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Equipment Template Wardrobe question

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I have 3 separate equipment template tabs and I want each to have their own set of clothing. Sometimes when I change an outfit on 1, the other 2 become that same outfit, overriding the previous clothing choices. The weapons stay the same, just the clothes change. Today when I changed my number 3 spec, the other 2 overwrote. This means I have to redress the first 2 and spend more time and transmission charges.


This problem has happened before and doesn't always occur. In fact, I checked several alts who seem unaffected by this-at least today.


My question is: Has anyone else noticed this? If so, do you know of an options setting somewhere to stop this from happening?





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This happens because the wardrobe is a seperate system from equipment templates. Transmuting an item through the wardrobe changes how that specific item looks. If you're using the same item on more than one equipment template it will have the same skin on all of them because the skin is tied to the item, not the template. The only exception to that is legendaries.

So if you want different skins on each equipment tab the only way to do it is to use different items on each, or use legendaries.

Also if you mean actual outfits (the one-piece sets which don't cost transmutation charges to change) then there's no way to tie them to equipment templates. You would have to change the outfit yourself each time you switch templates.

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The templates are in reality loadouts. Each has its own contents. Skins don't transfer between those loadouts unless you use the same piece(s) of equipment in each.

Outfits are a completely different story. They are a "layer" you put on top of your character, and the outfit you select will always remain the same regardless of which equipment tab you select.

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So you have to actually have separate pieces in each slot to have them look different?


Let me see if I understand:


Even if I wanted to use the exact same piece of equipment with the exact same stats, but for different specs (Soulbeast, Druid), I couldn't have them look different without obtaining an actual copy of that piece and then manually put it into the other spec's slot, then change the look.


 That makes sense. Thanks for your help.

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11 hours ago, Blindefender.9834 said:

So you have to actually have separate pieces in each slot to have them look different?


Let me see if I understand:


Even if I wanted to use the exact same piece of equipment with the exact same stats, but for different specs (Soulbeast, Druid), I couldn't have them look different without obtaining an actual copy of that piece and then manually put it into the other spec's slot, then change the look.


 That makes sense. Thanks for your help.

That is correct

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