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how does the matchmaking work with duos?


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4 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

The cartel will never fall. lol 

Nah bro their days are numbered.  As the saying goes "the light that burns twice as bright burns half as long."


If the game died and shut down tomorrow, who do you think its going to hurt the most? 

The honest PvPer who might have dropped a few on the gem store here and there? Or the sweaty wintrader who paid several thousand dollars for some digital text to appear beneath their name? I've even heard rumors of internal organs being sold to cover the annual cost of "God of the Arena." 

Ironically enough, with every honest player they push away from the game, they also accelerate themselves towards this inevitable tragedy.

4 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

The only thing I can see putting a dent in this is removing duo queue and creating a separate conquest mode for premades of all group sizes.  

Yes exactly! This would work and this is proof that there is hope.

And maybe its true. Maybe we can't beat them, but even if we don't, we won't lose to them either. 💪


I don't really have any thoughts of profession balance. I gave up on that somewhere between 2/2020 and present as I firmly believe that period in PvP balance history took at least 8 years off my natural lifespan.

I can only really criticize the gamemode and the dated & exploitable aspects of that as a result.

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On 8/19/2022 at 11:12 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Multicolorhipster.9751 told you man

That's why they throw on us even without supporting a main, because it's IN PREPARATION to go duo with a main to support it. When the alts get too high rating, they do phases where they just enter games and lose on purpose to lower the rating back down real far again, so they can queue with the main and help the main again.

And then of course when that 1000 rated alt joins the main, make sure an actual p2+ is smurfing hard on it so the matches are ridiculously easier than they should be.

It's just garbage. It's way too easy to exploit. This is why the match quality is so randomly volatile dice throw bad. If you aren't in on the throw wars like this, playing to even 1550 and maintaining it, is like Herculeic struggle in 2022.

This is why they make so many new alts all the time, because alts with really low total games played get easier matches. I mean pretty much anyone can snag a top 25 title if you play at around your skill level as example, and a have a couple buddies at the same level who want to help you do this. All you need to do is make sure to queue dodge other win trade crews.

lol had to practice it like 5x or 6x before making the stream go live.

To me, this is why you just need to ABOLISH matchmaking as is. You can have the best matchmaking algorithm in the world. It will not matter if people can come in and mess it up with their alts. Either have completely random matches or fix up hot-join once and for all. Because then, you don't need matchmaking. Everybody picks who they want to play with.


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You guys act as if lowrated duo and highrated duo is the only way to botch the system. Try queuing as two 1800+ late night and youll see some interesting games as well. 

Ive had games with players that were 1100-1200rated that never had pvped before 🙂 


Best solution? Soloq only, remove sny unique titles, that means remove the ones that have been given as well to avoid wintrading/qdodging



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1 hour ago, Indecipherable.3621 said:

You guys act as if lowrated duo and highrated duo is the only way to botch the system. Try queuing as two 1800+ late night and youll see some interesting games as well. 

Ive had games with players that were 1100-1200rated that never had pvped before 🙂 


When even Sind is switching sides, then you know we're at a point where literally everyone is sick of DuoQ and how it exist rn.

1 hour ago, Indecipherable.3621 said:

Best solution? Soloq only, remove sny unique titles, that means remove the ones that have been given as well to avoid wintrading/qdodging

Don't know if I trust that though.

I don't think SoloQ only is the way to go because the wintrader cartel will just whine again a few months later and Anet will cave again. Like they did the first time.

They could keep teams as a separate Ranked option with separate LBs and titles, even if it only exists for the sole purpose of dabbing on the wintraders, doesn't matter.

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4 hours ago, Indecipherable.3621 said:

Best solution? Soloq only, remove sny unique titles, that means remove the ones that have been given as well to avoid wintrading/qdodging



Hrm, I think visible rating in general would need to be removed, all forms of it. I'm talking badge icons, leaderboards, even pages on gw2efficiency, should all be scrapped.

I think if they got rid of the titles only, win trade cliques or whomever it may be, will just turn to current rating to fulfill the ego and the throw show will go on.

I absolutely hate the idea of removing the clout show because this is what makes ranked fun. But I don't see any other way to intrinsically eliminate any & all motives to match manipulate.

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