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[Suggestion] Glyph of greater/lesser elementals


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I'm delving into elementalist, and doggone, does it make my hands hurt sometimes. Sometimes I want to have a nice, easy way to play ele from time to time-- a hot take for sure. one way in mind is to make using glyph of elementals a little less...  Use-on-cooldown-centric. For this reason, I would suggest making both elemental types persistent, similar to necro minions. My suggested changes are as follows:

Glyph of Lesser Elementals:

On use, this will summon the Elemental that corresponds to your current element. If that Elemental is already summoned, this instead performs an Elemental Surge, which places the corresponding elemental aura on the elementalist and the corresponding elemental (E.G. Fire aura for fire elementals, frost aura for ice elementals, etc.). You can have one elemental per attunement this way, meaning you can have four elementals total.


Glyph of Greater Elementals:

You can only have one Greater Elemental of any kind at a time. If you activate Glyph of Greater Elementals again while still attuned to the same element, it will perform its specific ability. If you are attuned to a different element than that of your Greater Elemental, then instead your current Elemental is unsummoned, and a new Elemental is summoned in its place of the corresponding element.


Feedback welcome!

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what if i want just 3-5 lesser fire elementals? the elementals from water/air/earth are all frankly useless to me, theres still the need to spend time summoning them in (trying to use the glyph in each attunement) and theyll still probably despawn on mount anyway

for the elite elemental, this just makes the trying to use the command skill extra annoying and less flexible since for example, you can only cast crashing waves in water which already has other healing skills

permanent summons gives them more reason to stay weak and fairly useless, while i think that they should be buffed to match their temporary nature (as annoying as it is). the lesser elementals need to be worth its utility slot, not just squishy, low damage (when not using fire and playing condi) adds that do nothing more than inconsistent might/chill/swiftness/weakness. the elite elemental commands need to be as game changing as crashing waves (while also not being as buggy). the current system is workable, its just that the devs are too busy funnelling everything that could make pets/minions/summons useable into mech

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12 hours ago, BenaSPACE.6028 said:

Glyph of Greater Elementals:

You can only have one Greater Elemental of any kind at a time. If you activate Glyph of Greater Elementals again while still attuned to the same element, it will perform its specific ability. If you are attuned to a different element than that of your Greater Elemental, then instead your current Elemental is unsummoned, and a new Elemental is summoned in its place of the corresponding element.

this would completly butcher my "bruiser tempest". Not good.

Using the Waterelemental for sustain is a pretty big deal in pvp. If you take away the ability to heal with your waterelemental, should you not be in water... it would be a huge nerf.

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8 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

this would completly butcher my "bruiser tempest". Not good.

Using the Waterelemental for sustain is a pretty big deal in pvp. If you take away the ability to heal with your waterelemental, should you not be in water... it would be a huge nerf.

I wouldn't suggest we remove the Greater Ice Elementals's heal-- Just that you should be in Water attunement to use it. The only reason why I suggest this is because Ele's will want to be able to change their greater elemental. Alternatively, it could just use it automatically, though I feel this is too close to random.

Edited by BenaSPACE.6028
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I liked the idea you had to make Ele rotations more simple, but the things you'd like to change would make everything even more complicated if you ask me. If i want all the 4 lesser elementals, i need to activate it in every attunement. That sounds like a chore next to the hammer orbs. Then I want to have the greater fire elemental to add to my dps, but now i can only use it's damage ability when in fire attunement? Another thing I have to keep in mind during my rotations or god forbid i missclick and summon the ice elemental 🥶.

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12 hours ago, BenaSPACE.6028 said:

I wouldn't suggest we remove the Greater Ice Elementals's heal-- Just that you should be in Water attunement to use it. The only reason why I suggest this is because Ele's will want to be able to change their greater elemental. Alternatively, it could just use it automatically, though I feel this is too close to random.

Yeah i already understood this.

The thing tho is, Water is by far the weakest element in alot of builds, people and me included, will go in water, cast the elemental and then leave water and go in the stronger elements for our build. I will then continue my rotations and heal every 15 seconds with the elemental. If i had to switch back to water every 15 seconds to heal, it would completly cripple my gameplay.


Also i see no real reason to change the elements.  Water for CC and sustain.  Fire for Damage. The other ones are big time garbage.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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