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Bladesworn or harbinger


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been  a while since I  play.  3-4 years really and want to come back. Looked at the wiki and stuff. Never really had a high lvl character before and never did much end game. But I'm looking at those two  specs in particular.  How hard are they?  I know necro base used to be pretty simple and warrior could be nothing but a buff bot at times. I'm not planning on raiding at least not right off but i  do want to just focus one class. Which  out of those and their other elite specs would be more reliable i guess im asking, or more fully rounded as a class over all.

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Thanks for the reply  but honestly? No idea what  you mean  by  nervous. I know I prefer more mobile classes over all.  and hearing that  gunsworn is rooted makes me lean towards harbinger more. And don't know what  I  prefer since not played in  such  a long time  and I  really don't want to lvl  a character up  only to find out I  hate it you know? 

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I  can  see that  this might be an  impossible choice at least by asking for advice. Not that  I  don't apricate it.I really do. Its just while i  was leaning towards harb as I thought it might be more mobile thanks to the first reply  ,It might not be.  Maybe I should just flip  a coin.  Might be easier and stop  myself from questioning so  much.

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Harb is the most mobile necro spec if that helps. You get 2 movement skills with the new shroud. Also necro in general doesnt lock you into animations with maybe an exception greatsword reaper (its not bad though) and doesnt root you. So while its not the most mobile profession out there it doesnt hinder you. You can also get Flesh Wurm for a quick teleport out of trouble / reposition, used a lot in pvp. If you ask pvp crowd many will agree its too mobile for what it can do.

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You can try out a specs entire kit in the pvp lobby. Just get your character to level 2, enter the lobby and see what it feels like.

There's no wrong choices here though. Leveling doesn't take that long especially when you have reached level 80 once and you start collecting tomes of knowledge.

GW2 is also very alt friendly, so long term you can easily have access to and play all professions.

Just go with your gut and see if you like it. If you don't making the change will be easy enough.

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23 hours ago, Delinquee.4513 said:

been  a while since I  play.  3-4 years really and want to come back. Looked at the wiki and stuff. Never really had a high lvl character before and never did much end game. But I'm looking at those two  specs in particular.  How hard are they?  I know necro base used to be pretty simple and warrior could be nothing but a buff bot at times. I'm not planning on raiding at least not right off but i  do want to just focus one class. Which  out of those and their other elite specs would be more reliable i guess im asking, or more fully rounded as a class over all.

I play both and i enjoy both. They are a bit different in pay style.


The harbinger, you have your gun that's almost as fast as a machine gun shooting out green lasers. Super fun. And you have the. Your elixirs and blight that you have to balance by stacking blight and then going into shroud and unloading and using up that blight for insane burst damage. You are a bit on the squishy side, especially for a necromancer, unless you use minions, which if you want to take on champions etc. makes you really strong. 


The bladesworn. Many people don't understand it. Many people are against it and still are. Now bladesworn is starting to become meta because people figured out how it works. I always keep hearing the complaint how much it is rooted. Yes, you have the dragon trigger that you need to fill up. It's like putting your car on maximum throttle and then letting it go. But i actually feel it flows very quickly. You attack with your axe and pistol and then go to your gun saber which just slashes and shoots due to the ammo style and is super fast. Then you have enough flow go to dragon trigger. You can fill it up to full 10 charged but unless you're fighting some tough boss or elite, you won't need the full charge for most mobs, even veterans. It's super satisfying to see you either slash or slide through your enemies and they all drop after that. 


So, both are fun. One is a caster and the other obviously melee. I would recommend trying them out how they play in pvp lobby or watching some YouTube to see the gameplay before committing.  

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