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Let's make trading autos with the beefy master of weapons a really bad idea.


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Warrior's should be the melee nightmare. All we are is big boys with a sharp or heavy thing on a stick. We don't have a bunch of utility or teleports or fancy tricks, but it should be a really bad idea to just stand there with a warrior and go toe to toe. As such, I suggest buffing warrior auto attacks to become more dangerous the longer you sit there and trade blows. This should apply to all weapons, but I'm using greatsword and axe as examples, since they are our standard power dps weapons. Essentially I want back the scary axe auto from way back when, but applied to warrior as a whole.


Axe Auto Chain (Competitive)

  1. Cast Time: 3.6 seconds
  2. Coefficients: .47, 1.0, 1.0, 1.06
  3. Coefficient Per Second: .98


Greatsword Auto Chain (Competitive)

  1. Cast Time: 2.4 seconds
  2. Coefficients: .469, .6365, .8375
  3. Coefficient Per Second: .809


I think the initial damage should stay how it is, but I want to make it so that the longer you just sit there and auto back and forth with a warrior, the worse of an idea it becomes. As such, I suggest buffing the second chain hit by a bit, and buffing the final hit by a good margin. The numbers are up for debate, but you should know that the master of weapons has the biggest stick.

Edited by Zuko.7132
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May I make a counter?

Update the trait Furious so that instead of granting 10 condition damage (caps at 250) and 1 adrenaline on a critical hit it instead increases condition damage by 1% and critical hit damage by 1% for 10s and grants 1 adrenaline on a critical hit.


Critical hits grant bonus adrenaline and gain a stacking condition damage effect.

  Furious Surge (10s): 10 Condition Damage

  Adrenaline: 1

 Stacks up to 25 times


Critical hits grant bonus adrenaline and gain a stacking damage effect.

  Furious Surge (10s): +1% condition damage and 1% increased critical hit damage

  Adrenaline: 1

 Stacks up to 25 times

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12 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

May I make a counter?

Update the trait Furious so that instead of granting 10 condition damage (caps at 250) and 1 adrenaline on a critical hit it instead increases condition damage by 1% and critical hit damage by 1% for 10s and grants 1 adrenaline on a critical hit.


Critical hits grant bonus adrenaline and gain a stacking condition damage effect.

  Furious Surge (10s): 10 Condition Damage

  Adrenaline: 1

 Stacks up to 25 times


Critical hits grant bonus adrenaline and gain a stacking damage effect.

  Furious Surge (10s): +1% condition damage and 1% increased critical hit damage

  Adrenaline: 1

 Stacks up to 25 times


This would be VASTLY superior to the current form (which is borderline useless, and vastly outclassed by traits like Lingering Curse, which gives you +200 condi dmg without any need to build it up or maintain it).

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1 hour ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:


This would be VASTLY superior to the current form (which is borderline useless, and vastly outclassed by traits like Lingering Curse, which gives you +200 condi dmg without any need to build it up or maintain it).

I think building up stacks is fine, so long as each new application (except for Might) renews the duration of existing stacks.

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Warrior kind of has this through a variety of traits (i.e. forceful greatsword which gives really nice might gen on auto). Warrior actually has strong auto attacks compared to other classes going off the top of my head (I’ll run the actual numbers to double check). The problem is it’s mitigation and staying power in melee. Warrior has been playing a peek-a-boo style for a while now because of this  (basically since the Mets build shifted from Defense spell to Str Dagger if my memory is correct).


Again, I will run the numbers to verify, maybe make a topic to see what people’s conclusion from that is 🙂 

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2 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I think building up stacks is fine, so long as each new application (except for Might) renews the duration of existing stacks.

I agree; I think building up stacks is a fine mechanic.  However, if player A has to land 25 crits every 10s to get/maintain +250 condition dmg and player B just gets +200 condition damage while doing nothing at all, there's a balance issue.  Especially when you consider that Player A needs to use slow-casting condi weapons like sword and longbow, neither of which lend themselves to fast crits (outside of flurry, which has its own issues)/sustained cleave needed to generate the 25 stacks in the first place.


Stacks refreshing on generation helps with this a bit, but the payoff still needs to be greater than someone who just gets a big buff for free.  Your version makes sense because it is decidedly stronger (and hybrid).  It justifies the penalty of having the bonus tied to crits.  The old (current) Furious  doesn't pull its weight.

Edited by CalmTheStorm.2364
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