 seconds of quickness is great, that .5 second is big considering  high boon duration and facet of nature. we can achieve 4.4 seconds of quickness on consuming now. ( facet of nature actually allows us to hit 120% boon duration)

also, can i just say, that was a super fast reaction by Anet to address the 2 things revs were most upset at? super. fast. 

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I'm of the opinion that Herald should gain quickness on Energy drain amount instead of consume. Then you'd be able to pulse out Quickness with any legend, but dragon stance would be the best at quickness output, being able to maximize energy drain unlike other legends. 


You'd then be able to use your utility skills with the tradeoff of losing some quickness duration per pulse. But it would flow as part of the rotation and swapping to a new legend would allow you to maintain the upkeep of quickness by using their respective energy drain skills. 

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38 minutes ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

Nice to see these hotfixes.

But there's still one missing factor here - quickness application radius. It should be 600.
That's what Herald is, that's what Herald does - extremely reliable, wide area boon application.

We're all together with you on this.


I'm hoping we get to there, 100%, it seems very much we were listened to here, and I'm hoping this trend continues!

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Maintaining quickness is soooooo much better now. 


I've been playing around with quickness herald as a heal build with salvation...and it's pretty awesome.  The extended quickness duration allows you to play without using all your facets on cooldown and allows you to stay in centaur stance a bit more as needed.


Overall, the boon uptime is really strong and being able to be on a heal herald means that you can use mace/shield with staff, making 25 might possible available pretty quickly when you double blast the mace fire field at the start of a fight.

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14 minutes ago, Dahkeus.8243 said:

Maintaining quickness is soooooo much better now. 


I've been playing around with quickness herald as a heal build with salvation...and it's pretty awesome.  The extended quickness duration allows you to play without using all your facets on cooldown and allows you to stay in centaur stance a bit more as needed.


Overall, the boon uptime is really strong and being able to be on a heal herald means that you can use mace/shield with staff, making 25 might possible available pretty quickly when you double blast the mace fire field at the start of a fight.


I've been messing with Herald and ventari, as well as Herald and mallyx;

Firstly I love what was done with salvation,

Secondly, very much condi quickness works, not "optimally" but it does work. My two personal favorite things with Rev have always been mass boon application, and entirely hybrid play, something I tend to not do with vindi, however my zealot set has been performing well there with the ventari changes.

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14 hours ago, Loboling.5293 said:

I'm of the opinion that Herald should gain quickness on Energy drain amount instead of consume. Then you'd be able to pulse out Quickness with any legend, but dragon stance would be the best at quickness output, being able to maximize energy drain unlike other legends. 


You'd then be able to use your utility skills with the tradeoff of losing some quickness duration per pulse. But it would flow as part of the rotation and swapping to a new legend would allow you to maintain the upkeep of quickness by using their respective energy drain skills. 

Maybe a throw out some quickness for every few points of upkeep active... or quickness for every 10 energy spent? The 2nd one seems more usable but upkeeps are more heralds thing.

Alternatively to all of that since there is already a class that gives out quickness for just using its mechanic. Pulse quickness every 3 seconds while an upkeep is active. If you think that is too good, it could require a minimum upkeep cost. But I think the former would be fine if they thought it was balanced for harbinger to have it. 

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15 hours ago, Loboling.5293 said:

I'm of the opinion that Herald should gain quickness on Energy drain amount instead of consume. Then you'd be able to pulse out Quickness with any legend, but dragon stance would be the best at quickness output, being able to maximize energy drain unlike other legends. 

The issue with that is that they will have to balance it around Glint which will make it aweful for any other Legend anyway.

I'd rather see some minor Quickness on the Shield trait instead to bridge the gap when not in Glint.

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30 minutes ago, Xaylin.1860 said:

The issue with that is that they will have to balance it around Glint which will make it aweful for any other Legend anyway.

I'd rather see some minor Quickness on the Shield trait instead to bridge the gap when not in Glint.

That's an interesting idea. Envoy of Exuberance would probably feel a lot less underwhelming with a bit of Quickness attached.

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4 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

That's an interesting idea. Envoy of Exuberance would probably feel a lot less underwhelming with a bit of Quickness attached.

The issue might be that you will have less party Might due to trait choices. Alternatively, you might switch Protection with Quickness. Both at the same time might be a bit too bloated. Not sure what would be more practical.

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