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Holosmith >>>>>>>>> Bladesworn

Grand Marshal.4098

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12 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

On that note, its going to be funny when they take hammer into competitive content and wonder why everything is taking 2 damage 

yeah or when they go into wvw and suddenly all cc skills do no damage, because, you know, between 3.0 and 0.01 Anet could not find any suitable middle ground

Edited by Karagee.6830
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I would honestly enjoy Bladesworn more if it operated like Holosmith. The Gunsaber is supposed to be this highly complicated weapon to use, so it would make sense you need a certain level of Flow to be able to operate it.

Generate flow to access F1 (50% threshold), Warrior Traits operate (level 1) off of going into Gunsaber (10s ICD) and off of Dragon Slash (T3 10sICD).

F1 equips Gunsaber 

  1. Auto-attack; Flow selection (Major Adept) dictates this
    1. Heal - First few hits inflict burning
    2. Swiftness - Adds ranged attacks
    3. Slash on Swap - Current Gunsaber AA
  2. Current Gunsaber 2
  3. Current Gunsaber 3
  4. Combination of Break Step & Trigger Guard
  5. Dragon Slash; Slash selection (Major Grandmaster) dictates this--Requires 50 flow to use. 
    1. Immortal - Reach
    2. Unyielding - Slash
    3. Daring - Boost

But that all said, that's simplifying Bladesworn down. I dunno if it's feasible and I know some people prefer it as it currently is. I personally just find it so very clunky, and the weapon limitation (and having to use F1 to weapon swap instead of ` after 9 years) feels horrible to me.

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