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About Those Tempests

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15 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:



Condizerker shreds any BAD tempest. Tempest has more than enough cleanse, healing, CC, and cover condi to deal with condizerker when the tempest knows what they are doing.


Condizerker has exactly one skill that Tempest needs to fear: skull grinder. But that one skill is locked behind berserk mode (so unavailable ~50% of the time), has a CD, and requires adrenaline to pull off. Oh, and it needs to be done in melee range. And the rest of the mace kit provides no ability for followup damage even if you land it.


Condizerker is also low mobility. With all of Tempest's CC, cripple, chill, and immob output (plus it's own mobility), Tempest has a pretty easy time staying out of reach of the condizerker if the tempest wants to do so.


Condizerker is one the main things I play, and I certainly have splattered my share of eles  (incl tempests) with skull grinder, but only those who don't know how to cleanse and/or dodge. A good tempest a)dodges or stays out of range (or cripples you so you can't get close) and b) promptly cleanses or at least doesn't spam cast with confusion on them. They have more than enough tools to neutralize a condizerker's offense--and still support their team while doing so. 

long textwall.... but i keep it short...

I do not know what to tell you... meeleecondispecs are the hardcounter to Earthtempest.

The 2 tempest builds have both a glaring weakness.

Earthtempest: vulnerable to condis  |   Firetempest: vulnerable to powerdamage


Edited by Sahne.6950
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@Azure The Heartless.3261

Here you go, you don't even need to sift through patch notes. They have the major buff listed in the history of Elemental Bastion - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) which is the trait that heals on aura application. This was a massive buff given to Tempest upon EOD release. They Increased healing coefficient from 0.55 to 0.8 in PvP only. <- This corresponded well with Transference Sigil, which is why Tempests started showing back up in EOD.

Out of all the small buffs it received, this one was rather large and in my opinion it was the exact point where "too much" was given to Tempest. That single buff put it on par with Core Guard level sheer heal output, when it already had the superior utility support in the game with Auras, and this is also why its self sustain has recently been on par with or surpassing Fire Weaver.

It used to be a balanced choice for Ele to choose between being "support" or "selfish bunkery" between Tempest & Fire Weaver. It gave both of these specializations different reasons to be used, which was good design. But now Tempest is just kicking out the numbers, leaving there no real reason to play Core or Weaver or Catalyst or even Core Guard for that matter.

But again, in light of this large heal buff it has received in conjunction with the use of Transference Sigil, it's time for Tempest's personal sustain to be reviewed. It doesn't need self sustain that is on par with Fire Weaver.

4 hours ago, thepolishman.2348 said:

Ele did not receive any significant buffs outside of dagger buffs and alacrity from pre-EOD.  You should read patch notes especially after telling me to read patch notes.

Or you could actually read the patch notes instead of acting like you read the patch notes and pretending that other people who post accurate information didn't read the patch notes.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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I'm pretty sure the reason why Tempest out sustains Fire Weaver is twofold threefold

1. People whined about weaver sustain, so it had its cooldowns increased, barrier reduced, heal coefficients nerfed significantly. 

2. Tempest takes the Water Traitline. Weaver doesn't. Naturally, if one spec takes a sustain+defense traitline and another takes a dps/utility traitline, the one taking sustain + defense will outsustain the other, especially with weaver's baseline tankiness nerfed. 

What Tempest does not outperform in selfish sustain is water weaver, but that build is dead due to aforementioned weaver nerfs. 

3. Healing power amulets were whined out of the game, so in order for things to heal at any decent amount, the coefficients have to be bumped up... but that creates a new problem. 

If healing is buffed to compensate for the reduction of healing power across the board, but Tempests continue using hybrid amulets like Sage/Avatar, they're essentailly getting 500 stats for free. They don't need to pay that extra 500 stat trade-off anymore like they would when investing into a 1k healing amulet. 

Likewise with concentration. Supports don't have to invest into this anymore when giving boons, which lets them invest into vitality or offensive stats instead. 

Want to prevent this from happening again while keeping supports in the game? Add healing power amulets back but make sure that no 1k healing amulet has vitality on it. Lower healing coefficients to compensate. 

Add concentration back into the game. Lower boon output to compensate. 

Supports will have to invest precious stats in order to provide maximum value. The opportunity to create trade-offs is there. 



Edited by Kuma.1503
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